Reflexive Verbs Flashcards
I shower
Me ducho
You shower
Te duchas
He/she/it showers
Se ducha
We shower
Nos duchamos
You (pl.) shower
Os ducháis
They shower
Se duchan
I wake up
Me despierto
You wake up
Te despiertas
He/she/it wakes up
Se despierta
You (pl.) wake up
Os despertáis
We wake up
Nos despertamos
They wake up
Se despiertan
To shower
To wake up
To have fun
I have fun
Me divierto
You have fun
Te diviertes
He/she/it has fun
Se divierte
You (pl.) have fun
Os divertís
They have fun
Se divierten
To look like
Parecerse a
I look like
Me parezco a
You look like
Te pareces a
He/she/it looks like
Se parece a
We look like
Nos parecemos a
You (pl.) look like
Os parecéis a
They look like
Se parecen a
To go to bed
I go to bed
Me acuesto
You go to bed
Te acuestas
He/she/it goes to bed
Se acuesta
We go to bed
Nos acostamos
You (pl.) go to bed
Os acostáis
They go to bed
Se acuestan
To get dressed
I get dressed
Me visto
You get dressed
Te vistes
He/she/it gets dressed
Se viste
We get dressed
Nos vestimos
They (pl.) get dressed
Se visten
To wake up
I wake up
Me despierto
You wake up
Te despiertas
He/she/it wakes up
Se despierta
We wake up
Nos despertamos
You (pl.) wake up
Os despertáis
They wake up
Se despiertan
To wash
To get up
I wash
Me lavo
You wash
Te lavas
He/she/it washes
Se lava
We wash
Nos lavamos
You (pl.) wash
Os laváis
They wash
Se lavan
I get up
Me levanto
You get up
Te levantas
He/she/it gets up
Se levanta
We get up
Nos levantamos
You (pl.) get up
Os levantáis
They get up
Se levantan
To have a shower
I shower
Me ducho
You shower
Te duchas
He/she/it showers
Se ducha
We shower
Nos duchamos
You (pl.) shower
Os ducháis
They shower
Se duchan
To comb/style hair
I comb/style hair
Me peino
You comb/style hair
Te peinas
He/she/it combs/styles hair
Se peina
We style/comb hair
Nos peinamos
You (pl.) style/ comb hair
Os peináis
They style/comb hair
Se peinan
To brush hair/teeth
I brush (hair/teeth)
Me cepillo
You brush (hair/teeth)
Te cepillas
He/she/it brushes (hair/teeth)
Se cepilla
We brush (hair/teeth)
Nos cepillamos
You (pl.) brush (hair/teeth)
Os cepilláis
They brush (teeth/hair)
Se cepillan
To get bored
I get bored
Me aburro
You get bored
Te aburres
He/she/it gets bored
Se aburre
We get bored
Nos aburrimos
You (pl.) get bored
Os aburrís
They get bored
Se aburren
To put on makeup
I put on makeup
Me maquillo
You put on makeup
Te maquillas
he/she/it puts on makeup
Se maquilla
We put on makeup
Nos maquillamos
You (pl.) put on makeup
Os maquilláis
They put on makeup
Se maquillan
To relax
I relax
Me relajo
You relax
Te relajas
He/she/it relaxes
Se relaja
We relax
Nos relajamos
You (pl.) relax
Os relajáis
They relax
Se relajan
To get on well with
Llevarse bien con
I get on well with
Me llevo bien con
You get on well with
Te llevas bien con
He/she/it gets on well with
Se lleva bien con
We get on well with
Nos llevamos bien con
You (pl.) get on well with
Os lleváis bien con
They get on well with
Se llevan bien con