Reflexive Verbs p2 Flashcards
Echarse a
To begin to, to start
Su hermana lo llamó tonto, y él se echó a llorar.
Her sister called him stupid, and he began to cry.
To get excited
Empeñarse en
To persist, insist, to commit or bind oneself to, to endeavor to
Enamorarse de
To fall in love with
Encargarse de
To take charge of, to handle (be responsible for), to look after or attend to, to take care of or see to
Encogerse de hombros
To shrug (shoulders)
Encontrarse con
To find yourself in a situation/circumstance
Ex: I can’t go to work today, I’m sick. (I find myself in the situation of being sick). No puedo ir al trabajo hoy, me encuentro enfermo.
When objects or people physically meet in a location
Ex: If we meet up tomorrow, where should we meet? Si quedamos mañana, ¿dónde nos encontramos?
Ex: These rivers meet in the valley. Estos ríos se encuentran en el valle.
For aligning attitudes
Ex: The attitudes of these two players don’t fit in with the team. Las actitudes de estos dos jugadores no se encuentran en el equipo.
When discovering something that surprises or shocks you. Use this with “con”
Ex: I went to buy meat last night at seven and I found out (surprised to found out) that the shop was closed. Fui a comprar la carne anoche a las siete y me encontré con la tienda estaba cerrada.
To get sick
To get or become angry, to get annoyed
Enterarse de
To find out, to realize (you use this verb when something is told to you without looking for the answers)
Averiguar (a synonym to enterarse, but you use this verb when you are trying to find out answer to something you are investigating)
Entenderse con
to get along with, to understand each other, to have an affair with
Exponerse a
to expose oneself or run the risk of
Fijarse en
to pay attention to, to notice
Fiarse de
to trust something or someone
to go by (judge)
EX: Mejor no fiarse de las apariencias.It’s best not to go by appearances.
to get sick, dizzy motion sickness, car sickness
Meterse en/por
to go in, to go down, to pick on someone (used with con),
Empezó a llover y se metieron en la casa (It started raining and they went in the house)
Nos metimos por un callejón sin salida (We went down a blind alley)
Motivarse a
to become or get motivated to
to move (to change residence)
Negarse a
to refuse to
Obsesionarse con
to be obsessed with