Reflexive Verbs Flashcards
What is a reflexive verb
A reflexive verb acts like all other verbs in that you remove the infinitive ending (ar/er/ir) before adding on the relevant verb ending depending on the person doing the action.
The only difference is that reflexive verbs also have a reflexive pronoun, which is generally placed before the verb.
Note the difference
Yo lavo el coche – I wash the car
Yo me lavo – I get washed/wash myself
Give an example of a common reflexive verb
Lavarse – to get washed
Give the verb Lavarse – to get washed
Yo me lavo Tú te lavas Él/ella/vd se lava Nosotros nos lavamos Vosotros os laváis Ellos/ellas/vds se lavan
Tell me about reflexive pronouns
Reflexive verbs are just like normal verbs in Spanish i.e. They end in -ar/-er/ or -ir. BUT they are accomplished by a reflexive pronoun e.g. ‘Me’ as in previous examples
When you look in a dictionary where will you see the reflexive pronoun
Attracted to the end of a verb e.g.
Levantarse - to get up
Lavarse - to get washed
How do we for for example the reflexive verb levantarse
- Let’s remove the reflexive pronoun (se) for now ~ levantar
- we can now see this is an ar verb
- remove the ar ending leaving you with levant
- We are now left with the stem
- as reflexive verbs need a reflexive pronoun, we now need to add the pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se)
- now we can add our normal ar verb ending
Other reflexive verbs which have a radical change (spelling change in parts 1, 2, 3 and 6):
Despertarse - to wake up
Me despierto Te despiertas Se despierta Nos despertamos Os despertáis Se despiertan
Other reflexive verbs which have a radical change (spelling change in parts 1, 2, 3 and 6):
Divertirse - to have fun
Me divierto Te diviertes Se divierte Nos divertimos Os divertís Se divierten
Other reflexive verbs which have a radical change (spelling change in parts 1, 2, 3 and 6):
Vestirse - to get dressed
Me visto Te vistes Se viste Nos vestimos Os vestís Se visten
Other reflexive verbs which have a radical change (spelling change in parts 1, 2, 3 and 6):
Acostarse - to go to bed
Me acuesto Te acuestas Se acuesta Nos acostamos Os acostáis Se acuestan
What does a reflexive verb reflect back on
The person doing it
E.g. Me levanto - I get (myself up)
E.g. Me lavo - I get washed/ I wash myself