recreational drugs Flashcards
Diacetylmorphine – heroin
- Opiates are naturally occurring alkaloids such as morphine or codeine
- Heroin is the diacetyl derivative of morphine
pharm logical effects • Analgesia • Euphoria • Impaired cough reflex • Constipation • Nausea and vomiting • Tolerance and dependence • Respiratory depression cause of death pCo2
aka meth
• A synthethic homologue of amphetamine first synthesized in 1893 • Aka meth/ICE • Highly addictive • Used in war • Euphoria • Increased alterness and concentration • Increased energy • Increased libido • Appetite suppressant • Side effects o Increased HR o Breathing rate o Hypertension o Irregular temp • Long lasting o Emotional changes o Paranoia o Anxiety o Depression o Irritability ‘ o Hallucinations o Mood swings o Violent behaviors o Chronic sleep disorder o Memory loss o Anorexia o Malnutrition
- Meth mouth
- Highly addictive
- Cardiac failure
- Neurotoxicity – emotion and cognitive impairment due to neurogentive damage to the DA AND 5 HT neurons and transporters
• Euphoria • Appetite suppressant • Increase alertness self-confidence sense of wellbeing • Increase HR and BP • Has anesthetic action • Side effects o Eating and sleep disorder o Impaired sexual performance o Damage to nasal membranes and septum if snorted o Excessive dosages tremors and convulsions followed by respiratory depression o Chronic use Psychotic episodes Cardiovascular issues
MDMA escatsy
- Aid psychotherapy
- Side effects
- Acute pscyhosis
- Panic attacks
- Insomnia
- Involuntary teeth clenching seizures
- Serotonin syndrome
Role of 5 HT in nervous function
• Implicated in o Hallucinations o Mood o Aggression o Impulsivity o Eating o Sleep o Arousal o Sensory and pain
• The main intoxicant:a CB1 and CB2 receptor partial agonist with moderate affinity
The Good›euphoria›appetite stimulation›analgesia
The Bad›anxiety›memory impairment›sedation
LSD lysergic aice diethylamide
hallucinogenic • Distorted sensory perception • Loss of boundaries and fear • Distortion of subjective time • Feelings of a greater sensitivity • Altered mood • Psychosis symptoms: thought process depersonalization and visual hallucinations • Side effects o Strong tolerance o Flashbacks o Fatal accident o Bad trips o Unpredictability o Precipitation of psychosis o Somatic symptoms
- Product of fermentation of sugars and fruits
- Slurred speech
- Motor incoordination
- Increased self confidence
- Euphoria dysphoria
- Aggressivity
- Impaired in intellectual sensory and motor performance
- Diuresis
- Vasodilation
Benefits of alchohol consumption
- Moderate drinking reduces heart disease
- Increasing levels of HDL
- Inhibit platelet aggregation
adverse effects of alchohol
Cushing syndrome Liver damage Impotence and feminization in males Malnutrition \birth defects such as fetal alcohol syndrome Increased risk of cancer
- Biggest drug related killer
- Accounts for half newly diagnosed cancers
- Nicotine the only active consistent and has complex effects on CNS
- Highly addictive
- Increased alertness when drowsy
- Calming effects
- Relaxes
- Increased HR and BP
- Decreases gastro movement
- Acts on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
Adverse effects of smoking
- Increase risk of cancer of lungs esophagus pancreas and bladder
- Increased risk of coronary heart disease
• Consumed for many years • Decreased fatigue • Increased alertness • Performance enhancement • Low doses – pleasant and stimulatory • High doses o Dysphoria o Irritability • Diuresis • Stimulation of cardiac muscle • Relaxation of smooth muscle • Small tolerance almost no withdrawal • Few side effects and relatively safe
Meth MOA
- Release of dopamine and blockade of monoamine transporters
- Effects can last for several hours
- Binge and crash patterns of euphoria
- Very highly addictive drug due to intense rush caused by dopamine release
o Binds the serotonin transporter and cuases serotonin release via trnapsorter midator exchange
o Blcoks reupateka of 5 HT
o Inhibits vescilaur monoamine transporter
o Inhibits monoamine oxidase
• Moa
o Exceptionally potent
o Long lasting effect up to 10-12 hours
o Binds to 5HT and 5HT 2 receptions dopamine receptors and a adrenergic receptor and modulate GABA and glutamate release
o Acts as a partial agonist at the 5HT2a receptor
caffeine MOA
o Caffeine is a methylxanthine
o Antagonize adenosine receptors release of dopamine NA serotonin acetylcholine glutamate and GABA
o AT high concentration inhibits phosphodiesterase and buildup of cAMP x