Managing the risk: Management responsibilities, training and competence Flashcards
Those appointed under paragraph 48 to carry out the risk assessment
and draw up and implement precautionary measures should have such
ability, experience, instruction, information, training and resources to enable
them to carry out their tasks competently and safely. In particular, they
should know the:
(a) potential sources of legionella bacteria and the risks they present;
(b) measures to adopt, including the precautions to take to protect the
people concerned, and their significance;
(c) measures to take to ensure that the control measures remain effective,
and their significance.
The dutyholder should specifically appoint a competent person or persons to
take day-to-day responsibility for controlling any identified risk from legionella
bacteria, known as the
‘responsible person’.
It is important for the appointed
responsible person to have ___________ to ensure that all operational procedures are carried out effectively and
in a timely way.
sufficient authority, competence and knowledge of the
Make arrangements to ensure that appropriate staff levels are available during
all hours the water system is operating. The precise requirements will depend on
the nature and complexity of the water system. In some cases, eg where there is
complex cooling plant, shift working and arrangements to cover for all absences
from duty, for whatever reason, may be necessary. Appropriate arrangements
should be made to ensure that the responsible person, or an authorised deputy,
can be contacted at all times.