Regenerating Places Flashcards
What is the difference between a SPACE and a PLACE?
SPACE - refers to physical location and the distribution of physical features such as football clubs etc
PLACE - Is a ‘Space’ given meaning by people through personal memories of events and experiences
What is the defintion of REGENRATION?
LONG TERM UPGRADING of existing places
Places are given new or enhanced identity to increase attractivness
List types of employment secotrs with examples?
Primary (Farming), Secondary(Manafacturing), Tertiary (Teaching), Quaternary (IT), Quinary (Government)
What has happened to the UK Employment sector over time? (Since 1841)
Primary Sector - Has steadily decreased from 22% to now 1%
Secondary - was steady until the 60’s where is rapidly declined from 38% to 9% still falling
Tertiary - Been dominant since 1920’s - large rise after WW2 - Now 81%
How does an employment sector affect a places role in the world?
Some places become winner or Losers such as London, M4 corridoor whilst Cornwall, Lake District are loser
What do ZERO HOUR CONTRACTS do to peoples sense of place?
Leads them to becme alienated due to not being able to become a member of society in where you live DUE to the POOR CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT
2 Examples of how places can have a change in demographic characteristics? Impacts of these changes?
Studentification ( High density of students leads to ANti-Social Behavior, High Hospitality Sector,Seasonal Business)
What are the 4 factors that affect the changing characteristics of a place?
PHYSICAL FACTORS (Where its located)
ACCESSIBILITY (Access to transport infrastructure/links to other places)
HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT (what has happened in the hostory as well as wider developments in the country)
PLANNED CHANGE (By governments and other stakeholders)
How can you measure changes to places that occur?
What data is used to measure the changes? (Explain)
Land use change, Employment Trends, Deprivation Levels and Demographic Change
Quantitative Data - Measurable Data such as Cencus data %
Qualitative Data - Less Easily Measured , Opinions , Data Trends and behaviour
What is IMD and how are places Ranked?
What is LSOA/How many in UK?How many indicators are there?
Index of Multiple Deprivation
Places are ranked on their relative deprivation.
(Lower-Layer Super Output Areas)32,844 - small areas or neighbourhoods
37 Indicators are used
Example of a rural area in Decline?
Figures to show this?
RedRuth, Cornwall
Wages - £14k - av.UK - £23
Top ten deprived places in EU
40% of households less than £10k
High costs of living
Its a rural sink estate
Common features with areas of Inequality?
What has it created in Urban and Rural area?
Residential Sorting
Social Segregation
Low wage families live in the same area SAME with HIGH income
Urban - Sink Estates and Gated Communities
Rural - successful commuter villagies and Declining remote areas
Areas with HIGH REGEN Priorty?
Declining Rural Settlements - A De-Mulitplier effect taken place- Lack of services forces people out - more less services( Spiral, decline)
Areas with LOW REGEN priorty?
Commuter Villages - Occupied by the wealthy, Often second homes(Lake District), Low levels of deprivation