REGIONAL: I. APEC Flashcards
refers to the association created in 1989 tot econömies that share the boundaries of the Pacific Ocean
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum
APEC currently has 21 Member countries, namely:
Australia; Brunei
Darussalam; Canada; Chile;
People’s Republic of China;
Hong Kong, China; Indonesia;
Japan; Republic of Korea;
Malaysia; Mexico;
New Zealand; Papua
Guinea; Peru;
the Philippines; Russia;
Singapore; Chinese
Taipei; Thailand;
United States of America; and Viet Nam.
four (4) objectives of APEC
- Sustain the growth and development of the region
- Enhance the gains of both the regional and world economies
- Develop and strengthen the open multilateral trading system
- Reduce barriers to trade in goods and services, and minimize hindrance to investment
What are the programs to achieve APEC’s objectives
Facilitation of trade and investment
Technical cooperation
Economic policy coordination
operational targets set by the APEC leaders in Osaka to achieve the goal of free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region by 2020
Trade in goods
Trade in services
International investment
Dispute settlement
Competition policy
Administrative procedures
Non-agricultural goods that are entirely or partially comprised of parts that:
(i) have been obtained from the disassembly of used goods; and
(ii) have been processed, cleaned, inspected, and tested to the extent necessary to ensure they have been restored to original working condition or better; and for which the remanufacturer has issued a warranty
Remanufactured goods
Product that goes through a recovery process where it is transformed through cleaning, testing, and other operations so.that it meets the same specifications as a new good2
Remanufactured goods
Product that goes through a recovery process where it is transformed through cleaning, testing, and other operations so that it meets the same specifications as a new good
Remanufactured goods
Industrial goods assembled in the territory of a Party classified under HS Chapter 84, 85, 87, or 90 or heading 94.02, except goods classified under HS heading 84.18 or 85.16, that:
(i) are entirely or partially comprised of recovered goods; and
(ii) have a similar life expectancy and enjoy a factory warranty similar to such new goods
Remanufactured goods
Industrial good assembled in the territory Of a Party as listed in Annex 4.A, that: (i) is entirely or partially composed of recovered goods; (ii) has the same life expectancy and meets the same performance standards as a new good; and (iii) enjoys the same factory warranty as such a new good
Remanufactured goods
relevant use of advance rulings to the APEC economies
help to address chokepoints in the supply chain
are annual reports that record the unilateral steps taken by Members to meet the Bogor Goals. These are prepared for each of the fifteen (15) policy action areas of the Osaka Action Agenda.
Individual Action Plans
Why do Members need to submit Individual Action Plans?
- To improve the transparency
- To encourage Members to focus on, policy ,issues which need to be addressed
- To maintain and demonstrate the momentum of APEC trade and investment efforts
*To enable Members to learn from the liberalization and facilitation experiences of others
Each economy required to keep this database current by providing both regular updates of tariff information as changes occur and annual updates of trade and other agreed-upon data.
APEC Tariff Database
refers to the industry sector devoted to solving, limiting, or preventing environmental problems. EGS companies may be involved in manufacturing and/or services related to water or air pollution, waste management, recycling, renewable energy, monitoring, and analysis and assessment
Environmental Goods and Services (EGS)
What is the Philippines’ Environmental Goods Schedule
EO 185 was issued, modifying the MFN rate of certain environmental goods, in compliance with the Philippines’ commitment. Items subjected to 5% MFN rates included condensers for steam or other vapour power units, waste incinerators, and filtering machinery and apparatus for liquids or gases.
implications of the APEC Work Programme on Environmental Goods to the Philippines
Reduction of tariffs to 5% in 2015 on the environmental goods in the APEC List will improve market access of Philippine exports to USA, Taiwan and Mexico on six (6) tariff lines.