References for techniques Flashcards
ACBT reference
Abdelhaim et al 2016
- study which “compared active cycles of breathing with postural drainage versus chest physiotherapy”
ACBT 3 indications with reference
1- bronchiectasis (perm. dilation of airways, poor mucus clearance)
2- low SP02
3- residual secretions
(Abdelhaim et al 2016)
ACBT 4 contra indications with ref (diff)
(Phillips et al 2023)
- dementia
- pneumothorax (within last 6m)
- lung transplant
- lung abscess
Incentive spirometer- main reference
Franklin and Anjum, 2023
- training journal on how to use
Incentive spirometer- 4 indications with reference
- post op stays for more than 1 day
- extended bed rest
- Spinal cord injury Pts (often have muscle dysfunction)
- Cerebral Palsy children
(Franklin and Anjum, 2023)
Incentive Spirometer 4 contra indications w/reference
“no absolute contraindications…the following conditions are considered a need for caution”
1. respiratory tract infection
2. pneumothorax
3. vomiting/nausea (get drug prescription)
4. dementia
(Franklin et Anjum 2023)
Suction machine- ref, indi and contra
(Sinha et al, 2023)
+ when Pt cannot cough
- “No absolute”
- with things like bradycardia or hypoxia, take extra precautions like using a smaller catheter, extra gel or holding head
BIRD/ IPPB machine- ref, 2 intra, 2 contra
Kao et al, 2016
+ low tidal volume
+ copious secretions
- already has an increased pressure in lungs
- panic disorders (?)