Dejar expressions Flashcards
Dejar de + infinitive = stop doing something "Dejar de +infinitive" is also translated in English as "to give up doing something". This is the most common translation when talking about habits. Like quitting smoking, stopping exercising, etc.
I need to stop eating
Necesito dejar de comer
You want to stop working
Quieres dejar de trabajar
I stopped smoking three years ago
Dejé de fumar hace tres años
We have stopped going to class
Hemos dejado de ir a clase
Stop shouting (informal)
Deja de gritar
I have given up smoking
He dejado de fumar
She has given up exercising for now
Ella ha dejado de hacer ejercicio por ahora
I thought no one would notice
Pense que nadie se daría cuenta
Dejar de
“Dejar de +infinitive” is also translated in English as “to give up doing something”. This is the most common translation when talking about habits. Like quitting smoking, stopping exercising, etc.
To allow(let)/to quit/to leave
I’m going to leave my house
Voy a dejar mi casa
Leave me alone! (in peace)
Déjame en paz!
Leave that (put that) there please
Deja eso allí por favor
Where shall I put it? (Leave it)
Dónde lo dejo?
My boyfriend left me. (dumped me)
Mi novio me dejó
Let me explain something to you.
Déjame explicarte algo