Refurendums Flashcards
Against referendums
Complex issues- eg capital punishment- lack of public understanding
Vote for wrong reasons- 2011 AV - negative campaigning
Parliamentary sovereignty- 1973 and 1979
Low turnout- London mayor- 72% yes
66% failed to vote
Dip publics hands in the blood
For referendums:
Direct democracy- Peter Mandelson
Clear answer- EU in/out 2016- questioned for over 40 years
Specific issues- restores problem with mandate theory
Can unite divided government- 2016 Cameron silence euroskeptics
Definition of referendum.
A direct vote in which an entire electorate can accept or reject a proposal.
What is the trend in use of referendums in the UK?
Increased number of referendums since 1977. Peter Mandelson- it may be the era of representative democracy is coming to an end.
Give 3 examples of referendums:
May 2011- AV vote
2014- Scottish independent
2017- Europe in/out
Why may referendums be a bad thing? - quotes
“Devices alien to our tradition, the instruments of demagogues and dictators” clement Atlee
Tyranny of the majority- js mills
What was the result of Scottish independence?
No- 55%
Yes- 45%
Turnout 84.6
Result of AV referendum?
68% in favour of FPTP
Turnout- 42.2