Chapter Summaries Flashcards
chapter 1
Harvest: 2-14 (just before today II)
Joanna’s family dies
Good for Jo as Victim/ victims in general
Good for violent crime / crimes against women (good)
chapter 2
Flesh and Blood: 17-23
Jackson collects hair from Nathan
Jackson as criminal sort of - intro to jackson’s character (unreliable because tensions created)
chapter 3
The Life and Adventures of Reggie Chase, Containing a Faithful Account of the Fortuness, Misfortunes, Uprisings, Downfallings and Complete Career of the Chase Family: 24-61
In depth introduction to Reggies character
Personality - her as victim/ loneliness
Longing for family with Joanna
Mother’s death
Joanna effect of trauma - love for baby/ obsession with safety
Themes: love/family (good)
chapter 4
Ad Augusta per Angusta: 62-72
Jackson going the wrong way: alone;good for him as victim
Lots of reference to setting and being alone - links to Jackson’s character - victim: reflects on Nathan longing for son; reflects on daughter
Good for jackson’s character - “protect and serve” - brief mention of sister
Funny moment with sheep (not that good - few good quotes)
chapter 5
She would get the flowers herself: Pg 73-94
Introduction of Louise
Introduction to life on the police force - her as victim - introduction to relationship with Patrick - she’s not happy with it
She is pessimistic; faulty + broken; intro to her psychology
Insecurity - jealous of joanna
Louise begins needing some flowers; Patrick and Louise planning to go somewhere; louise is tired; louise talks about her therapy; poor relation with archie; starts to talk about jo and alison needler - obsession; meets marcus talks to him about mr hunter; reflects on convo with joanna; back to marcus (not that good - few good quotes)
chapter 6
Sanctuary: 94-102
Very short: dr hunter and reggie together - dr hunter going to jennas - reggie and billie at bus stop
Good to show reggies loneliness + life with her mum (reminiscent)
Good to show love for dr hunter/ dr hunter + baby / dr hunter’s expensive taste
chapter 7
To Brig O’Dread Thou Com’st At Last: 103-117
Good for Jackon’s character
Extreme foreshadowing
Really good insight into jackson’s psyche
Talks about louise + past relationships: train
Women with red lipstick - animal instincts
Realises “he was going the wrong way”
chapter 8
Satis House: Pg 118-133
Reggie arrives to ms macdonald’s house; big focus on ms macdonald; foreshadowing of car crash - discussing of god and tragic events;
Reggie and Ms MacDonald - funny - talks a lot about faith
Good for Reggie as powerful character - description; again longing for mother + death + description of mother
chapter 9
Rapture Ready: Pg 134-142
Train Crash
Good for jackson as victim
Good for jackson as hero
chapter 10
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie: Pg 143-166
Basically louise reflects on all the crimes of these women - all deserve a medal; Talks about jackson - still has feelings for; moves on to louise with patrick and family- feels she doesnt fit in; ends with mention of train crash
Really good for feminism; crimes against women
Really good for Louise’s obsession with Alison Needler
Criticism of police
Again unhappiness in her marriage
background to joanna’s family - dad - bad luck with partners
Envies joanna - obsessed
Good for victim - allison needler, joanna + even louise
Talks about jackson - still has feelings for
Page 161 moves on to louise with patrick and family - lots of stuff about middle-class culture here
Louise doesn’t feel she fits in
chapter 11
Funny Old World: 167-168
Reggie as hero: saves jackson
chapter 12
The Celestial City: 169-171 (end of part 2-today)
Jackson in heaven
Good for him as victim
chapter 13
The Dogs they Left Behind: pg 175-193
Joanna gone away - Reggie gets news - distressed + confused; reggie; quizzes mr hunter; loneliness after mum’s death; talks about train crash; end of pg 179 onwards reggie reminisces about journalist coming after her mum died; talks about gary (why she virgin); “windowless bedroom”; ms macdonald dead at this point - reggie feels pretty numb - interaction with fit policeman; talks about billy; talks about saving jackson’s life; question of what’s happened
Good for Reggie as a Victim; 179 onwards
Good for Reggie as detective - quizzes mr hunter
Talks about mum again - loneliness without dr h
Aftermath of train crash
chapter 14
Adam Lay Ybounden: 194-196
Jackson in heaven (or something) - humour
Jackson alive
Moral and religious element
chapter 15
Outlaw: 197-209
Louise in middle class lifestyle; dining with family; doesn’t feel she fits in; later she questions dr hunter; reminisces about train crash - trauma; talks about dr hunter
Humorous but sad
Louise is childish
Good for marxism
Relation with husband
Feminism: louise is powerful
chapter 16
The Famous Reggie: 210-219
Reggie goes home; finds threat on her door; goes in and her house has been ruined by thugs
Reggie as victim - setting
House trashed
chapter 17
Missing in Action: 220-224
Jacksons recovery - talking to nurse
Victim cuz vulnerable - victim of mistaken identity
chapter 18
Reggie Chase, Girl Detective: Pg 225-240
Reggie offers Dr Hunter to take dog on walk; interrogated again; reflects on all deaths she’s experienced; dr hunter’s careless attitude; reggie investigated dr hunters room finds baby’s comforter
chapter 19
Pilgrim’s Progress: Pg 241- 242
Jackson as victim - remembers everything
chapter 20
‘An Elderly Aunt’ - pg 243 -258
- louise begins by reflecting on her life + hardships + on crimes against women - MEETS REGGIE who tells her about the comforter + jackson; at the end goes to find jackson (attraction shown)
- good for louise as victim at the start
- good for femicide
- good for louise and reggie first interaction
chapter 21
“nada y pues nada” - 259-265
- reggie reminiscing about telling louise stuff and how; louise disinterested and dismisses her
- reggie as victim + humour
- 263 focus change; reggie alone - thinking about how she is treated like child; thinking about jo; lots of questions - worry
chapter 22
Ad lucem - 266-268
- jackson + louise meet (kinda cuz he still in hospital and dazed); very short but at the end he says: I love you
chapter 23
Fiat Lux - 269-275
- louise’s perspective of meeting jackson - last chapter was his perspective
- sad for louise - her as victim - bitter
- rlly good for unrequited love between her and jackson
chapter 24
“grave danger” - 276 - 279 (last chapter before And Tommorow VI)
- key Chapter; reflects on family; father; death of family; love for baby
- focalised through joana
- shows her trauma and fear
- love for baby
- tension increases
chapter 25
“Jackson Rises” - Pg 283 - 302
- trying to remember his wife; trauma of train crash; reflects deeply on sisters murder; pg 299 Reggie introduced ; Jackson reborn at end
- good for reggie blackmailing jackson - basically she owns him cuz she saved his life
- good for jackson as victim + moral character
chapter 26
Dr Foster went to glouster - Pg 303-308
- reggie + jackson; she says to nurse shes the daughter; jackson had nothing - reggie paying; still no tessa?;
- jackson as victim
- reggie discusses at end how she can use jackson to help dr hunter
- tension reggie as victim - reggie recourseful
“scooped out her vital organs” (end bit good)
chapter 27
“A Good Man Is Hard To Find” - 310-325
- she talks about how Patrick not good enough (really good for this better than other chapters); 314 - focus change to her interaction with Mr Hunter; detective answers joanna’s phone; tension rises; end of chapter - tense between mr hunter and louise
chapter 28
Abide with me: 326-231
- joanna reflects on abuse; bad father; rlly good for her trauma and love for baby - intense fear; talks about killing herself and baby
- very very very good for joanna as victim
- ends with “the bad man was coming”
Chapter 29
“Reggie Chase, Warrior Virgin” - 332 - 342
- reggie goes into house to find dr hunters phone; tense;
- reggie as detective
very stressful for reggie - rangerover; 337 focus change; reggie returns to house burned down; reggie gets a message from thugs threatening her
- great for reggie as victim and as detective
chapter 30
jackson leaves the building: 343-347 (last chapter before V - And Tommorow)
- good for jackson rebuliding but still struggerling - good for his psyche
- at the end “lets start with aunt” - jackson gives in to moral side
Chapter 31
“the prodigal wife” - 351-372
- marcus + louise
- louise entrapment and pessimism
- starts to believe reggie in her mind; thinks about jackson; talks about joanna
- good for louise as detective; tension; victim
- insight into joanna’s character - deeper than meets the eye
chapter 32
“Arma Virumque Cano”: 373-338
- jackson + reggie; ms macdonalds house; jacksons ptsd + survivors guilt; again poor sad jackson; panic attack ; reggie says hes a hero;
- all three together in one scene at the end
- good for jackson as victim
- jackson as criminal
Chapter 33
“Road Trip” - 389-402
- jackson, louise, reggie driving in car together
again jackson as criminal
- relationship between jackson and louise - undertones of unrequitted love
- good for reggie as small - kinda victim - ignore
- reggie standing up for herelf
- reggie finds out truth about jo’s family
chapter 34
Tribulation: 403-406
- sadie attacks billy
- jackson protective
- billy just a dick
- poor reggie
chapter 35
high noon: pg 407-414
jackson and reggie sleeping; jackson goes to find jo; reggie goes with; reflects on louise “he could have kissed her”; finds joanna
chapter 36
la regle du jeu - pg 415-421
- joanna stabs the men
- joanna as victim + as hero of her own journey
chapter 37
a clean well-lighted place: 422-428
louise talks to neil hunter - angry
- jo acts like nothing happened
- marcus dies
chapter 38
sweet little wife, pretty little baby - 429-432
- mention of jackson getting rid of crime scene
- joanna straight after incidint
- from reggies pov
chapter 39
great expectations: 433-442 (just before part 6 VI christmas)
jackson and louise talk
- jackson doesn’t tell her that he covered up the crime; doesnt find his wife
- jackson as criminal
- jackson as victim- doesnt find his wife
chapter 40
a puppy is just for christmas: 445-452
- explains what happens to marcus
- recieves puppy off of jackson (she thinks)
- names puppy jackson
- andrew decker killed himself + marcus
chapter 41
the rising of the sun, the running of the deer: 453-458
- everything turning good for reggie
- good for reggie as hero
chapter 42
God bless us, every one: 459-460
chapter focalised through billy on christmas
chapter 43
safety gathered in: 461-464
- jackson gonna give up remembers he saves joanna - hope for him
chapter 44
And Scout: 465-466
- remembers name of dog
- happy ending!