Redox Reactions Flashcards
What is oxidation?
Oxidation is the loss of hydrogen, the loss of a pair of electrons or the gain of oxygen.
What is reduction?
Reduction is the gain of hydrogen, the gain of a pair of electrons, or the loss of oxygen.
C2H5OH + O = C2H3OH + H2O
What has been reduced and what has been oxidised?
The C2H5OH has been oxidised because it has lost hydrogens. The O has been reduced because it has gained hydrogens.
Zn + Cu2+ = Zn2+ + Cu
What has been oxidised and what has been reduced?
Zn has been oxidised because it has a positive charge and therefore has lost electrons. The Cu has gained electrons and therefore has been reduced.
Zn = Zn2+ + 2e- (loss = oxidation)
Cu2+ + 2e- = Cu (gain = reduction)
How do you work out the oxidation number of a transition metal?
You calculate it based on the charge of the ligands. For example:
H2O is a neutral ligand and therefore the charge must come from the Fe ion.
What happens to oxidation number when something is reduced or oxidised?
Reduction causes a decrease in oxidation number because you are gaining negative electrons.
Oxidation causes an increase in oxidation number because you are loosing electrons.
What is an oxidising agent?
Oxidising agents (oxidants) oxidise other species and, in the process, are themselves reduced. An oxidising agent takes electrons away from something. For example 2Br- + Cl2 = Br2 + 2Cl-
The Cl2 is an oxidising agent, because it makes the Br- lose electrons and gains them itself, oxidising the Br- and reducing itself.
What is a reducing agent?
Reducing agents (reductants) reduce other species and, in the process are in themselves oxidised. A reducing agent gives electrons to something.
How do you balance half equations in a neutral solution?
Just normal: Br2 = Br- 1) Balance the molecules first Br2 = 2Br- 2) Balance the charges next Br2 + 2e- = 2Br-
How do you balance half equations in acidic solution?
Cr2O7 2- = Cr3+
1) Balance all the atoms except H and O
Cr2O7 2- = 2Cr3+
2) Add H2O to the side deficient in O molecules
Cr2O7 2- = 2Cr3+ + 7H2O
3) Add H+ to the side deficient in hydrogen molecules
Cr2O7 2- + 14H+ = 2Cr3+ + 7H2O
4) Add e- to the side deficient in negative charge and balance the charges.
Cr2O7 2- + 14H+ + 6e- = 2Cr3+ + 7H2O
How do you work out an overall redox equation?
An oxidation half - equation may be combined with a reduction half - equation to produce an overall redox equation.
Consider this reaction:
MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- = Mn2+ 4H2O
Fe2+ = Fe3+ + e-
In the first reaction there are 5 electrons being given away, in the second there is one. So the second equation needs to be multiplied by 5.
MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- = Mn2+ 4H2O
5Fe2+ = 5Fe3+ + 5e-
The number of electrons now balance, they can be cancelled and the equations put together.
MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- + 5Fe2+ = 5Fe3+ + 5e- + Mn2+ 4H2O
MnO4- + 8H+ + 5Fe2+ = 5Fe3+ + Mn2+ 4H2O
Balance the redox equation HAsO2 + BrO3- = Br2 + H3AsO4? How would you go about doing this?
1) Separate them into two half equations THEN ONLY PUT THEM BACK TOGETHER AT THE END.
HAsO2 = H3AsO4
BrO3- = Br2
2) Balance everything IN THE TWO SEPARATE EQUATIONS except from H and O.
HAsO2 = H3AsO4
2BrO3- = Br2
3) Then balance the O molecules by adding in water.
HAsO2 + 2H2O = H3AsO4
2BrO3- = Br2 + 2H2O
4) Then balance the hydrogen molecules
HAsO2 + 2H2O = H3AsO4 + 2H+
2BrO3- + 12H+ = Br2 + 6H2O
5) Then add electrons to the side deficient in electrons
HAsO2 + 2H2O = H3AsO4 + 2H+ +2e-
2BrO3- + 12H+ + 10e- = Br2 + 6H2O (10 because the other side is neutral and it it +12+-2 and so is +10 so needs -10 to be neutral).
6) Then match the electrons in both equations. There are 10 in one and 2 in another so one needs to be multiplied by 5 and one needs to be left.
5HAsO2 + 10H2O = 5H3AsO4 + 10H+ +10e-
2BrO3- + 12H+ + 10e- = Br2 + 6H2O
7) Then combine them:
2BrO3- + 12H+ + 10e- + 5HAsO2 + 10H2O = Br2 + 6H2O
5H3AsO4 + 10H+ +10e-
8) Then cancel
2BrO3- + 2H+ + 5HAsO2 + 4H2O = Br2 + 5H3AsO4
How is the reactivity series established?
The metals in the reactivity series are arranged in order of how easily they are oxidised to form positive ions.
Metals higher up the series form positive ions more easily and so are more reactive. Another way of saying this is that the metals higher up in the series lose electrons more readily and are stronger reducing agents.
How do you predict reactions using the reactivity series?
The metals high in the reactivity series displace those lower in the series from solutions of their salts. For example, zinc is more readily oxidised than copper and therefore it will give it’s electrons away and join the solution.
What happens to metal’s reactions with hydrogen as you go up the reactivity series?
Metals higher than hydrogen in the reactivity series will displace it and reduce hydrogen producing hydrogen gas. Metals lower than hydrogen will not reduce hydrogen or replace it in the solution and will not produce hydrogen gas.
Acids contain hydrogen and therefore we can expect metals more reactive than hydrogen to produce hydrogen gas and react but for metals lower not to react.
What is BOD?
BOD is biochemical oxygen demand, it is used as a measure of the quality of water. It is a measure of the amount of oxygen used by microorganisms to oxidise the organic matter in the water. Any organic pollutants in river water will be decomposed by microorganisms in the water and this will happen through respiration, using up oxygen. The higher the BOD the more organic waste there is in the water. If for example sewage is released into a river or a lake then this will greatly increase the BOD - the water is more polluted. If the river is fast flowing, new oxygen can be dissolved fairly quickly but this process is much slower in still water. Organic matter in water might include leaves, animal manure, dead plants and animals. Effluent from water treatment plants will also contain organic matter.
BOD is defined as the amount of oxygen used by the aerobic microorganisms in water to decompose the organic matter in the water over a fixed period of time (usually 5 days) at a fixed temperature (usually 20 degrees).
Good quality river water will have a BOD of less than 1ppm. Water is generally regarded as unpolluted if it has a BOD lower the 5ppm. Untreated sewage can have a BOD of 500ppm but treated sewage from water treatment plants should have a BOD lower than 20ppm.
What is the Winkler method?
The Winkler method is the typical method for determining the amount of dissolved oxygen in water.
The basic chemistry is that Manganese (11) sulfate is added to the water and the manganese (11) ions are oxidised under alkaline conditions to mangaese (4) by the oxygen in the water.
2Mn(OH)2 + O2 = 2MnO(OH)2
The sample is acidified with sulphuric acid to produce manganese (4) sulfate. H+ are added but they make water and do not change the oxidation number of Mn4+.
Then iodine ions are oxidised to I2 by the manganese ions.
Mn4+ +2I- = Mn2+ + I2
This iodine can then be titrated against a standard sodium thiosulfate solution:
I2 + 2S2O3 2- = S4O6 2- + 2I-
The outcome from these equations is that the number of moles of dissolved oxygen is 1/4, of the number of moles of sodium thiosulfate used in the titration - or the mass of oxygen is eight times the number of moles of sodium thiosulphate.
What is another name for voltaic cells?
Galvanic cells
What do voltaic cells do?
They provide us with a way of harnessing redox reactions to generate electricity. This is the basis of cells (batteries.).
What is the difference between voltaic cells and electrolytic cells?
Voltaic cells make their own energy from a spontaneous redox reaction, whereas electrolytic cells use electrical energy to allow a non spontaneous redox reaction to occur.
How do voltaic cells work?
When a piece of zinc is put into a solution of copper (2) sulphate an exothermic reaction occurs and the zinc becomes coated with copper and the blue colour of the copper sulphate solution fades. The overall reaction that occurs is:
Zn + Cu2+ = Zn2+ + Cu
The half equations are:
Zn = Zn2+ + 2e-
Cu2+ + 2e- = Cu
When zinc is added to a copper solution, electrons are transferred from the zinc to the Cu2+. The Cu2+ is reduced and the zinc is oxidised.
If these reactions are separated, exactly the same reaction occurs except that instead of the electrons being transferred directly from the Zn to the Cu2+ they are transferred via the external unit. There are two electrodes in the water with sulphate, they are in two separate beakers and have an external circuit connecting the two also.
The zinc ions are oxidised and the electrons lost flow around the circuit to the copper electrode, where they are gained by the Cu2+ electrons to form copper.
This reaction is exothermic but instead of it being thermal energy because of the external circuit it is converted to chemical energy.
There is a salt bridge in the middle of the two beakers. It is necessary because if it was not present there would be a build up of Zn2+ ions and the zinc electrode would get smaller and smaller and disappear. The build up of Zn2+ ions would mean that no more would be formed. The same would happen, but the opposite, with the copper.
The salt bridge contains ions that can flow out of the salt bridge into the individual half-cells to prevent any build up of charge. Similarly, any excess ions in the individual half-cells can flow into the salt bridge to prevent any build up or charge.
The salt bridge provides an electrical connection between the two half-cells to complete the circuit. It allows ions to flow into or out of the half-cells to balance out the charges in the half-cells.
A salt bridge usually contains a concentrated solution of an ionic salt such as KCl.
What does the salt bridge do?
There is a salt bridge in the middle of the two beakers. It is necessary because if it was not present there would be a build up of Zn2+ ions and the zinc electrode would get smaller and smaller and disappear. The build up of Zn2+ ions would mean that no more would be formed. The same would happen, but the opposite, with the copper.
The salt bridge contains ions that can flow out of the salt bridge into the individual half-cells to prevent any build up of charge. Similarly, any excess ions in the individual half-cells can flow into the salt bridge to prevent any build up or charge.
The salt bridge provides an electrical connection between the two half-cells to complete the circuit. It allows ions to flow into or out of the half-cells to balance out the charges in the half-cells.
A salt bridge usually contains a concentrated solution of an ionic salt such as KCl.
What is an anode?
The anode is the electrode at which oxidation occurs.
In a voltaic cell the anode is negative.
In a electrolytic cells the anode is positive.
What is a cathode?
The cathode is the electrode at which reduction occurs.
What is the cell notation for voltaic cells?
A single vertical line represents a phase boundary (between solid and an aqueous solution here) and the double line indicates the salt bridge.
What do we do if the electrode is a gas or metal ions?
We use a platinum (very inert metal) as an electrode and then they are put either side of the vertical lines in the notation.
What affects the voltage in a voltaic cell?
The bigger the difference in reactivity between the electrodes the bigger the voltage. This is because there will be a bigger tendency to donate electrons.
What is electrolysis?
Electrolysis is the breaking down of a substance (in molten state or solution) by the passage of electricity through it.
How does electrolysis work?
Electrolysis is the breaking down of a substance (in molten state or solution) by the passage of electricity through it.
Electrons travel from the negative pole of the battery to the negative electrode, the positive ions in the solution move towards the negative electrode, they are given electrons. The negative ions move towards the positive electrode and donate electrons, these are given to the positive electrode and travel to the positive pole of the battery. The circuit is completed however no electron flows through the electrolyte it is not a circle, more like a chain.
What is an electrolyte?
An electrolyte is a solution or a molten compound that will conduct electricity, with decomposition at the electrodes as it does so. Electrolytes contain ions that are free to move towards the electrodes.
Why do ionic substances not electrolyse when solid?
Ionic salts will not conduct electricity when solid because the ions are held tightly in the lattice structure and are therefore not free to move.
Compare voltaic cells and electrolytic cells?
- spontaneous redox reaction generates electricity.
- conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy.
- anode is negative and cathode is positive
- non spontaneous redox reaction (one that would not happen by itself) is brought about by the passage of electrons.
- conversion of electrical energy to chemical energy.
- anode is positive electrode and cathode is negative electrode
What is the standard cell potential?
A standard cell potential is the EMC (voltage) produced when two half cells are connected under standard conditions. This drives the movement of electrons through the external circuit from the negative electrode to the positive electrode.
How is standard cell potential linked to Gibbs and KC?
The higher the value (more positive) of the standard cell potential, the more favourable the reaction (Gibbs is more negative and the value of Kc is larger.
If the reaction is spontaneous is Gibbs negative or positive?
How do we measure the tendency of half equations?
You cannot just measure the tendency for half reactions on their own because if something is reduced then something else must be oxidised. The tendency of these reactions to occur can be measured only by connecting one half cell to another half cell and measuring the cell potential. We always measure them against the same though so that they are comparable. The one that we use is called the standard hydrogen electrode.
What is the hydrogen standard electrode?
In the hydrogen standard electrode, hydrogen gas at 100kPa pressure is bubbled around a platinum electrode of very high surface area in a solution of H+ ions of concentration 1moldm-3. Platinum is chosen because it is a very inert metal and has very little tendency to be oxidised.
The reaction occurring at this half cell is
2H+ + 2e- = H2
It is assigned a standard electron potential of 0.00v.
What is the standard electrode potential?
The standard electrode potential is the EMF (voltage) of a half cell connected to a standard hydrogen electrode, measured under standard conditions. All solutions must be of concentration 1moldm-3
A standard electrode potential is always quoted for the reduction reaction.
How do you work out the cell potential?
- Write down the half equations and standard electrode potentials for the two reactions involved?
- Change the sign of the more negative (less positive) standard electrode potential and add it to the other electrode potential.
How do you tell which will be the negative electrode?
Whichever half-cell has the more negative standard electrode potential will be the negative electrode in the cell, and the electrons will flow from this half-cell to the other one.
Using standard electron potentials how do we know if a reaction is spontaneous or not?
Whether the overall standard electron cell is positive then it will be spontaneous.
How do oxidising and reducing agent’s strengths relate to standard half cell potentials?
The higher the standard cell potential the stronger the oxidising agent. This is because a very positive value of E says that the reduction reaction is very favourable (the reduction way round is how they are written) therefore the things on the left are very good oxidisers, because they have a great tendency to be reduced.
A very negative value however indicates that the reverse reaction is very favourable, meaning that the oxidised way is most likely to happen so that the things on the left are very good reducers.
What happens with two electrode potentials one is less than the other?
A substance with a more positive standard electrode potential will oxidise a substance with a less positive electrode potential
a substance with a more negative standard electrode potential will reduce a substance with a less negative standard electrode potential.
The more reactive a metal the more ……. its standard electrode potential?
metals are oxidised
so metals reduce other things
So for them to be reduced in the reaction is very unlikely so it will be negative.
The more negative standard electrode potential indicates that the reduction reaction is very unfavourable, so that the oxidisation one will take place. Metals like to give away their electrons and therefore reducing other things, so the ones that give them away easier will be more reducing and therefore make the reducing of the metal reaction more unlikely to happen and therefore make the standard electrode potential more negative.
What about metals with higher electrode potentials than hydrogen?
These are the metals that are less reactive than hydrogen, because everything is in comparison with the standard hydrogen electrode potential. Metals that do not displace hydrogen will not give away their electrons and therefore will not oxidise and therefore the reduction reaction is more likely to happen and therefore the cell potential is positive.
The more reactive a non metal the more …… its electrode potential?
Non metals like to gain electrons, they are therefore reduced, and so like to follow the route of the reaction pathway. So the more POSITIVE, because more reactive are more likely to make the reaction happen.
What is the relationship between standard cell potentials and gibbs free energy?
Gibbs = - n FE
n = number of electrons transferred F = faradays constant (one mole of charge of electrons 96500 Cmol-1) E = electrode potential.
What happens in the electrolysis of aqueous solutions?
Postive - anode - Oxygen or halogen released (because their ions are negative)
Negative - cathode - Hydrogen or metal released (because their irons are positive)
How do we predict what will be reduced or oxidised at the electrodes in electrolysis?
We can use standard electrode potentials.
Reduction always happens at the cathode. The more easily reduced is the more positive standard electrode potential value, so the more positive will be reduced.
Metals can be categorised into three groups:
1. Very reactive metals with very negative standard electrode potentials, most likely to be oxidised. Therefore hydrogen is produced at these electrodes because hydrogen will have a higher value and therefore be more likely to be reduced.
- Unreactive metals (with positive electrode potentials) such as copper and silver. These produce the metal when the solutions are electrolysed not the hydrogen.
- Metals of intermediate reactivity (with standard electrode potentials between -0.83V and 0.00V) such as zinc, nickel and lead. For these metals it is much more difficult to make predictions and we can get either the metal or a mixture of the metal and hydrogen, depending on the metal and the conditions used.
With the anode it is the opposite. Oxidation always happens at the anode and therefore it is the most negative that will be oxidised at the anode (unless you flip the signs and then it is the most positive because the smallest minus will be the smallest plus).
What does the electrolysis of sulphates and nitrates produce?
It always produces oxygen gas at the anode because sulphur and nitrates do not oxidise.
How does the concentration of the electrolyte effect the products at the electrodes?
At very low chloride concentrations, the product of glycolysis is mainly oxygen, but with more concentrated solutions chlorine is the major product.
How does the electrode material effect the products given off?
The products at the cathode ARE ALWAYS THE SAME. However sometimes, at the anode, if the electrodes are more reactive than oxygen, and are more likely to be oxidised they will be given off instead, for example copper electrodes.
What is electroplating?
Electroplating is the process of coating an object with a thin layer of a metal using electrolysis. The object to be coated should be used as the cathode, and the metal should be used as the anode. The electrolyte normally contains the ions of the coating metal.
The electrolysis of water?
Normally because water is such a poor conductor of electricity some sulphuric acid is added.
The reaction at the anode is the oxidation of water and so oxygen loses electrons and released as a gas. Then at the cathode the hydrogen is reduced and gains electrons and is released as a gas.
There is only one tiny thing I may not remember and that is that at the anode 2 electrons are lost for every H2, but at the cathode 4 electrons are gained to make O2, therefore you need to make 2 hydrogen for every 1 oxygen.
What is the relationship between gibbs free energy and electrolysis?
Energy has to be supplied in order for all of these reactions to occur in an electrolytic cell, therefore these reactions are not spontaneous and so Gibbs free energy is always positive. This can be contrasted with a voltaic cell where the reaction is always spontaneous and Gibbs free energy is always negative.
What are the three things that effect the amount of product formed at an electrode?
- Current
If you double the current, you double the electrons passing and double the product. - Length of electrolysis
If you double the time you double the electrons passing and double the product. - Charge on the ion
The larger the charge the more electrons are needed to be transferred or moved so the less product formed. AL3+ required 3 electrons while in that time you can make 1 mole of Al, you can make 3 moles of Na because it only requires 1 electron.