Realistic group conflict theory Flashcards
What is the realistic conflict theory (Sherif)?
Refers to the notion that competition over scarce resources will lead to conflict because groups have competing goals.
Leading to ethnocentrism and derogation of the other group.
What is the Robber’s Cave experiment (Sherif)?
22 white boys (mean age 12) from lower middle class protestant background. Invited to take part in summer camp and assigned to two groups they did not know each other. Eagles vs Rattlers. They were separated into different areas of the state park. The camp hosted games between the two teams with money or sweets as prizes.
What was found from Robbers Cave?
That within a few days the boys formed tight knit groups and became territorial. They were very competitive. As they became more into the competition they became more aggressive. They made hostile posters and flags to wave at each other.
What was stage 3 of Robbers Cave?
The integration phase, they made the two groups integrate for the last few days of camp. It did not work and the groups stayed separate and the conflict remained. The conflict only stopped when they got the groups to work together on a common goal and common reward. This worked and the conflict ended.
What can be criticised about the experiment?
- It is only children.
- If the issues were more serious it may not have been as easy to end the conflict.
- All boys and all American if it was mixed ethnicity may have been different.
- Depending on reward and task.
- Ethnocentric study, lacks population and ecological validity.