recognising gods & godesses Flashcards
man, thunderbolt, eagle
Jupiter, king of the gods
woman, peacock, crown
Juno, goddess of marriage and childbirth, queen of the gods
woman, helmet/armour, spear/sheild, owl
Minerva, goddess of wisdom and war
man, trident, crown, general sea stuff
Neptune, god of the sea, patron of horses
woman, shell, cupid
Venus, goddess of love and beauty
man, armour, weapons
Mars, god of war
woman, quiver, moon, deer, hunting dog
Diana, goddess of the moon, of the hunt, of chastity and archery
man, scroll, wreath, arrow in quiver
Apollo, sun-god, god of healing, patron of the arts
woman, cornucopia (cone with harvest in), animal (sheep)
Ceres, goddess of seed-time and harvest
woman, with pluto
Proserpina, queen of the underworld, daughter of zeus and demeter
man, 3 headed dog (cerberus), sceptre
Pluto, king of the underworld
man, father of Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune
Saturn (Titan)
man, wings on helmet/ankles
Mercury, messenger of the gods
man, grapes, reclining
Bacchus, god of wine and fun times
man, hammer, tongs
Vulcan, god of fire and blacksmiths
woman, fire, torches
Vesta, goddess of hearth, home and fireplace