Recurrent aphthous/ aphthous like stomatitis Flashcards
what is Bechets disease
at least 3 episodes of apthous ulceration in past 12 months and at least 2 of the following:
- recurrent genital ulceration
- eye involvement
- skin lesions
- positive pathergy test
what is pathergy
a skin condition in which a minor trauma such as a bump or bruise leads to the development of skin lesions or ulcers that may be resistant to healing
what is erythema nodosum
a condition that causes painful patches of skin that look red or darker than the surrounding skin.
management of recurrent aphthous stomatitis if asymptomatic
no tx required
management of recurrent aphthous stomatitis if symptoms
match tx to symptom severity
manangement options for recurrent aphthous stomatitis
SLS free toothpaste
topical analgesic
topical steroid
diet modification - consider benzoate and cinnamon avoidance
topical analgesics
- benzydamine mouthwash 0.15% or oromucosal spray 0.15%
- Lidocaine ointment 5%
- Lidocaine spray 10%
antimicrobial mouthwashes
-chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash
-dispersible doxycycline tablet, as mouthwash
topical steroids
- betamethasone soluble tablets 500 micrograms (as a mouthwash)
- Clenil modulie 50 micrograms per metered inhalation (beclometasone
diproprionate) - hydrocortisone oromucosal tablets
triple mouthwash given in secondary care components
Betamethasone 500microg soluble tablet, doxycycline 100mg dispersible tablet, nystatin suspension
1ml in 10 to 15ml water
systemic medication given in secondary care for management of recurrent apthous stomatitis
- short course of prednisolone
- colchicine
- disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) e.g. azathioprine, mycophenolate mof