Regional Focus Flashcards
Why did China fail (until 1950) to react adequately to the Western technological Challenge?
, mainly because the ideology, mindset and education system of the bureaucracy promoted an ethnocentric outlook, indifferent to developments outside China
weil die Ideologie, Denkweise und das Bildungssystem der Bürokratie eine ethnozentrische Ausrichtung förderten, die gegenüber Entwicklungen außerhalb Chinas gleichgültig war.
Show the development of the China GDP
1820 –> 1913
- in 1820 the GDP had accounted for 32% of the world GDP
- by 1913, it had declined dramatically to only 9% of world GDP
- in this periode the economies of Europe and the US surged ahead
China’s current economy
5 Problems
- real estate bubble
- stock market bubble
- municipal dept
- excess capacity (cheep credit, boost from governement)
- capital flight
major exports
major exports:
- computers, broadcasting equipment, telephones
major imports:
- crude petroleum, intergrated circuits, iron ore, gold, cards
Name the 3 biggest reason “why foreign companies fail in China”
- Not understanding the market and culture (consumer behaviour, internet, …)
- Picking the wrong / ingnoring the right local Partner
- not playing nice with the government
How many companies fail and withdraw from china in 2 years?
48% of foreign corporations fail an withdraw from china within two years
Top 5 Business Challenges for foreign Companies?
- Inconsistenc regulatory interpretation and unclear laws
- rising labour costs
- regulatory compliance risks
- shortage of qualified employees
- increasing chinese protectionism
Which advantages do the chinese companies have over the foreigner?
- cost advantages
- price
- government and other guanxi
- unethical behaviour
Which advantages do the foreigner companies have over the chinese?
- brand
- product
- technology
- marketing and sales
Outlook for Business Opportunities
− Over 50% of Swiss, EU, and US companies stated an intention
to increase investments in China in 2017.
− China once again ranks as a top investment priority for
Swiss firms, with 57% of managers of Swiss subsidiaries
considering China to be a top 3 investment priority, in contrast
to 48% in 2016.
− Foreign SMEs are expecting higher profits in substantially
greater numbers than last year.
− Testament to the ability of Western companies of all sizes to
compete and succeed in China.
− All but american managers are looking optimistically towards
the next five years (election of D. Trump may have caused a
more cautious response).
Explain “Guanxi”
“Guanxi] describes a relationship that is established between people or organizations with the aim of obtaining personal advantages.
„[Guanxi] beschreibt eine Beziehung, die zwischen Menschen oder Organisationen mit dem Ziel aufgebaut wird, sich persönliche Vorteile zu erschleichen
The DISadvantages of being a grey economy
- Roughly 90% of India’s economic activities happen in the informal sector: not listed, unorganized, poorly capitalized on, not taxed, legally unprotected
- 9 in 10 workers are estimated to work in the grey economy (the finance ministry of India thinks the figure may be lower)
- Businesses in the informal sector employ two-thirds of all manufacturing workers, at far lower pay than in those in the formal sector
- In the World Bank’s “Ease of doing business” annual report, India ranks at a miserable position of 172th out of 190 for paying corporate taxes
Facts of the onverburdened judiciary
- A relatively weak executive and slow parliament are a large burden on the judicial pillar
- India’s judiciary is opaque, slow and understaffed:
- There are only 14 judges per million people (USA: 107 per million)
Thousands of unfilled judicial job positions, including 31 judgeships in the Supreme Court
- approximately 30m legal cases pending,
- 6m of which have been stuck in the courts for five years or longer
- 2/3 of the 400,000 inmates in Indian prisons are yet to be convicted of any crime
Result: the combination of an overburdened judiciary with widespread corruption, the Indian citizen deeply distrusts the country’s judiciary
Digital Transformation
Electronic Payments
- Early 2017: almost none.
January 2018: over 150m transactions per month - The Indian taxman should love it: electronic transactions leave a digital trail that makes it harder to do business informally
- The government should love it too: less corruption and better criminal prosecution
How many unbanked people?
estimated 233 million
How many non-cash transactions in % of all transactions?
but might overtake cash transactions in 2020 –> rise of digital payment
Middle East:
Facts About the Arab League
Founded 1945 –> 22 Country memebers (Egypt, Saudi, Quatar, Kuwait, Iraqu, Syria…..)
Middle East:
Arab League