Reasons to Leave scotland Flashcards
Highland clearance
Highland clearances were a force driving Scots to emigrate. Landlords evicted crofters to replace them with sheep farming, which was more profitable. This led to widespread eviction. Tenants had no legal right to remain on the land, making it easy for landlords to clear eentire districts and leave many homeless.
Potatoe Famine
Major Potato crop failure in 1846 which caused a famine. 80% of people in Mull died from this meaning this emigration was a matter of survival.
Decline In kelp Industry
Some Islanders used Kelp for soap and as a mean for money, but it collapsed overnight leaving many homeless. This pushed scots out of scotland in hopes for a job and survival.
Communication from abroad such as canada encourged emigration. Letters from family members and friends expressed the oputinitunies available and the benefits.This pulled scots to canada
Assisted Passage
Landowners, the british goverment and agents from other countries like canada would help pay the fare for scots to leave the country. This pulled scots to canada.
In cities such as dundee,glasgow and edinburgh employment reached over 30% during the 1930s, this forced scottish peole to leave scotlad to look for jobs.
Problems in behaviour
Pushed scots to austraila.
Convicts were punsihed by being transported to botony bat in australia. when the sentence was finished they stayed in australia as they coudnt afford the fare home.
Poor housing/Living conditons
Pushed out of scotland.
Two thirds of scottish families lived in a one or two rooms. Highland living conditions were very bad that they shared accoadation with farm animals.
Problems in fishing
The fishing idustory provided income for scotish people however because of ww1 and bots being sunk the fishiing industry stopped.
Consolidatio of Land
Pushed out of scotland
Farm land keept on bing divided bt nw generations , leaving less land for never generations. The subdivision of land.
Poor quality soil
Pushed out of scotland
Soil in the highlands was poor wuality as they kept growing the same crop which destroyed the land.
Job oportunities and higher wages
Pulled to canada
Canada offered scottish farmers better wages and more work than their original wages. The discovery of gold in new zealand gave more mining opurtiities available.
Pulled from highlands to big citys
Highlanders were offered work in big citties and they left thhe hiighlands for the big city feel.