Record keeping Flashcards
The following items should normally be recorded:
(a) names and positions of people responsible, and their deputies, for carrying
out the various tasks under the written scheme;
(b) a risk assessment and a written scheme of actions and control measures;
(c) schematic diagrams of the water systems;
(d) details of precautionary measures that have been applied/implemented
including enough detail to show that they were applied/implemented correctly,
and the dates on which they were carried out;
(e) remedial work required and carried out, and the date of completion;
(f) a log detailing visits by contractors, consultants and other personnel;
(g) cleaning and disinfection procedures and associated reports and certificates;
(h) results of the chemical analysis of the water;
(i) results of any biological monitoring;
(j) information on other hazards, eg treatment chemicals;
(k) cooling tower and evaporative condenser notification;
(l) training records of personnel;
(m) the name and position of the person or people who have responsibilities for
implementing the written scheme, their respective responsibilities and their
lines of communication;
(n) records showing the current state of operation of the water system, eg when
the system or plant is in use and, if not in use, whether it is drained down;
(o) either the signature of the person carrying out the work, or other form of
authentication where appropriate.
These records should be retained throughout the period they are current
for at least two years afterwards.
Retain records of any monitoring
inspection, test or check carried out, and the dates, for
at least five years