Redemption/Buyback of Shares (SGSs 18,19) Flashcards
Check to see if Articles allow purchase of own shares
s.690(1)(b) CA 2006
Check to see if shares are fully paid up
s.691(1)(a) CA 2006
Check to see if Company will continue to have shares
s.690(2) CA 2006
Company will need a purchase contract to purchase shares back
s.694(1) CA 2006
Purchase contract will need to be approved by an OR
s.694(2) CA 2006
Any director can call a BM
MA 9(1)
Reasonable notice as is usual for the company is required for BM
Browne v La Trinidad
Quorum for directors is 2
MA 11(2)
Any directors need to disclose an interest in a transaction
s.177(1) CA 2006
Manners in which notice of GM may be given
s.308 CA 2006
Notice required to be given to SH for GM
s.310 CA 2006
14 clear days notice required for GM
s.307(1) and s.360 CA 2006
Short notice
s.307(5) CA 2006
Purchase contract needs to be available to inspect at least 15 days before GM, including day of GM
s.696(2)(b) CA 2006
Quorum for GM is 2
s.318(2) CA 2006
Simple majority for ordinary resolution
s.282(1) CA 2006