References - name first Flashcards
Langston et al., 2007
Dog walking and nearby urban settlements has proven to have negative impacts on the nightjar.
Thomas., 1985
Due to declining traditional management, suitable habitat for the silver-studded blue butterfly is created only sporadically and is often short-lived
Bakker et al., 1983
Grazing increases local diversity
Gimingham, 1975
Heather is quite resistant to repeated grazing. When the growing shoots are eaten there are short shoots ready to take their place or failing that, there are reserve buds beneath the soil.
Thomas and Reid., 1997
Ancient woodlands are more like to contain more rare and native species than more recent woodlands
Mueller et al., 2007
Decaying wood provides important habitats for invertebrates and fungi
Ferris and Humphrey., 1999
Woodpeckers rely on dead wood because that is where they find much of their invertebrate prey
Gittings et al., 2006
80% of UK hoverflies are associated with open spaces and would not be predicted to be found in closed-canopy habitats.
Warren and Thomas., 1992
Butterflies favour sunny conditions and do not like direct shade, with nearly all species loss of butterflies in the UK due to the decline of coppicing
Banks and Bryant., 2007
Dog walking in woodlands decreases bird diversity by 35% and abundance by 41%
Sheehy and Lawton., 2014
With the presence of the pine marten, red squirrel populations increase and grey squirrel populations decrease.”
Manning et al., 2009
Native red deer populations are considered to be ecologically unstable so reintroducing wolves would reduce the population. However, their absence from the landscape can be a major barrier to the restoration of that species due to environmental conditions changing since extinction.
Carter and Newberry., 2004
Corncrakes can respond rapidly to favourable management of suitable grassland habitats.
Meyer., 2000
Chough crow is Britain’s rarest resident crow
Crick et al., 1994
Destruction my agricultural operations is one of the major causes of corn bunting nest failures in the UK
Courchamp et al., 2014
Islands are home to more than 20% of the terrestrial and vertebrate plant species in the world but they only make up 5% of the global terrestrial area.
Galbreath et al., 2004
Cat predation was the main factor involved in the extinction of the Stephens Island Wren
Haupt et al., 2013
Marion’s Island moth is responsible for much nutrient turnover and as such is a keystone species
Finkelstein et al., 2012
Lead poisoning played a major role in the near-extinction of the California condor and today, condors in California remain chronically exposed to lead
Stamps and Swaisgood., 2007
A preference by released animals for familiar cues may encourage them to seek out inappropriate, low-quality environments.
Damuth., 1981
There seems to be an inverse relationship between the size of a species and its abundance
Ceballos et al., 2017
Rate of population loss is high, even in species of low concern
Plaisance et al., 2011
Tropical reefs shelter one third to one quarter of all marine life
Lough et al., 2018
Coral-algal symbiosis is essential for the functioning of reefs but thermal stress can break down this symbiosis and cause bleaching
Parmesan and Yohe., 2003
Species have migrated 6.1km northward/upward