Regional organization created to promote political and economic cooperation and regional stability among the countries in the Southeast Asian region.
Association of the Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN)
ASEAN was established on ____________
August 8,1967 through Bangkok declaration
Founding Members of the ASEAN
When was the other countries joined?
Brunei Darussalam (January 7, 1984)
Viet Nam (July 28, 1995)
Lao PDR (July 23, 1997)
Myanmar (July 23, 1997)
Cambodia (April 30, 1999)
ASEAN’s main objectives?
- accelerate economic growth
- enhance social progress and cultural development
- promote regional peace and stability in the region
What are the fundamental principles of ASEAN as contained in the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia of 1976.
- mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations
- the right of every state to lead its national existence free from external interference, subversion or coercion.
- non-interference in the internal affairs of one another
- settlement of differences or disputes by a peaceful manner
- renunciation of the threat or use of force
- effective cooperation among each other
Refers to the legal document that provides the legal status and institutional framework for cooperation within the ASEAN region and towards the formation of the ASEAN Community
ASEAN Charter
codifies ASEAN norms, rules and values; set clear targets for ASEAN; and presents accountability and compliance
ASEAN Charter
established the rules-based system and structures for the conduct of ASEAN affairs
ASEAN Charter
ASEAN Charter was signed by the Governments of the 10 AMSs on ____________and entered into force on December 15,2008
November 20, 2007
Main declaration of the ASEAN Charter
- To maintain and enhance peace and security in the region, and to preserve Southeast Asia as a nuclear weapon-freezone
- To create a single market and production base
- To strengthen democracy, enhance good governance and the rule of law and to promote human rights.
- To respect the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and national identity off all AMSs
- Renunciation of aggression and threat or use of force in any matter inconsistent with international law, and reliance on peaceful settlement of disputes.
- Non-interference in the international affairs on Member States
- To alleviate poverty and narrow the development gap within ASEAN.
- To promote sustainable development to protect the environment, natural resources and cultural heritage.
- To develop human resources and well being through cooperation on education, equitable access to development opportunities, social welfare and justice.
- To promote an ASEAN identity through awareness of culture.
Rights and obligations of AMSs under ASEAN Charter
- have equal rights and obligations
- must take all necessary measures, including the enactment of appropriate domestic legislation
- In case of serious breach of Charter, refer the matter for consultation under Article 20 (Consultation and Consensus) of the Charter.
Procedures for the application and admission of new members
a. Prescribed by the ASEAN Coordinating Council (ACC)
b. admission is based on:
* location, recognized region of Southeast Asia
* recognition by all AMSs
* agreed to be bound and abode to ASEAN Charter
* ability and willingness to carry out the obligations of Membership
c. Admission decided by consensus by the ASEAN Summit, recommended by the ACC
d. applicant shall be admitted to ASEAN upon signing an instrument of Accession to the Charter
General principles for the settlement of disputes
- Member States shall endeavor to resolve peacefully all disputes in a timely manner through dialogue, consultation and negotiation.
- ASEAN shall maintain and establish dispute settlement mechanism in all fields of ASEAN cooperation.
association holds meetings known as _______________, where heads of the state or government of each member state meet to discuss and resolve regional issues, as well as meet with other countries outside of the bloc with the intention of promoting external relations
ASEAN Summit
Functions of the ASEAN Summit
- deliberates, provides policy guidance, and takes decisions on key issues pertaining to the realization of the objectives of ASEAN
- instruct the relevant ministers in each of the Councils concerned to hold ad hoc inter-Ministerial meetings, and address important issues concerning ASEAN that cut across the Community Councils
- addressed emergency situations affecting ASEAN by taking appropriate actions
- decides on matters referred to it under Chapter VII and VIII.
- authorizes the establishment and dissolution of Sectorial Ministerial Bodies and other ASEAN institutions
- appoints the Secretary-General of ASEAN
ASEAN Summit meetings are held ____________ annually, is hosted by the Member State holding the ____________
ASEAN Chairmanship
what bodies comprise the ASEAN Summit?
a. ASEAN Coordinating Council
b. ASEAN Community Council
c. ASEAN Sectorial Ministerial Bodies
The ASEAN Coordinating Council is comprises of _________________and meet at least twice a year.
ASEAN Foreign Ministers
ASEAN Coordinating Council functions
- prepare the meetings of the ASEAN Summit;
- coordinate the implementation of agreements and decisions of the ASEAN Summit:
- coordinate with the ASEAN Community Councils to enhance policy coherence, efficiency, and cooperation among them;
- coordinate the reports of the ASEAN Community Councils to the ASEAN Summit,
- consider the annual report of the Secretary-General on the work of ASEAN;
- consider the report of the Secretary-General on the functions and operations of the ASEAN Secretariat and other relevant bodies;
- approve the appointment and termination of the Deputy Secretaries- General upon the recommendation of the Secretary-General; and
- undertake other tasks provided for in this Charter or such other functions as may be assigned by the ASEAN Summit.
3 pillars of the ASEAN Community Council
(i) ASEAN Political-Security Community Council (APSCC);
(ii) ASEAN Economic Community Council (AECC); and
(iii) ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Council (ASCCC).
Function of ASEAN Community Council
- ensure the implementation of the relevant decisions of the ASEAN Summit;
- coordinate the work of the different sectors under its purview, and on issues which cut across the other Community Councils; and
- submit reports and recommendations to the ASEAN Summit on matters under its purview.
Each ASEAN Community Council should have under its purview the relevant __________ and meet at least ______ a year to be chaired by the appropriate Minister from the Member State holding the ASEAN Chairmanship. Each Member State should designate its national representation for each ASEAN Community Council meeting.
ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial bodies
implement the agreements and decisions of the ASEAN Summit under their respective purview; strengthen cooperation. in their respective fields in support of ASEAN integration and community building; and submit reports and recommendations to their respective Community Councils
ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Bodies
Each ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Body may have under its purview the relevant _______ and _________ to undertake its functions as contained in Annex 1
senior officials
subsidiary bodies
The Annex may be updated by the _______ upon the recommendation of the Committee of Permanent Representatives without recourse to the provision on Amendments under this Charter.
Secretary-General of ASEAN
Who appoints the Secretary-General of ASEAN?
ASEAN Summit
what should be the rank and status to be appointed as Secretary General of ASEAN?
who will serve with the confidence and at the pleasure of the ASEAN Heads of State or Government upon the recommendation of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting.
what is the term of office of the Secretary-General of ASEAN?
5 years non-renewable
selected among nationals of AMSs based on alphabetical rotation.
his mandate is to initiate, advise, coordinate and Implement ASEAN activities. mandate is to initiate, advise, coordinate and Implement ASEAN activities.
Secretary General of ASEAN
shall rotate annually, based on the alphabetical order of the English names of the Member States.
Chairmanship of ASEAN
Chairmanship of ASEAN shall:
actively promote and enhance the interests and well-being of ASEAN, including efforts to build an ASEAN Community, through policy initiatives, coordination, consensus, and cooperation;
ensure the centrality of ASEAN;
ensure an effective and timely response to urgent issues or crisis situations affecting ASEAN;
represent ASEAN in strengthening and promoting closer relations with external partners; and
carry out such other tasks and functions as may be mandated
In a calendar year, ASEAN shall have a _________ Chairmanship
single or 1
Chairmanship shall chair?
(I) ASEAN Summit and related summits;
(ii) ACC;
(iii) ASEAN Community Councils;
iv) ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Bodies and senior officials, where appropriate; and
(v) Committee of Permanent Representatives.
community of opportunities
ASEAN Community
ascertains that the goal of ASEAN’s founding fathers of improving the lives of its people is reflected in the region’s economic and cultural development, social progress, regional peace and security, collaboration, mutual assistance in training and research, improvement of living standards, promotion of Southeast Asian studies, and cooperation with regional and international organizations.
ASEAN Community
At the 9th ASEAN Summit in October 2003, ASEAN Leaders resolved that an ASEAN Community shall be established in _______ and signed the Bali Concord II Declaration. The establishment of the ASEAN Community is the main goal of the ASEAN Vision 2020.
the end goal of economic integration as espoused in the Vision 2020, which is based on a convergence of interests of AMS to deepen and broaden economic integration through existing and new initiatives with clear timelines.
ASEAN Economic Community
serves as a coherent master plan guiding the establishment of the AEC. It identifies the characteristics and elements of the AEC with clear targets and timelines for implementation of various measures as well as pre-agreed flexibilities to accommodate the interests of all AMSs.
AEC Blueprint or ASEAN Economic Blueprint
when was the implementation of the first EAC Blueprint?
2015-2018 adopted om 2007
achievements in the implementation of the first EAC Blueprint
eliminating tariffs and facilitating free trade;
advancing the services trade liberalization agenda;
liberalizing investment; streamlining and harmonizing capital market regulatory frameworks and platforms;
facilitating skilled labour mobility; promoting the development of regional frameworks in competition policy, consumer protection and intellectual property rights; promoting connectivity;
narrowing the development gap; and strengthening ASEAN’s relationship with external parties.
ASEAN recognizes that regional economic integration is a dynamic, on-going process as economies as well as domestic external environments are constantly evolving, it has developed the AEC Blueprint _______. Adopted by the ASEAN Leaders at the 27th ASEAN Summit on 22 November 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is built upon the AEC Blueprint 2015 and will provide broad directions through strategic measures to guide the next phase of ASEAN economic integration from 2016 to 2025.
The AEC Blueprint 2025 forms part of ASEAN 2025:
Forging Ahead Together.
key characteristics of AEC 2025
Highly Integrated and Cohesive ASEAN Economy
A Competitive, Innovative, and Dynamic ASEAN
Enhanced Connectivity and Sectoral Cooperation
A Resilient, Inclusive, People-Oriented, and People-Centered ASEAN
A Global ASEAN
elements comprising a highly integrated and cohesive ASEAN economy
Trade in goods
Trade in services
Investment environment
Financial integration, financial inclusion, and financial stability
Facilitated movement of skilled labour and business visitors
Enhanced participation of global value chain
elements comprising an innovative and dynamic ASEAN
Effective competition policy
Consumer protection
Strengthened intellectual property rights cooperation
Productivity-driven growth, innovation, research and development, and
technology commercialization
Taxation cooperation
Good governance
Effective, efficient, coherent, and responsive regulation, and good regulatory practices
Sustainable economic development
Global megatrends and emerging trade-related issues
elements comprising enhanced connectivity and sectoral cooperation
Information and communication technology
Food agriculture and forestry
Sciences and technology
elements comprising a resilient, inclusive, people-oriented, and people- centered ASEAN
Strengthened role of micro, small, and medium enterprises
Strengthened role of the private sector
Enhanced Public-private partnership
Narrowed development gap
Intensified contribution of stakeholders on regional integration efforts
approaches for the ASEAN to be fully integrated into the global economy
ASEAN is continuing to make steady progress towards integrating the region into the global economy
Building on the gains from ASEAN’s global engagement and its economic integration initiatives
what is the status of tariff reduction and/or elimination within ASEAN?
ASEAN 6 – eliminated intra-ASEAN import duties on 99.65 tariff lines
CLMV – reduce import duties to 0%-5% on 98.86 tariff lines
today focused is given to addressing non-tariff measures that could have non-tariff barrier effects on the region’s trade and business activities.
the first pillar of the ASEAN, aims to ensure that countries in the region live at peace with one another and with the world in a just, democratic and harmonious environment. The members of the Community pledge to rely exclusively on peaceful processes in the settlement of intra-regional differences and regard their security as fundamentally linked to one another and bound by geographic location, common vision and objective
ASEAN Political Security Community
The political and security cooperation in ASEAN is based on, among other things, the _____________, the ___________, and the _______________ which provides principles of shared commitments and collective responsibility in enhancing regional peace, security, and prosperity.
1976 Treaty of Amity on Cooperation (TAC) in Southeast Asia
1995 Treaty of SEA Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone
ASEAN Charter
components of the ASEAN Political-Security Community
Political development
Shaping and sharing of norms
Conflict prevention
Conflict resolution
Post-conflict peace building
Implementing mechanisms
three (3) key characteristics of the APSC Blueprint
rules-based Community of shared values and norms;
a cohesive, peaceful, stable, and resilient region with shared responsibility for comprehensive security; and
a dynamic and outward-looking region in an increasingly integrated and interdependent world.
At the 14th ASEAN Summit on __________in Cha-am/HuaHin, Thailand, the APSC Blueprint was adopted by the ASEAN Leaders
01 March 2009
the third pillar of the ASEAN, aims to contribute to realising an ASEAN Community that is people-oriented and socially responsible with a view to achieving enduring solidarity and unity among the peoples and Member States of ASEAN.
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
seeks to forge a common identity and build a caring and sharing society which is inclusive and where the well-being, livelihood, and welfare of the ASEAN peoples are enhanced. Its main focus is on nurturing human, cultural and natural resources for sustained development in a harmonious and people-oriented ASEAN.
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
represents the human dimension of ASEAN cooperation and upholds ASEAN’s commitment to address the region’s aspiration to lift the quality of life of its peoples. The ASCC Blueprint was adopted by the ASEAN Leaders during the 14th ASEAN Summit held in Cha-am/Hua Hin, Thailand on 01 March 2009.
ASCC Blueprint
characteristics of the ASCC Blueprint
Human Development
Social Welfare and Protection
Social Justice and Rights
Environmental Sustainability
Building the ASEAN Identity
Narrowing the Development Gap
What are the 10 AMSs
Brunei Darussalam