Reconstructive Memory Flashcards
Reconstructive memory study name and scientist
War of the ghosts by Bartlett
to investigate whether people’s memory for a story is affected by previous knowledge (schemas) and the extent to which memory is reconstructive
What war of the ghosts was
Unfamiliar Native American folks tale
What they found
Story changed (became shorter and left out unfamiliar details)Made story more conventional, coherent and meaningful to participants
Mental package of information
How is encoding and rehearsal affected by schemas?
Encoding = new knowledge that conflicts with existing schema might not be encoded in first place because it doesn’t fit with what you expect
Most psychologists investigating memory use artificial materials (numbers e.g.)Social origins of memory are not artificial (story, passing it along)Ecological validity
- People may not always actively reconstruct memories
If you can reconstruct memories, they can be unaffected by schemas
Retrieval process is based on drawing information from schemas to comprehend situation
CA to strength
Lacked objectivitydid not follow standardised procedures