Recap from Exam 1 Flashcards
What are SI unite for
Energy (work)
Force (Newton)
Pressure (Pascal)
Energy (Joule)
Powert (Watt)
What are the units for pressure
1 atm =
- 33 kPa
- 3 mbar
760 mmHg
- 6 cmH20
- 7 psi
What are the EBV amounts?
Males 70-75 ml/kg
Females 60-65 ml/kg
Infants 80-90 ml/kg
what is the formula for EBL
What percent of the body is
Total fluid
total = 62 %
intracellular = 40 %
extracellurar = 22 %
plasma = 4.3%
Insterstitial = 15.7%
What is the law that describes balances of forces on a sphere?
LaPlace’s Law
P = 2T/R
what formulat represents laminar flow?
Hagen-Poiseuille equation
what formula represents turbulent flow?
Fanning’s equation
What formula is associated with gas velocities?
Reynold number
< 2000 = laminar flow
> 2000 = turbulent flow
What is formula for continuity equation? what can it be used for ?
v= velocity
a = area (circal area a=πr2)
used to determine fluid velocity when tube diameter is increase or decreased
what is the law associated with hydrostatic pressure?
pascal’s law
convert the pressure of H20 to pressure of Hg
1 mmHg = 1.36 cmH20
what is the hydrostatic pressure of a column of blood?
1’’ blood = 2 mmHg
What does the graph of FA/FI ratio represent?
build of alveolar gas concenterations related to time
the more soluble the slower they approach their final values
vice versa for less soluble
example Nitrous Oxide is not soluble in the blood so the alveolar concentration increase quickly
what is the shape of a does response curve?
What is formula for Time constant?
time contanstant = volume/flow
flow = Q
Q = P/R
P = F/A
F = mass x a
what is the time contstant of anesthesia circuit?
5 min
what is the concentration of in a 1% solution
1 gm/1 dl
move decimal place 1 to right
i.e. 2 % = 20 mg/ml
what is concentration in 1:1000 solution
1 gm in 1000 ml
or 1000 mg/1000 ml
1 mg/ml
what is the law that is related to the action of surfactant?
Laplace’s law
what is the action of surfactant?
As surface area decreases
amount of surfact/unit area increases
so tension(T) decreases
and pressure (P) decrease proportional to T
What is formula for compliance?
C = V/P
change in volume / change in pressure