Reggie Quotes Flashcards
Initial introduction of Reggie
“Reggie was sixteen and could have passed for twelve. If she forgot her bus pass she could still get on board for a child’s fare. Nobody asked, nobody checked, nobody really took any notice of Reggie at all. Sometimes she wondered if she was invisible. It was very easy to slip between the cracks, especially if you were small” - 25
reggies age - chapter 3
“inside she was a hundred years old” - 25
how she feels - chapter 3
“ helpless”, “confused” and “small” - 28
ref to dickens 3
32 “Reggie liked Dickens, his books were full of plucky abandoned orphans struggling to make their way in the world. Reggie knew that journey only too well”
virgin reggie 3
Pg 26 “Reggie would happily die a virgin. The virgin queen. Virgo Regina. A vestal virgin”
effect of mothers death - trauma 3
Pg 36 “but coming home to an empty house with no one to say hello was even worse. You would have never thought that two little words could be so important” - 36
mother: mermaid 3
56 “feel what it was like, imagining her mother anchored underwater by her hair like some new, mysterious strain of seaweed”
brother and puppy 3
29 “she’d had a puppy once but her brother threw it out of the window” “second worst day of Reggie’s life so far”
love for Dr H and Baby - ch 3
Pg 47 “they weren’t her family. And Dr Hunter and the baby were”
end of chapter 3 what does Joanna say to her?
Pg 61 “when everything else is gone, love still remains” “But what good did it do you? None at all”
socioeconomic background
Pg 30 “third-floor shoebox” “windowless boxroom”
sanctuary: chapter six - fond memory reggie has of mother
“reggie liked to put her arm around mum’s waist and feel the comfortable roll of fat that girdled her middle and her squashy tummy” - 95
great expectations
satis house chapter 8
how does reggie want dr h to think of her
“heroically, cheerfully competent” - 122
satis house chapter 8
victimisation of reggie
“reggie chase, orphan of the parish, poor Jenny Wren, Little Reggie, the infant phenomenon” - 123
mermaid imagery ch 8
“her beautiful long hair was trapped in a drain down in the turquoise depth it was too late”
“english mermaid free” - 129
gary left her mum - ch 8
pg 131 “reggie waited to see if he would recognize her but her didn’t even notice her”
“with another woman. Almost like infidelity”
ref to wuthering heights and rebecca end of chapter 8
pg 133 “cathy home to Wuthering Heights. Mum’s ghost looking for Reggie. Back soon. Je reviens. Or just nobody and nothing. Hast falls the eventide; the darkness deepens”
chapter 11: reggie as mouse
pg 167 “reggie chase, as small as a mouse, as quiet as a house with no home”
chapter 11: reggies insinct to protect
pg 167 “reggie leaped instinctively to her feet”
pg 168 “poised for flight”
“reggie picked up the phone in the hall and dialled 999”
“reggie wasn’t going to be that person who presumed” - learns from dr hunter
“the world wasn’t going to end this night. Not if Reggie had anything to do with it”
chapter 11: train imagery
pg 167 “growing louder and louder”
“great rumbling”
“seemed to be rolling towards the house”
“as if a giant hand was clawing a giant blackboard”
chapter 13: reggie confused questioning where joanna has gone
“what did he mean she’d gone away? gone away? gone away where? And why?” - 175
which page is the interrogation from reggie to mr hunter about joanna leaving: ch 13
pg 176
reggies day now joanna was gone: ch 13
pg 177 “the day suddenly stretched emptily ahead”
reggie talks about train crash deaths specifically: ch 13
people she knew had died. people she didn’t know had died. Drama
reggie talks about journalist coming after her mum died - ch 13
“man lurking in the stairwell”
“sheepish little wave as if even he, battle-hardened veteran of a hundred local tragedies … could understand why a girl who had just lost her mother might not want to be photographed at eight in the morning with her eyes red-raw from weeping”
“fuck off” - 180
trauma of helping during train crash ch 13
“her brain was fudge”
“she had come in from the train crash, soaked to the skin and covered in mud and filth and blood. The man’s blood” 183
reggie talking to policeman after train crash - ch 13
“everybody’s dead”
“she was tired, down to the bone”
reggie experiencing grief - ch 13
“a great bubble of something like laughter but that she knew was grief rose up in Reggie’s chest” - 186
quote about billy - ch 13
billy only cared about billy - 187
quote about reggie saving jackson - ch 13
“not the breath of life but the kiss of death” - 188
“it was like a nightmare game of twister” - 189
chapter 16: train crash in news
“the evening news was making the most of the train crash” “CARNAGE!’ the headline screamed” - 211
16 starts 210
reggies home : chapter 16
“brooded an abandoned bonded warehouse, it’s black-barred windows as grim as anything in Dickens” - 213
chapter 16: reggies room in a state
“the room was completely trashed” - 214
“like a bonfire waiting to be lit”
“wrecked. Desecrated” - 215
chapter 16: reggie threatened
“spraypainted rather ineptly with the words ‘Your dead.’” 215
chapter 16: reggie animal imagery
“she gave a little cry, a small wounded animal” 215
chapter 16: the men face reggie
knife imagery
“saw-toothed knife … could slice open a shark”
“Mum’s pink broderie-anglaise downie cover attatched to the death” 216
chapter 16: what did men look like?
“youngish, thuggish” “old acne scars like orange peel” 216
chapter 16: reggies feelings at time of attack”
“her insides melted”
“were they going to kill her? Rape her? Both? Worse?” 217
chapter 16: aftermath of attack
“suddenly vomiting up all her toast into the toilet” - 218
chapter 18: title of chapter
reggie chase, girl detective
chapter 18: reggie as detective: lipstick
“two empty mugs … smear of lipstick on the rim” - 225
chapter 18: what page does reggie qs dr hunter
pg 226 - agacency pairs
chapter 18: reggie as detective: car and hawes and aunt
231 “dr hunter had travelled to Hawes last night … So why was her car in the garage?”
chapter 18: reggie finds the comforter
“reggie’s heart nearly stopped when she saw what sadie had dropped on the ground”
“the baby’s comforter, his square of moss-green blanket” “stain that was blood. Reggie knew blood now”237
chapter 18: again reggies insecruity and vulnerability shining through
“Little Miss Nobody. Sister of the lesser billy. Orphan of the storm. Little Polly Flinders sitting amongst the cinders.” - 238
chapter 18: reggie’s feeling that dr hunter was not there
“it was all wrong. the whole world was wrong. hard times” - pg 240
what page is reggie misjudged by louise
chapter 21: reggie reflects on the fact louise doesn’t believe her
“gave her a doubtful look as if she was considering putting her in the fantasizing psycho box after all” - 262
chapter 25: reggie takes ownership of jackson
“so, technically speaking you belong to me” - pg 300
chapter 26: reggie gaining confidence - not insecure this time
“she was the Famous Reggie, she was Regina Chase, Girl Detective, she was Virgo Regina, the storm-tossed queen of the plucky abandoned orphans” - 303
chapter 26: reggies feelings because jo is missing
“horrible emptiness” - 308
“as if someone had scooped out vital organs” - 309
- followed by qs - stress
chapter 29: title of chapter
reggie chase, warrior virgin - 332
chapter 29: detective imagery/ language
“all she had to do was go into the house and find the phone” - 332
“A little green flag of distress left for her to interpret, a clue to be tracked, a trail of breadcrumbs to follow” - 332
“how sad the baby must lose his talisman” - 334
chapter 29: imagery of house that creates tension
“the house was empty of breath, as quiet as the grave. Dead air”
chapter 29: imagery of cars
“range rover approaching with its usual brutal pace and dramatic finish” “followed by another equally aggressive-sounding car”
“car door slammed and heavy tell-tale footsteps crunched” - pg 335
“monstrous black nissan”- 337
chapter 29: reggies stress
“a person could die from a heart attack under this kind of stress” pg 335
chapter 29: reggies heartbeat
boom, boom, boom - 336
chapter 29: reggie’s optimism
they weren’t dead. Yet. - 337
chapter 29: reggie finds her house burned
“reggie’s heart sank, it seemed inevitable that they would be there for her” - pg 339
chapter 29: reggie runs from blondie and ginger
“she started running” - pg 339
“blondie and ginger climbed out. They both walked with a bowlegged swagger, like apes”
chapter 29: reggie feels defeated cries
“reggie didn’t mean to cry but she was so tired” - 342
“where did a person go when they had no one to turn to and nowhere to run?”
chapter 32: reggie tryna restore confidence in jackson
“you’re a hero” - 379
chapter 33: reggie pipes up to stop jackson and louise arguing - frustrated
“And the aunt doesn’t exist! WHAT MORE EVIDENCE DO YOU NEED?” - 394
chapter 34: billy threatens reggie
“she could feel the blade, cold and sharp on her skin” - pg 404
“I’m your sister, Billy’, she whispered” - 404
chapter 41: joanna gives reggie a gift on christmas
“made reggie cry because she gave her a PowerBook brand new, that no one was going to take away” - 453
chapter 41: reggie confident happy what page
chapter 44: final quote
“And they both clapped their hands and the baby laughed and clapped his hands too”