Ref scare and mcarthiysm Flashcards
Why did the red scare develop in the USA (internal reasons)
1947 - FELP was introduced
Hollywood 10 case
1948- Alger Hiss accused
1949- Rosenberg’s arrested
1950- Maccarran internal security act
Alger Hiss case
1953- Rosenbergs were executed
Why did the red scare develop in the USA (external reasons)
1945- US atomic bomb drop on Japan
1947- cominform was set up to bring all European communist parties more firmly under soviet control
1948- Soviet Union prevents the development of Czech
1949- china becomes commmunist
Korean War starts
Russia tests atomic bomb
1950- North Korea (communists) invade South Korea supported by China and the Soviet Union.
1947 Federal employee loyalty programme
- It was set up by President Truman in 1947 to try and check the security risks of people who were working in the government.
- Around 6.6 million federal workers were examined
- 200 were sacked
- 3000 were forced to resign
- many people in the USA then became paranoid and suspecting of everyone
House un- American activities committee - 1947
The HUAC were an anti-Communism group who ware responsible for the Hollywood 10 and Hiss cases. They ran against communism tried to put a stop to them.
Hollywood 10
There was a fear that films were being used to put over the Communist message 10 writers and directors had to testify before HUAC and refused to answer whether they had ever been in a communist party they were thrown in jail.
Alger Hiss
A former Communist editor claimed the Alger Hiss was a spy. He proved him guilty and Hiss was sentenced to 5 years in prison after the ‘pumpkin papers’ showed proof. The editor (Nixon) became known as a resentless persecutor of communists.
The Rosenbergs
Arrested- 1949
Executed- 1953
The Soviet union exploded its first atomic bomb in August 1949 bringing fear into America. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were accused of spying and were found guilty intending to give atomic secrets to the Soviet union. They were sentenced to death. This raised fear in the USA because they were now worried about communist spies and soviet atomic bombs.
The McCarran internal security act
In September 1950 they enforced the McCarran internal security act, in order to try and stop all the communism. The act meant that: if there was a war suspected communists could be held in detention camps, they were not allowed to work in apartment factories, people watched communist activities.
What is McCarthyism
The actions of Joe McCarthy and his supporters which heightened the red scare and gained him support between 1950-54
Why did the red scare develop in the USA (internal reasons)
1947 - FELP was introduced
Hollywood 10 case
1948- Alger Hiss accused
1949- Rosenberg’s arrested
1950- Maccarran internal security act
Alger Hiss case
1953- Rosenbergs were executed
Why did the red scare develop in the USA (external reasons)
1945- US atomic bomb drop on Japan
1947- cominform was set up to bring all European communist parties more firmly under soviet control
1948- Soviet Union prevents the development of Czech
1949- china becomes commmunist
Korean War starts
Russia tests atomic bomb
1950- North Korea (communists) invade South Korea supported by China and the Soviet Union.
1947 Federal employee loyalty programme
- It was set up by President Truman in 1947 to try and check the security risks of people who were working in the government.
- Around 6.6 million federal workers were examined
- 200 were sacked
- 3000 were forced to resign
- many people in the USA then became paranoid and suspecting of everyone
House un- American activities committee - 1947
The HUAC were an anti-Communism group who ware responsible for the Hollywood 10 and Hiss cases. They ran against communism tried to put a stop to them.
Hollywood 10
There was a fear that films were being used to put over the Communist message 10 writers and directors had to testify before HUAC and refused to answer whether they had ever been in a communist party they were thrown in jail.
Alger Hiss
A former Communist editor claimed the Alger Hiss was a spy. He proved him guilty and Hiss was sentenced to 5 years in prison after the ‘pumpkin papers’ showed proof. The editor (Nixon) became known as a resentless persecutor of communists.