Red Dig Site 1 Flashcards
To whom is the book of Acts written?
- Caesar
- Luke
- Theophilus
After his suffering, what did Jesus do?
- He presented himself to the apostles
- He “gave many convincing proofs that he was alive.”
- Both answers are correct.
When Jesus appeared to the apostles over a period of forty days, what did He speak about?
- The kingdom of God
- His resurrection
- The Sermon on the Mount
Where were the apostles to wait for the gift God promised them?
- Antioch
- Jerusalem
- Ephesus
What did Jesus command His apostles while he was eating with them?
- “Do not eat too much”
- ”Do not leave Jerusalem.”
- “Do not tell anyone what you have seen here.”
What did John baptize with?
- The Holy Spirit
- Oil
- Water
What did Jesus say it was not for the apostles to know?
- The times or dates the Father has set
- Where He was going
- Who betrayed Him
What would the apostles receive when the Holy Spirit came on them?
- Love
- Power
- Gifts
Where would the apostles be witnesses when the Holy Spirit came?
- Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria
- To the end of the Earth
3. Both answers are correct
What hid Jesus from the apostles’ sight?
1. A cloud.
2. A sheet.
3. The darkness.
Who suddenly stood beside the apostles when they were looking intently up into the sky?
- Jesus
- The Holy Spirit
3. Two men dressed in white
Where were the apostles when the day of Pentecost came?
- “ In their homes.”
- “ Scattered throughout the countryside.
3. All together in one place.”
What rested on each of the apostles?
1. Tongues of fire.
2. A deep nights sleep.
3. A flock of doves
What happened on the day of Pentecost?
- The people heard a violent wind and saw tongues of fire.
- The people received the Holy Spirit.
3. Both answers are correct.
Who said, “These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning”?
- John
2. Peter - James
According to the prophet Joel, in the last days, what will God pour out?
- Abundant love
- Living water
- His Spirit
Who will prophesy when God pours out His Spirit on all people?
- Sons and daughters.
- God‘s servants, both men and women.
3. Both answers are correct
What did Peter tell the people when they asked, “Brothers, what shall we do?”
1. “ Repent and be baptized.”
2. “ Go home and rest”
3. ”Eat, for the day is done.”
How many were added to their number on the day of Pentecost?
1 About 1,000
2 About 3,000
3 About 5,000
What did the believers devote themselves to?
- To the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship.
- To the breaking of bread and to prayer.
- Both answers are correct
Who performed many wonders and signs after Pentecost?
1. The apostles
2. The new believers
3. Both answers are correct
How often did the believers meet?
1. Every day
2. Only on Sundays
3. Once a week