Oral lichen planus management Flashcards
managemet of lichen planus
symptomatic – no treatment required
Symptoms – match treatment to symptom severity
management options for oral lichen planus
- Diet modification
- SLS free toothpaste
- Topical analgesic
- Topical steroid
- Regular reviews, 6 monthly, potentially malignant mucosal disorder
topical analgesics
- benzydamine mouthwash or oromucosal spray
- Lidocaine ointment 5%
- Lidocaine spray 10%
topical antimicrobial
chlorohexidinde mouthwash
topical steroid
-betamethasone soluble tablets 500 micrograms (as a mouthwash)
-Clenil modulate 50 micrograms/metered inhalation (beclometasone
-hydrocortisone oromucosal tablets
triple mouthwash given in secondary care components
Betamethasone 500microg soluble tablet, doxycycline 100mg dispersible tablet, nystatin suspension
1ml in 10 to 15ml water
Oral lichen planus - Management in Secondary Care
topical steroids
triple mouthwash
systemic medication
systemic medication given in secondary care
- short course of prednisolone
- disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) e.g. hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine,
mycophenolate mofeti
Oral lichenoid reactions - Management
Liaise with GMP to cease/replace implicated medication
* Consider replacement of culpable restorative material with an alternative
* Interim management as per oral lichen planus
* Review 3 months above changes made to check response
* Potential for malignant transformation may be higher than for oral lichen planus