Reconquest Flashcards
Spanish Conqueror of Mexico. He was born in Extremadura in 1485. Educated at Universidad de Salamanca Law School
He first fought in Italy and subsequently went to the Americas (Arrives in Hispaniola as a notary [lawyer type dude] in 1504)
Once in Hispaniola, he helped (soon to be Governor) Diego Velasquez conquer Cuba, and became his secretary.
By 1513, he becomes Governor of Santiago where he spent most of his $ of
women, parties, and dishes (wtf)…
Hernan Cortes
a. Conqueror that was with Cortes during the Conquest of Mexico
b. Writes a book on the History of the Conquest in 1568 (writes from memory so it’s
a little iffy)
Bernal Diaz
a. Bernardino de Sahagún compiled native accounts of the conquest of Mexico into a book known as the __________ _______.
Interviewed natives from about 1540-1585, so most of them are not first hand accounts.
Mistranslation– in the new translation Montezuma bows at Cortes’ feet, but in the old, less direct translation, Montezuma prostrates (lay oneself flat on the ground face downward, esp. in reverence or submission) himself at Cortes’ feet. Showing a much more submissive and docile Montezuma.
Florentine Codex
Region where the most Conquistadors came from were __________ (19%) and Andalucía (30%).
_________ was largely dominated by the Mesta (sheep-herders guild) with 2 to 3% of the people owning more than 95% of the land.
Governor of Cuba
At first Gov. _________ was a good friend of Cortes, but after Cortes disobeys
him by leaving to Mexico upon the return of Grijalva, _________ sends a hitman,
Narvaez, to go kill Cortes.
Diego Velazquez
Shipwrecked on way to Hispaniola in 1511, so he lived with Yucatan Mayans for 8 years
Significance: learned the Mayan language so he served as Cortes’ translator up until he found Malinche along the Tabascan Coast.
Jeronimo Aguilar
Given as a gift to Cortes
Chief gave Cortes women, slaves, food, etc., just so that the Spaniards world leave them alone
She was born in the Aztec region to a noble family (understood both Nahuatl dialects [noble and peasant one])
When her pops died, her step-dad (dick) sold her into Mayan slavery, not Aztec… reason why she learned two more languages (Mayan dialects)
Given to Cortes’ soldier Portocarrero as a slam-piece basically, but Cortes soon realized upon arrival at Veracruz, that she could speak to the natives
She had been translating to Aguilar who would translate to Cortes for a while She soon takes over Aguilar’s job and Cortes takes her as his own.
Cortes apparently fought 100,000 ________ on his way to Tenochtitlan, but they ended up being the biggest contributors to his army… later (6 to 8 thousand)
They decided to team up with Cortes after Cortes ruthlessly chopped off their spies’ hands for no apparent reason… they though Cortes and the Spaniards were nuts
Cortes puts on a military display here, and he gets them respectful of him
One of the first cities to give Cortes soldiers
__________ was on the same ship as Jeronimo de Aguilar, but he ended up with a different tribe. He actually marries Mayan, has children, and really assimilates. He declines Cortes’ offer to join the conquest. Later dies fighting the Spaniards in 1536” – Michael Perez
Gonzalo de Guerrero
Cortes sent a total of 5 ______ back to the King (two copies in two different boats) in hope that the King would legitimize his conquest and not kill him before it was over. This is why a lot of the stuff that Cortes wrote was exaggerated.
They were basically his defense for a court case he though he would need.
“Cortes left Tlaxcala with new reinforcements, and headed to_______, one of the biggest Mexican cities at the time. Pretty close to Tenochtitlan.
The ______ans possible offered Malinche a wealthy husband with lofty status if she were to betray Cortes. She, however, immediately tells Cortes, and he massacres them.
Another possibility (from the Florentine Codex) states that Cortes killed the ______ans but left Montezuma’s agents alive so as to send a message.”
BACKGROUND: As Cortes leaves Pedro de Alvarado in charge while he goes to confront Panfilo de Narvaez, Alvarado massacres city nobles in the temples. Tensions rose between the Mexica and Spaniards, and the Mexican people stone Montezuma to death.
“__ ______ _____” (Battle of Otumba): the Spanish are picked off little by little as the Aztecs use guerrilla tactics. Then, the Aztecs trap them and massacre them. Many Spanish try to take their gold and run, but they drown and die trying.
La Noche Triste
Sent by Diego Velazquez to go find and execute Cortes. He has 18 ships and 1,000+ men when he meets Cortes in Veracruz, and despite attempted negotiation, they fight. Several die on both sides, but ultimately they join up with Cortes and go back to Tenochtitlan with him.
His men brought Smallpox to Mexico.
Pánfilo Narváez
Year of Birth: c. 1485 or c. 1495 Place of Birth: Extremadura
Province in Spain where many conquistadors were born (Cortés, Pizarro,
Cabeza de Vaca, etc.)
Fighting/Administrative Experience: Hispaniola; Yucatan; Mexico; Central America; Peru
Key Conquest: Mexico/Tenochtitlan (part of Grijalva expedition as well)
Led Western attack on Tenochtitlan and destroyed the acqueduct
Partly responsible for La Noche Triste (I think)
Lesser Conquests: Guatemala; El Salvador
Key Associates: Hernán Cortés
Highest Administrative Position: Governor of Guatemala Year/Place/Cause of Death: 1541/Mexico/Crushed by Horse
Pedro de Alvarado
__________ succeeded Montezuma in June 1520. ________ rebelled against the Spanish occupation of Tenochtitlán, decimating Hernán Cortés’ forces in their retreat from the city on the Noche Triste of June 30, 1520. During his four-month reign ________ tried to form a federation against the Spaniards, but his efforts failed because of the hatred of other Indian peoples for the Aztec. He died of smallpox during the subsequent Spanish siege of Tenochtitlán and was succeeded by his nephew Cuauhtémoc, the last Aztec ruler.
Final Mexica King
Tries to slip out of the city at night unseen in peasants clothes to go get allies with
the Terrascans (strong ass empire to the North that the Mexica couldn’t defeat)
Was captured and tortured by Cortes (to find the gold lost in the Noche Triste),
and is not killed, but surrenders
Dies years later in Guatemala at the hand of Cortes.
Black Conqueror who was originally Cortes’ slave (Cortes set him free)
Viewed himself as equal with the Spanish
Builds a Catholic Church in Mexico City and dedicates it to the fallen soldiers
Gets a job and a house in Mexico City
Goes gold mining with slaves (Black man owned his own African slaves… ain’t
right)… Later goes with Cortes up to Baja California and actually successfully
grows the first wheat in America.
Juan Garrido
Son of Huayna Capac and brother of Atahualpa… comes out on the losing end of the Incan War of Succession.
Son of Huayna Capac and brother of Huascar… comes out on the winning end of the Incan War of Succession.
Underestimates the Spanish BIG TIME
Captured by Pizarro at Cajamarca and ends up being baptized then hung.
“Year of Birth: c. 1471 Place of Birth: Extremadura
Province in Spain where many conquistadors were born (Cortés, Alvarado,
Cabeza de Vaca, etc.)
Fighting/Administrative Experience: Panama
Principle Translators: Felipillo; Martinillo
Key Conquest: Peru/Cuzco
Lesser Conquests: N/A
Key Associates: Pedrarias Dávila; Diego de Almagro (2nd in command) Year/Place/Cause of Death: 1541/Lima/Murder
Unlike the conqueror of Mexico, the eloquent and charismatic Hernán Cortés, it was an illiterate former pig farmer who took the reigns in Peru. _______ _______ left Panama in December of 1531 with 168 men in hopes of eclipsing the achievements of those who had overseen the destruction of the Mexica. He arrived to find an empire at war with itself. Smallpox had already arrived and taken the life of Huayna Capac, the king of the Inca. Civil war made the task of the Spanish far easier than it would have been otherwise. Within a relatively short period of time, the Inca Empire collapsed.” –Gus
Francisco Pizarro
Pizarro’s translators acquired by him during his 1526 scouting mission (2nd time Pizarro’s goes to Peru; kinda like Grijalva Expedition)
Martinillo y Felipillo
Pizarro’s 2nd in Command who also dislikes Pizarro because he didn’t get a title
Sent to Chile but comes back with zilch
Is ultimately killed by Pizarro, who is then killed by _______’s sons
Diego de Almagro
An ________ was a grant of native land and labor - something that could be perpetually far more valuable than a small find of gold. In exchange for providing care, protection, and Christianity to the Native people living within a given area of land, Spaniards were authorized to collect tribute in the form of labor, gold, or anything else they desired.
The truth of the matter was that very few encomenderos (the title of someone who was given an __________ offered the people whose lives they were authorized to control very little in the way of care or protection. In most cases, life on an _________ was little different than slavery. Indigenous people living on _________ faced harsh conditions, forced labor, even torture. __________ were one of the worst aspects of Spanish colonialism from the Native perspective.
____ __ ______ was a Basque Spanish conquistador in South America. Nicknamed El Loco, ‘the Madman’, Aguirre is best known for his final expedition, down the Amazon River, in search of the mythical El Dorado.
Also sent a shit-ton of wicked letters back to the King because he was angry that the Conquistadors weren’t getting what they deserved… 1:16 Conquistadors actually got encomiendas…
Lope de Aguirre
More liked the Massacre __ _______
Place where the Incans and Spanish first meet. Incans didn’t bring any weapons
other than ceremonial axes, and Pizarro obliterated them, taking their king
(Atahualpa) prisoner in the process.
Pizarro uses the Bible as a signal for attack (justifies conquest of Peru on basis
of El Requierimento).
Battle of Cajamarca
(rules from 1533-1544) Son of Huayna 1st big puppet king under Pizarro Escapes multiple times under-guard, but is always recaptured. Founds the city of Vilkabamba
Manco Inca
City founded by Manco Inca.
It was the place where the Incans plotted their reconquest vs. the Spaniards and
they actually did pretty well sometimes, but never fully took over
Pretty sure it was the city Hirem Bingham was looking for
Leveled by Francisco de Toledo.
Father of Atahualpa and Huascar whose death by Small Pox starts the Incan Civil War or War of Succession
Has 50+ sons… gives Pizarro a lot of choices regarding replacements after he kills Atahualpa
Huayna Capac
Precedents of Columbus
Capture Translators
Cortes (Jeronimo de Aguilar and Malinche); Pizarro (Martin and Fillipe)
Exaggeration (your findings back to the king) c. To capture, control the leader
Cortes captured Montezuma and the other king, and Pizarro captured Atahualpa and had puppet kings
Theatrical violence, violence for show
Cortes’ show of military prowess at Cempoala
Enslavement and force them to work for you
1st Spanish City in Mexico
Where Cortes first meets Montezuma’s agents
Where Cortes confronts Narvaez