Reflex Development and Integration Flashcards
Stroke the corner of the mouth, upper lip, and lower lip
Movement of the tongue, mouth and/or head towards the stimulus
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration Age: 3 months
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration Age: 2-5 months
Grasp infant's forearms and pull to sit Complete flexion of UE's stimulus Onset: 28 weeks gestation Integration Age: 2-5 months
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration Age: 4-6 months
Plantar Grasp
Onset: 28 weeks gestation
Integration Age: 9 months
Infant in prone suspension run fingers along the spine
Lateral trunk flexion and wrinkling of the skin on the stimulated side
Onset: 32 weeks gestation
Integration Age: 2 months
Asymmetric Tonic Neck
Fully rotate infant’s head and hold for 5 seconds
Extension of extremities on the face side, flexion of extremities on the skull side
Onset: 37 weeks gestation
Integration Age: 4-6 months
Palmar Grasp
Onset: 37 weeks gestation
Integration Age: 4-6 months
Tonic Labyrinthine Supine
Infant in supine Increased extensor tone stimulus Onset: 37 weeks gestation Integration Age: 6 months
Tonic Labyrinthine Prone
Infant in prone Increased flexor tone stimulus Onset: 37 weeks gestation Integration Age: 6 months
Hold the infant in horizontal prone suspension
Complete extension of head trunk, and extremities
Onset: 3 - 4 months
Integration Age: 12-24 months
Symmetric tonic neck
Place infant in the crawling position and extend the head
Flexion of hips and knees Onset: 4-6 months
Integration Age: 8-12 months
Neck righting on body NOB
Place infant in supine and fully turn head to one side
Log rolling of the entire body to maintain alignment with the head
Onset: 4-6 months
Integration Age: 5 years
Body righting on body BOB
Place infant in supine, flex one hip and knee toward the chest and hold briefly
Segmental rolling of the upper trunk to maintain alignment.
Onset: 4-6 months
Integration Age: 5 years
Functional Significance: Rooting
Helps the baby locate the feeding source
Functional Significance: Suck-Swallow
Facilitated nutritive sucking for the ingestion of liquid
Functional Significance: Traction
Promote momentary grasp to enable to child to hold onto mother when being pulled
Functional Significance: Moro
Protective response to stress helps develop extensor tone during a period when flexor tone is dominant