Red Dig Site 10 Flashcards
When Paul and Barnabas arrived in Antioch, what did they report?
1.All that God had done through them
2.How God had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles
3.Both answers are correct.
After they went to Attalia, how long did Paul and Barnabas stay in Antioch with the disciples? (14:28)
1.For two weeks
2.For one month
3.For a long time
Who taught, “Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.” (15:1)
1.Certain people from Judea
2.All the believers
3.Paul and Barnabas
Who was sent to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders about the question some believers raised? (15:2)
1.Paul and Barnabas
2.The men from Judea
3.The Gentiles
How did the believers feel when they heard the news of how the Gentiles had been converted? (15:3)
1.Extremely upset
2.Very glad
What happened when Paul and Barnabas came to Jerusalem? (15:4)
1.“They were welcomed by the church and the apostles and elders.”
2.“They reported everything God had done through them.”
3.Both answers are correct.
What did some believers who were a part of the Pharisees think the Gentiles should have to do (15:5)
1.Be circumcised
2.Keep the law of Moses
3.Both answers are correct.
What did God want the Gentiles to hear from Peter’s lips? (15:7)
1.The message of the gospel
2.Angry words
3.Both answers are correct
How did God show that He accepted the Gentiles? (15:8)
1.By making them clean
2.By building them a church
3.By giving the Holy Spirit to them
Who did Peter say is saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus? (15:11)
1.The Gentiles
2.The Jews
3.Both answers are correct.
Who became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the miracles and wonders God had done among the Gentiles? (15:12)
1.No one
2.The whole assembly
3.Only the apostles
Who was sent to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas to deliver the letter? (15:22)
1.Judas and Silas
2.Peter and John
3.Mary and Martha
In the letter to the Gentiles, which laws were given? (15:29)
1.“Abstain from food sacrificed to idols”
2.“Abstain from eating candy”
3.Both answers are correct
What did Judas and Silas do in Antioch? (15:32)
1.They didn’t do much in Antioch.
2.They “said much to encourage and strengthen the believers.”
3.They “said exactly what the letter said.”
What did Paul and Barnabas do in Antioch? (15:35)
3.Both answers are correct.
Who did Barnabas want to take with them to visit the believers in all the towns they preached? (15:37)
2.All of the believers
3.John, also called Mark
To where did Barnabas and Mark sail? (15:39)
What did Paul and Silas do in Syria and Cilicia? (15:40-41)
1.Strengthen the churches
2.Built new churches
3.Both answers are correct.
Finish this verse: “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to…” (Ephesians 4:2-3)
1.“… fight the good fight.”
2.“… keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
3.“… live at peace with everyone.”