Reformation Flashcards
(37Q) Who was Martin Luther and what is an indulgence?
(37A) Martin Luther was known as the Father of the Reformation ; A exchange of money for forgiveness of sins
(38Q) Reformation leaders originally wanted to do what?
(38A) Correct corruption within the church
(39Q) What were the 95 Theses?
(39A) A document outlining Martin Luther’s ideas abut why the church was wrong to exchange indulgences for donation
(40Q) Who was John Calvin? What did he believe?
(40A) John Calvin was a protestant reformer ; he believed in predestination & that the Bible was the sole power (One can only be saved by grace alone)
(41Q) How did Luther’s ideas reach other parts of Europe?
(41A) Martin Luther’s ideas spread mainly because of the invention of the printing press.
(42Q) Who is William Tyndale and why is he important to the Reformation?
(42A) He was a protestant who translated the Greek bible to English
(43Q) What is the doctrine of predestination
(43A) One’s salvation is determined before birth by god
(44Q) What was the Inquisition? What was their main form of punishment?
(44A) It was a time of religious persecutions (push to become Catholic) ; Death by execution (de to heresy)
(45Q) What was the result of the Council of Trent?
(45A) They declared Martin Luther’s teaching wrong
(46Q) Who were the Jesuits? Who did they support?
(46A) Jesuits were people who were dedicated to serving the pope ; they help spread catholic beliefs and “remove” heretics
(47Q) What was the major goal of the Council of Trent?
(47A) To unite different Christian groups that had developed.
(48Q) What was the purpose of the Index of Forbidden Books?
(48A) It was used to sensor books that contained protestant beliefs
(49Q) How were Catholic priests affected by the Council of Trent?
(49A) They became more educated
(50Q) Describe the conflict between the Pope and Henry VIII?
(50A) The Pope did NOT allow Henry to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon
(51Q) How was the Anglican church established?
(51A) Since the Catholic Church did not allow Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon’s marriage to be annulled, England broke off and created their own church
(52Q) Describe the achievements of the Elizabethan Era
(52A) Advancement in art & national pride ; known as the Golden Age
(53Q) Define Theocracy
(53A) A government ruled by church leaders
(54Q) How did political leaders gain power towards the end of the Protestant Reformation?
(55Q) What were the reasons for the Spanish attack on England? What was the Spanish armada?
(55A) Queen Elizabeth sent help to the Netherlands from invasions by Spain. This resulted in King Phillip II of Spain becoming upset. ; Large ships used for sea invasions