REBT- Exploring cognitive therapies Flashcards
How was Albert Ellis considered one of the greatest Psychologists?
He was part of the cognitive revolution of philosophy shift in the field
What does REBT stand for, and who established it?
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, It was pioneered by Albert Ellis.
What did albert ellis believe was the purpose of life?
To have a good fucking time
How did albert ellis believe his methods would work?
Because it stressed actively working to change a client’s self defeating beliefs and behaviors by demonstrating their irrationality, self-defeatism and ridgity.
Which two methods did Albert Ellis use in regard to his beliefs?
- Rational analysis
- Cognitive restructuring
What do the ABC consist of?
- Activating events such as rejection and hardship
- Beliefs: what people use to process the events in life
- Consequences: emotional consequences of what has occured
How does the ABC model flow?
A. Activating event or Adversity
B. Beliefs about event or Adversity
C. The emotional consequences
D. Disputions to challenge irrational beliefs.
E. Effective new beliefs replace the irrational ones.
What is the REBT theory of psychopathology?
- People have a tendecy to be either more or less irrationally disturbed.
- We all engage in irrational beliefs
What is the difference between those labeled pathological vs. normal?
FREQUENCY and INTENSITY with which they emotionally upset themselves by relying on irrational thinking.
What are IB’s and DA’s?
- Irrational beliefs
- Dysfunctional attitudes
What are some examples of an Irrational belief or Dysfunctional attitude?
- Worth as a person determined by our success and failures
- Equating needs with preferences
- Needing Approval by authority
- World is treating us unfairly
- Certain people are wicked and evil
- Harmful things can add to our happiness
- Happiness is externallyy caused
What do Da’s and Ib’s share?
- At the core, they are rigid, dogmatic, and powerful demands
- Expressed in verbs, must, should, ought to, have to; MUSTABATORY THINKING
- Generate highly unrealistic and over- generalized attributions- CATASTROPHIZING
Expressed as, IF_____, THEN_____.
What is the pathology of REBT? give an example.
- Processing activating events (A) through absolute mustubatory, catastrophizing beliefs (B), will inevitably produce dysfunctional consequences (C )
- Anger over having to wait in line
- Self pity over an unfair world
- Depression over parental disaproval
How is therapy seen in REBT?
As en educaional process
What types of approaches are clients taught in REBT?
What do clients learn in the therapeutic process?
- To id the interpalay of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors
- To id. and dispute irrational beliefs that are maintained by self-indoctrination
- To replace ineffective ways of thinking with effective and rational cognitions
- To stop absolustic thinking, blaming, and repeating false beliefs
True or False: REBT is a regular cognitive therapy?
False. REBT is NOT a regular cognitive therapy
Albert ellis used specific REBT specific cognitive techniques with a theme called three D’s. What were these called and used for?
- DETECT: irational beliefs
- DEBAE: truth or falsehood or irrational belief
- DISCRIMINATE: between irrational and rational beliefs
How/Why does the therapist help the client through consciousness raising?
- Clients challenge to defend beliefs that underlie emotional upsets.
- Challenged to give evidence to belief that they must be popular to be happy
- Clients learn that their beliefs are NOT accepted by teacher and therapist
- Therapist confronts over and over until patient becomes undeniably aware
- GOAL: help clients to become more skilled at catching their own slips into childish cognitions.
How was contigency management implemented in REBT?
- Client signs contract-relationship phobic anti-democrat client gives therapist $100.
- Every time the client fails to go on a date, the therapist will send a $25 check to the democratic national convention
- Gives homework assignments.
What is a PYA and its purpose in REBT?
- Push Your Ass
- To challenge and push patient’s expectations that psychotherapy should be easy
What are shame attacking exercises?
Client deliberately seeks to act “shamefully” in public in order to accept themselves and to tolerate the discomfort of their “worst case scenario”.
What types of techniques are avoided in REBT?
- ones that help ppl become more DEPENDENT.
- Long winded and INEFFICIENT.
- methods that help PPL FEEL GOOD IN THE SHORT TERM
- DISTRACTING client from working on their irrational thoughts
How is REBT equally helpful like CBT?
- If techniques are mostly behavioral or mostly cognitive.
What are the strengths of REBT?
- Force clients to take own rational thinking
- Makes them think objectively
- Doesn’t foster reliance
- Take control of own life/ more assertive
- Can help instill hopea
- Brief structured-Advantage in managed care.
What are the limitations of REBT?
- Emphasis of relationship is less warm
- Can minimize role of context.
- Devalue role of past-could be helpful to reflect.
- Confrontational and can seem antagonistic.