Redux Flashcards
Core Redux API
Create the Redux Store
The createStore() helper function creates and returns a Redux store object that holds and manages the complete state tree of your app. The only required argument is a reducer function, which is called every time an action is dispatched.
The store object returned has three key methods that ensure that all interactions with the application state are executed through the store:
- store.getState()
- store.dispatch(action)
- store.subscribe(listener)
Core Redux API
Reducers (to do list)
Core Redux API
The getState() Method
The getState() method of a Redux store returns the current state tree of your application. It is equal to the last value returned by the store‘s reducer.
In the one-way data flow model (store → view → action → store), getState is the only way for the view to access the store’s state.
The state value returned by getState() should not be modified directly.
Core Redux API
The dispatch() Method
The dispatch(action) method of a Redux store is the only way to trigger a state change. It accepts a single argument, action, which must be an object with a type property describing the change to be made. The action object may also contain additional data to pass to the reducer, conventionally stored in a property called payload.
Upon receiving the action object via dispatch(), the store’s reducer function will be called with the current value of getState() and the action object.
Core Redux API
The subscribe() Method
The subscribe(listener) method of a Redux store adds a callback function to a list of callbacks maintained by the store. When the store‘s state changes, all of the listener callbacks are executed. A function that unsubscribes the provided callback is returned from subscribe(listener).
Often, store.getState() is called inside the subscribed callback to read the current state tree.
const printCurrentState = () => { const state = store.getState() console.log(state: ${state}
); } store.subscribe(printCurrentState);
Core Redux API
Action Creators
An action creator is a function that returns an action, an object with a type property and an optional payload property. They help ensure consistency and readability when supplying an action object to store.dispatch(), particularly when a payload is included.
Core Redux API
A slice is the portion of Redux code that relates to a specific set of data and actions within the store‘s state.
A slice reducer is the reducer responsible for handling actions and updating the data for a given slice. This allows for smaller reducer functions that focus on a slice of state.
Often, the actions and reducers that correspond to the same slice of the state are grouped together into a single file.
Core Redux API
The combineReducers() Function
The combineReducers() helper function accepts an object of slice reducers and returns a single “root” reducer. The keys of the input object become the names of the slices of the state and the values are the associated slice reducers.
The returned root reducer can be used to create the store and, when executed, delegates actions and the appropriate slices of state to the slice reducers and then recombines their results into the next state object.
Core Redux API
Introduction To Redux
A React application can share multiple points of data across components. In many cases managing the data shared can become a complex task.
Redux is a library for managing and updating application state. It provides a centralized “store” for state that is shared across your entire application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be updated in a predictable fashion using events called “actions”.
Redux works well with applications that have a large amount of global state that is accessed by many of the application’s components. The goal of Redux is to provide scaleable and predictable state management.
Core Redux API
In Redux, a store is a container that holds and manages your application’s global state.
The store is the center of every Redux application. It has the ability to update the global state and subscribes elements of an application’s UI to changes in the state. Accessing the state should never be done directly and is achieved through functions provided by the store.
Core Redux API
In Redux, an action is a plain JavaScript object that represents an intention to change the store’s state. Action objects must have a type property with a user-defined string value that describes the action being taken.
Optional properties can be added to the action object. One common property added is conventionally called payload, which is used to supply data necessary to perform the desired action.
Core Redux API
A reducer (also called a reducing function) is a plain JavaScript function that accepts the store’s current state and an action and returns the new state.
Reducers calculate the new state based on the action it receives. Reducers are the only way the store’s current state can be changed within a Redux application. They are an important part of Redux’s one-way data flow model.
Connect to React with React Redux
react-redux Package
The react-redux package, the official Redux-UI binding package for React, lets your React components interact with a Redux store without writing the interaction logic yourself. This allows an application to rely on Redux to manage the global state and React to render the UI based on the state.
Interactions may include reading data from a Redux store and dispatching actions to the store.
Connect to React with React Redux
Install react-redux
The react-redux package is added to a React/Redux project by first installing it with npm.
A few of the resources imported from react-redux are:
- Provider
- useSelector
- useDispatch
npm install react-redux
Connect to React with React Redux
The Provider Component
The component makes the Redux store available to a nested child component. The store should be passed in as the store prop.
All child components of the component can now use the resources provided by react-redux to access the Redux store including retrieving data and dispatching actions.