Reflex Actions Flashcards
What are a reflexes?
Involuntary actions that don’t involve the conscious part of the brain and are also innate (born with)
What part of the reflex involved the conscious part of the brain?
After the reflex, it is informed
Where do reflexes go through?
Either through the non-conscious part of the brain e.g. the medulla oblangata or PONS or the spinal chord
What are reflexes called that go through the brain?
Cranial Reflexes
What are reflexes called that go through the spinal chord?
Spinal Reflexes
What is the function of reflexes?
Protection, prevention of damage and survival
What do reflexes use?
The reflex arc involving 3 neuron’s/2 synapses
What type of reflex is the knee-jerk?
Spinal reflex
What is the function of the knee-jerk reflex?
Help coordinate balance/posture e.g. when stood on one leg
What does the knee-jerk reflex use?
2 neuron’s and 1 synapse
What can’t happen to the knee-jerk reflex?
Can’t be overridden
What bones are present in the knee-jerk which are affected?
-Patella is hit
-Tibia and Fibia present too
What muscles are present in the knee-jerk which are affected?
What is the first step in the knee-jerk reflex?
Hammer causes sudden stretch
What is the second step in the knee-jerk reflex?
This stretch is detected by muscle spindles/stretch receptors in quads
What is the third step in the knee-jerk reflex?
Action potential is generated by sensory neuron from quads to spinal chord
What is the fourth step in the knee-jerk reflex?
Action potential via motor neuron from spinal chord to quads
What is the fifth step in the knee-jerk reflex?
Quads contract and leg kicks forwards/straightens