Reflexive + accidental reflex ( voz media) Flashcards
The accidental reflexive se me / se te etc precedes an indirect object pronoun that indicates the subject, and the verb, rather than being conjugated to agree with the subject, agrees with whatever noun follows the verb. Se me olvidaron los libros. I forgot the books. ¿Se te perdieron las llaves? Did you lose the keys? Sí, se me cayeron . Yes, I dropped them .
Acabarse (Acabar)
To run out of (To complete)
Caerse (Caer)
To drop something (To fall)
Olvidarse (Olvidar)
To forget (To forget deliberately)
Perderse (Perder)
To get lost (To lose)
Quemarse (Quemar)
To get burned (To burn)
Romperse (Romper)
To get broken (To break)
Derramarse (Derramar)
To get spilled (To spill, to pour)
The car broke down
Se rompió el coche/carro/auto
I broke the car.
Rompí el coche/carro/auto
The car broke down on me
Se me rompió el coche/carro/auto
The teacup broke
Se rompío la taza
I spilled the coffee
Se me derramó el café
The coffee spilled
El café se derramo
I dropped my phone in the water
Se me cayó el teléfono en el agua
She is sad because her dinner was burned
Está triste porque se le quemó la cena
She lost his cell phone
Se le perdió su celular
We burned the cake
Se nos quemó el pastel
They ran out of wine at the restaurant
Se les acabó el vino al restaurante
I forgot to buy the milk
Se me olvidó comprar la leche
He left his lunch at home
Se le quedó el almuerzo en casa
Oh look! Your pants broke!
¡Mira, se te rompió el pantalón!
It suddenly occurred to me
De repente se me ocurrió
Ensuciarse (Ensuciar)
To get dirty (To dirty)
My shoes got dirty
Se me ensuciaron los zapatos
Time is running out for me
Se me acaba el tiempo
The dinner was burning
La cena se quemaba
I get burned in the sun
Me quemo en el sol.
The sun burns me
El sol me quema
Those cars break all the time (they get broken all the time)
Esos autos se rompen todo el tiempo
For sale
Se vende
It’s going to break
Va a romperse
How do you say? (How does it say itself /How is it said )
Cómo se dice.
Spanish is spoken
Se habla español
I have one left. They remain to me one
Me queda uno
He has two left
Le quedan dos
I don’t have any left
No me quedan
She stays
Se queda
We stayed there
Nos quedábamos allí
I have dropped it
Se me ha caido
I dropped it
Se me cayó
It was forgotten
se olvidó
It was forgotten by me
Se me olvidó
He forgot me
Me olvidó
I had forgotten (not on purpose)
Se me había olvidado
I forget
Me olvido
I forgot
Me olvidé or se me olividó
I have dropped it
Se me ha caido
I dropped it
Se me cayó
It was forgotten
se olvidó
It was forgotten by me
Se me olvidó
He forgot me
Me olvidó
I just ate
Acabo de comer
They just met me
Me acaban de conocer (Acaban de conocerme)
We just told him
Le acabamos de decir (Acabamos de decirle)