Redirects Flashcards
How can you add text to a file or overwrite an existing file?
echo “text” > /path/to/file
How can you append text to an existing file?
echo “text”»_space; /path/to/file
What are the 3 standard redirects in Linux?
stdin (0) stdout (1) stderr (2)
What is the input redirect symbol?
Give an example of the input redirect action
wc < testfile (sending the testfile into the word count program - same as cat testfile | wc)
How can you suppress error output from a command?
2> /dev/null
Give an example of the tee command
echo “TESTING” | tee testfile (saves to file and displays “TESTING” on stdout - overwrites existing)
How can you append to file using tee?
echo “TESTING” | tee -a testfile
What is the | (pipe) used for?
To send the output of one command to the input of another command
How do you redirect output and error to the same place?
What location can you redirect to to discard output?