Red Cells 1 Flashcards
What is anaemia?
Anaemia = reduction in red cells or their haemoglobin content
Describe the aetiologies of anaemia?
- Blood loss
- Increased destruction
- Lack of production
- Defective production
Where are red cells produced?
Bone marrow
Describe the development of red cells?
1) Stem cell - haemocytoblast
2) Committed cell - proerythroblast
3) Developmental pathway: phase 1, 2 and 3
4) Erythrocyte

What are some substances required for red cell production?
- Metals
- Iron, copper, cobalt, manganese
- Vitamins
- B12, folic acid, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E
- Amino acids
- Hormones
- Erythropoietin, GM-CSF, androgens, thyroxine
Where does red cell breakdown occur?
Occurs in the reticuloendothelial system:
- Macrophages in spleen, liver, lymph node and other tissues like lungs and guts recognise old red cells and destroy them
What is the normal lifespan of red cells?
120 days
Describe how the red cell is recycled when broken down?
- Globin
- In reticular system amino acids are reutilised
- Haem
- Iron recycled into haemoglobin
- Haem broken down into biliverdin then bilirubin (unconjugated bilirubin)
- Bilirubin carried bound to albumin
- Converted into bilirubin glucuronide in liver
What are mature red cells called?
What do erythrocytes contain?
- Membrane
- Enzymes
- Haemoglobin
What shape is an erythrocyte and why?
- Make cell small to squeeze through capillaries
- Increase surface area for gas transfer
What is the red cell membrane formed from?
- Lipid bilayer
- Skeletal proteins
- Responsible for maintaining red cell shape and deformability
- Defects can lead to increased cell destruction
What are the skeletal proteins on the red cell membrane responsible for?
- Responsible for maintaining red cell shape and deformability
- Defects can lead to increased cell destruction
What are important red cell pathways?
- Glycolysis
- Provides energy
- Pentose phosphate shunt
- Protects from oxidative damage
What does the pentose phosphate shunt do?
- Protects from oxidative damage
What is an important enzyme used in both glycolysis and pentose phosphate shunt?
An enzyme used in both of these pathways is glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase:
- Protects red cell proteins (haemoglobin) from oxidative damage
- Produces NADPH – vital for reduction of glutathione
- Reduced glutathione scavenges and detoxifies reactive oxygen species

How does glucose-6-phosphatase protect haemoglobin from oxidative damage?
- Protects red cell proteins (haemoglobin) from oxidative damage
- Produces NADPH – vital for reduction of glutathione
- Reduced glutathione scavenges and detoxifies reactive oxygen species
Describe the haemoglobin structure?
- Polypeptide chain
- 2 beta chains and two alpha chain
- Haem molecule
- 4 haem molecules – each associated with one chain
- Contains iron
What is the polypeptide chain of haemoglobin formed from?
- 2 beta chains and two alpha chain
Each haem molecule is associated with how many chains?
Ech associated with one chain
What metal is found in the haem molecule?
How many haem molecules are in haemoglobin?
- 4 haem molecules – each associated with one chain
What is the function of haemoglobin?
- Carries oxygen
- 2 structures – conformational change to uptake and unload oxygen
- Oxyhaemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin
- 2,3 – DPG holds deoxyhaemoglobin in tight structure
- 2 structures – conformational change to uptake and unload oxygen
- Gas exchange
- O2 to tissues
- CO2 to lungs

What are the 2 structures of haemoglobin?
- 2 structures – conformational change to uptake and unload oxygen
- Oxyhaemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin
- 2,3 – DPG holds deoxyhaemoglobin in tight structure

What molecule holds deoxyhaemoglobin in tight structure?
2-3 - DPG

Describe the oxygen dissociation curve?
- Shifts as compensatory mechanism
- “Bohr effect”
- As CO2 levels rise, causing acidosis, hyperthermia and hypercapnia (so pH falls), oxygen is given up more readily to tissues
Does HbF or HbA have greater affinity for oxygen?
- HbF higher affinity than HbA
- With high affinity make more red cells to compensate to get oxygen to tissues
Describe the structure of normal adult haemoglobin?
- 2 alpha chains
- 4 alpha genes – 2 from mother and 2 from father
- On chromosome 16 – only place these chains can be made
- 2 beta chains
- 2 beta genes
- On chromosome 11 – downstream there are genes that can make delta chains and gamma chains

How many alpha genes do you have?
- 4 alpha genes – 2 from mother and 2 from father

Where is the alpha gene located?
On chromosome 16 – only place these chains can be made

How many beta genes do you have?
- 2 beta genes

Where is beta gene located?
- On chromosome 11 – downstream there are genes that can make delta chains and gamma chains

What are the normal adult haemoglobin percentages of each type?
- HbA (ααββ) 97%
- HbA2 (ααδδ) 2%
- HbF (ααγγ) 1%
- When your born this is 97%, but during first year of life gamma genes switched off and beta genes switched on
What chains are used to make HbA2
- HbA2 (ααδδ)

What chains are used to make HbF?
- HbF (ααγγ)

What are examples of congenital anaemias?
- Membrane
- Hereditary Spherocytosis
- Other rarer ones
- Hereditary elliptocytosis
- Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis
- South East Asian Ovalocytosis
- Metabolic pathways (enzymes)
- G-6-P deficiency
- Other rarer ones
- Pyruvate kinase deficiency
- Haemoglobin
- Haemoglobinopathies (inherited abnormalities of haemoglobin synthesis)
- Thalassaemia
- Reduced or absent globin chain production
- Alpha, beta, delta or gamma
- Sickle cell (HbS), or HbC, HbD, HbE….
- Mutations leading to structurally abnormal globin chain
- Thalassaemia
- Other rarer ones
- Hereditary sideroblastic anaemia
- Porphyrias
- Haemoglobinopathies (inherited abnormalities of haemoglobin synthesis)
What does haemoglobinopathies mean?
- Haemoglobinopathies (inherited abnormalities of haemoglobin synthesis)
What is thalassaemia?
- Reduced or absent globin chain production
- Alpha, beta, delta or gamma
What is sickle cell?
- Sickle cell (HbS), or HbC, HbD, HbE….
- Mutations leading to structurally abnormal globin chain
What are some genetic disorders of the red cell membrane?
- Hereditary Spherocytosis
- Other rarer ones
- Hereditary elliptocytosis
- Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis
- South East Asian Ovalocytosis
What are some genetic disorders of the metabolic pathways in red cells?
- G-6-P deficiency
- Other rarer ones
- Pyruvate kinase deficiency
What are examples of haemoglobinopathies?
- Reduced or absent globin chain production
- Alpha, beta, delta or gamma
Sickle cell (HbS), or HbC, HbD, HbE….
- Mutations leading to structurally abnormal globin chain
- Other rarer ones
- Hereditary sideroblastic anaemia
- Porphyrias
What kind of inheritance do most congenital anaemias display?
Autosomal recessive
Describes the genetics of hereditary spherocytosis?
- Most common forms autosomal dominant
Describe the pathophysiology of hereditary spherocytosis?
- Defects in 5 different structural proteins
- Ankyrin
- Alpha spectrin
- Beta spectrin
- Band 3
- Protein 4.2
- Causing red cells to be spherical
- Removed from circulation by the RE system (extra-vascular)
Describe the presentation of hereditary spherocytosis?
- Variable, depending on which proteins affected
- Anaemia
- Jaundice (neonatal in severe types)
- Splenomegaly
- Due to working extra eliminating these cells
- Pigment gallstones
- Due to increased bilirubin crystallising in gallbladder
Describe the treatment for hereditary spherocytosis?
- Folic acid
- If mild
- Transfusion
- If severe
- Splenectomy
- If very severe
Describe the genetics of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency?
- X linked
- Affects males
- Female carriers
Describe the pathophysiology of G-6-P dehydrogenase deficiency?
- Cells vulnerable to oxidative damage
- Causing haemolysis in circulation, creation of blister cells
What is the commonest disease causing enzymopathy?
G-6-P dehydrogenase deficiency
Describe the presentation of G-6-P dehydrogenase deficiency?
- Variable degrees of anaemia
- Neonatal jaundice
- Splenomegaly
- Pigment gallstones
Presentation of G-6-P dehydrogenase deficiency is precipitated by?
- Drugs, broad bean, acute illness or infection
- Causes intravascular haemolysis
- Haemoglobinuria – due to bursting red cells in circulation
Describe the pathophysiology of pyruvate kinase deficiency?
- Reduced ATP
- Increased 2, 3-DPG
- Cells rigid
Describe the presentation of pyruvate kinase deficiency?
- Anaemia
- Jaundice
- Gallstones
Where are haemoglobinopathies most common?
- More common in areas where malaria is or was prevalent
Describe the genetics of haemoglobinopathies?
- Autosomal recessive inheritance
- 1/4 chance of having affected carrier
- 1/2 chance of being a carrier

Being a carrier of haemoglobinopathies confers what?
Being a carrier confers resistance to severe malaria infection
Describe the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease?
- Sickle cell haemoglobin (HbS) composed of haem molecule and 2 alpha chains and 2 beta (sickle chains)
- Point mutation
- Red cell changes shape to rigid sickle cells
- Can damage red cell membrane, leakage of cells and they become dehydrated
- Haemolysis then causes endothelial activation, promotion of inflammation, coagulation activation, dysregulation of vasomotor tone by vasodilator mediators (NO)
- Vaso-occlusion
Descibe the presentation of sickle cell disease?
- Multi-system disorder
- Painful vaso-occlusive crises
- Bone pain
- Chest crises
- Stroke
- Increased infection risk
- Hyposplenism
- Chronic haemolytic anaemia
- Gallstones
- Aplastic crises
- Sequestration crises (pooling of blood)
- Spleen
- Liver
Describe the treatment of a painful sickle cell disease crises?
- Pain management
- Opiates
- Hydration
- Oxygen
- Consider antibiotics
Describe the management of sickle cell disease?
- Vaccination
- Against organisms that can cause infection
- Penicillin prophylaxis
- Folic acid
Describe the mangement of acute events due to sickle cell disease?
- Hydration
- Oxygenation
- Prompt treatment of infection
- Analgesia
- Opiates
- Blood transfusion
- Episodic or chronic
- Complications – alloimmunisation, iron overload
- Episodic or chronic
- Disease modifying drugs
- Hydroxycarbamide
- Bone marrow transplantation
- Gene therapy
What analgesics should be used for sickle cell during acute events?
- Opiates
What are some disease modifying drugs for sickle cell disease?
- Hydroxycarbamide
- Bone marrow transplantation
- Gene therapy
What is thalassaemia?
Reduced or absent globin chain deletions:
- Can lose all genes, or just one
What are the different kinds of thalassaemias?
- Alpha thalassaemia
- Beta thalassaemia

Describe the pathophysiology of thalassaemia?
- Chain imbalance (free chains floating about – if reduction in beta chains then alpha chains floating around)
- Causing chronic haemolysis and anaemia
What is “a” thalassaemia?

What is “a0” thalassaemia?

What is homozygous alpha zero thalassaemia?
- Homozygous alpha zero thalassaemia (a0/a0)
- No alpha chains
- Hydrops fetalis – incompatible with life
What is beta thalassaemia major?
- Beta thalassaemia major (homozygous beta thalassaemia)
- No beta chains
- Transfusion dependent anaemia (severe anaemia)
Describe the presentation of beta thalassaemia major?
- Presentation – at 3-6 months age, expansion of ineffective bone marrow, bony deformities (due to bone marrow trying to make more red cells), splenomegaly, growth retardation
Describe the prognosis of beta thalassaemia major?
- Prognosis – if untreated or with irregular transfusions is <10 years
Describe the treatment for beta thalassaemia major?
- Treatment – chronic transfusion support 4-6 weekly, iron chelation therapy (s/c desforrioxamine infusions or oral deferasirox), regular monitoring of ferritin and MRI scans, possible bone marrow transplantation
- Side effect – iron overload
What is thalassaemia minor?
- Thalassaemia minor (common)
- “Trait” or carrier state, only lost one gene
- Hypochronic microcytic red cell indices (small red cells)
Describe the spectrum of severity for thalassaemia?
Homozygous alpha zero thalassaemia (a0/a0)
- No alpha chains
- Hydrops fetalis – incompatible with life
Beta thalassaemia major (homozygous beta thalassaemia)
- No beta chains
- Transfusion dependent anaemia (severe anaemia)
- Presentation – at 3-6 months age, expansion of ineffective bone marrow, bony deformities (due to bone marrow trying to make more red cells), splenomegaly, growth retardation
- Prognosis – if untreated or with irregular transfusions is <10 years
- Treatment – chronic transfusion support 4-6 weekly, iron chelation therapy (s/c desforrioxamine infusions or oral deferasirox), regular monitoring of ferritin and MRI scans, possible bone marrow transplantation
- Side effect – iron overload
Non-transfusion dependent thalassaemia
- Range of genotypes
Thalassaemia minor (common)
- “Trait” or carrier state, only lost one gene
- Hypochronic microcytic red cell indices (small red cells)
What is sideroblastic anaemia?
Sideroblastic anemia is a group of blood disorders characterized by an impaired ability of the bone marrow to produce normal red blood cells . In this condition, the iron inside red blood cells is inadequately used to make hemoglobin, despite normal amounts of iron.
Describe the aetiology of sideroblastic anaemia?
- ALA synthase mutations
- Hereditary
- Acquired
Describe the pathophysiology of sideroblastric anaemia?
- Defects in mitochondrial steps of haem synthesis
Describe the pathophysiology of porphyrias?
- Defects in cytoplasmic steps of haem synthesis