Reflexes Flashcards
Patellar Tendon (also maybe L4) -knee jerk sluggish, PKB positive, pain on full SLR
SLR limited one side, neck flexion painful, weak or absent knee jerk, side flexion limited
Achilles Tendon (also maybe S2) -SLR limited one side, neck flexion painful, ankle decreased, crossed-leg raising pain (also S2)
Superficial Reflexes
Test integrity of nervous system through response to stimulation of receptors in the skin.
Polysynaptic reflex: sensory signal must reach and ascend spinal cord to reach the brain. motor component must descend spinal cord to reach motor neurons
Deep Tendon Reflexes
Can provide info as to the level of lesion that exists w/in the CNS. Elicit a mm. contraction when the mm’s tendon is stimulated due to the reflex arc involving the spinal or BS segment that innervates the specific mm. Absent reflex indicates a lesion in the reflex arc itself.
Hyperreflexia (clonic or hyperactive reflexes)–can indicate a suprasegmental lesion (above the level of the spinal reflex pathway/arc). Present w/ interrpution of cortical supply to the LMN, secondary to UMN lesion. (other findings determine localization of exact lesion that exists w/in CNS
Hyporeflexia ()diminished or absent response)–can indicate a disease that involves one or multiple components of the reflex arc
Absent DTR + sensory loss in specific n. = lesion is in afferent arc of the reflex, located in either the nerve or dorsal horn
Absent DTR + paralysis, fasciculations, or atrophy = lesion is in efferent arc of the reflex and may include the efferent nerve, anterior horn cells or both
Abdominal Reflex
Spinal Level: T8-L1
Normal Response: Contraction of abdominals and deviation of umbilicus in direction of simulus
Corneal “blink” reflex
Spinal Level: Trigeminal and Facial Nerves
Normal Response: Both eyes will blink
Cremasteric Reflex
Spinal Level: L1-L2
Normal Response: elevation on ipsilateral side
Gag reflex
Spinal Level: Glossopharyngeal and Vagus nerves
Normal Response: gag post stimulation
Plantar Reflex
Spinal Level: L5-S1
Normal Response: flexion of toes
Babinski reflex: flaring of toes indicates CNS lesion
Reflex Grading Scale
0= no response (always abnormal)
1+=diminished /depressed (may or may not be normal)
2+=active normal response (normal)
3+=brisk/exaggerated (may or may not be normal)
4+=very brisk/hyperactive (always abnormal)