Company Procedure/Decision Making (SGSs 2,5) Flashcards
Notice that must be given for BM
Reasonable notice (Browne v La Trinidad)
Directors have a general power to exercise all the powers of the company
MA 3
Director can call a BM by giving notice of the meeting to the other directors
MA 9(1)
Notice of a board meeting must include:
Date, time, venue and method of communication (if not all in same place)
MA 9(2)
The quorum for a BM is two, unless AA state otherwise
MA 11(2)
One director can be a Chairman and have a casting vote in the event of a deadlock
MA 13
Decisions at a BM are passed on a simple majority
MA 7(1)
Decisions by directors can be made without a meeting (i.e. written resolution) if decision is unanimous
MA 7(1) and MA 8
If a director abstains from voting on a decision, are they counted towards the number of people voting on the issue?
No, so on a board 5 directors, and one abstains, have to count votes out of 4.
Directors must ensure that the company keeps a written record of every decision made by the directors for at least 10 years
MA 15
s.248(2) CA 2006
Directors can call a GM
s.302 CA 2006
Quorum required for a GM is 2 (unless company only has one member)
s.318(2) CA 2006
At least 14 days’ notice must be given of a GM.
This is 14 clear days
s. 307(1) CA 2006
s. 360(1) CA 2006
Ordinary Resolutions require a simple majority in order to pass
s.282(1) CA 2006
Special Resolutions require ‘not less than 75%’ in order to pass
s.283(1) CA 2006
Normal method for passing a resolution at a GM is by a show of hands
Each member having one vote
MA 42
A poll vote can be demanded by:
the Chairman of the meeting;
the Directors;
Two or more people with the right to vote on the resolution; or
Shareholder(s) with at least 10% of the rights to vote on the resolution
MA 44(2)
When voting on a poll, every shareholder has one vote in respect of each share held by him/her
s.284(3)(a) CA 2006
A poll can be demanded before the meeting, or at the meeting either before or immediately after a show of hands has taken place
MA 44(1)
A GM can be held by shorter notice if agreed by the members
s.307(4) CA 2006
A private company can agree to a shorter notice period if shareholders who are both a majority in number of eligible voters and represent at least 90% of eligible share capital agree
s.307(5) and (6)(a) CA 2006
A written resolution can be proposed by either the directors or (if a sufficient number agree) the shareholders
s.288(3) CA 2006
There are some resolutions (such as removing a director or the company’s auditors) that cannot be passed using the written resolution procedure
s.288(2) CA 2006
Written Resolution: The company must provide a copy of the resolution to every eligible member, accompanied by a statement informing members how to signify their agreement and the time frame for doing so
s. 291(2) CA 2006
s. 291(4) CA 2006