Recorded Statements Flashcards
When to Obtain a Recorded Statement (6 REQUIRED)
Claimants DO NOT have to submit RS
Claimants DO NOT have to submit RS
- What is already known?
- Why is a statement needed? (What is the goal?)
- From whom should statements be taken and why?
- What specific information is needed to reach this goal?
Before taking RS
Ensure Recording
Ample Time
Accept Yes or No answers (no ambiguity)
Listen for question sake
Prior Knowledge
Avoid terminology
Save insurance questions for post RS
INFORM the person being interviewed that the recorder is being turned on.
Use the formal INTRODUCTION– do not mention the company name.
Obtain PERMISSION to record:
Obtain sufficient IDENTIFYING information
name - address - etc.
TYPE of street or intersection (residential, commercial, etc.)
STREET names
Number of lanes (in all directions)
Direction of all vehicles
Any traffic controls (and for whom?)
Positions before, during, and after impact
Point of impact to all vehicles
Familiarity with the area
Traffic level (light/moderate/heavy)
Lighting in the area
Parked cars
Posted speed limit/estimated speed of all cars involved
Purpose of trip
Statement Development
Mechanical Problems
Purpose of Use
Where was the individual coming from and going, and why?
Was anyone with them – who? (jumps ins)
Any driving restrictions on their license – what are they?
Were alcohol or drugs involved, etc.
Address cell phone usage. Were they texting? Talking? Do they have a hands-free device? What about the other driver?
Uniqueness to road
The line of questioning should revolve around the actions of all parties prior to, during and after the loss
Where and when did the interviewee first see the other vehicle?
Was there any evasive action taken? What and by whom?
Point of impact to all vehicles?
Final lane and resting position of all vehicles?
More Details
And More Details
Results and Injuries
What injuries
Prior injuries
Additional Do’s
Confirm the best contact information for the interviewee and secure as many contact numbers as possible.
Ask if there were any other witnesses.
Ask the interviewee at the conclusion if there is any additional information that they would like to add or correct at this time.
Obtain permission from the interviewee to turn off the recorder.
Thank the person for their cooperation.
Summarize the recorded statement in the Notes section of EPIC.
Questioning Methods
Allowing the interviewee to talk without interruption.
Closed-ended questions.
Open-ended questions.
Use the questions set forth in the FAULT question guides as a resource.
EUO is basically a more formal interview that is recorded verbatim by a court report and may be, on occasion, video recorded as well.
EUO is basically a more formal interview that is recorded verbatim by a court report and may be, on occasion, video recorded as well.
EUO Necessary
When the facts of loss conflict with the physical evidence.
When the investigation produces evidence of conflicting facts of loss between participants.
Where an insured produces questionable receipts and or records.
Where the insured refuses to cooperate in the investigation.
Where Claims Management or Claims Legal believes it is necessary.