Realism/Cosmopolitanism Flashcards
Economic growth vs sustainable development - Realist
Key Contention: Free market approach -> eco growth leads to increased employment leads to increased SOL
Sub Arguments: decrease government spending, increase free trade, increase privatisation, decrease public expenditure -> market becomes major engine 4 growth
H/w decreased govt spending -> decreased welfare programs = increased poverty, F.T difficult for LDC’s to compete @ highend production, priv.enterprise pursue profit x wider soc benefits ie providing services
Economic growth vs sustainable development - cosmo
Key contention= successful development requires infrastructure, social and political stability and full employment/ Wash Con - out dated
Sub argument = GDP growth focused as means to achieve soc. Objectives, inclusive development, enviro sustainability, balance btw market state and community, king term macro economic stability
Paradoxical relationship btw evo growth and enviro quality, growth incense ability for states to respond to enviro degradation h/w economic also increases enviro deg
ODA Vs self interests of states = realist
Key contention = states should provide aid when its benefits their own self interests/mutually beneficial
Sub arguments= 0.7% only given when its interests states interests - same for ODA to LDCs and untied
Untied - donor states should gain something back from aid provided = increased likelihood of using loans and tied aid - benefit the eco of donor states by using own companies and eventually buy back loan
ODA vs self interests of state cosmo
Key contention = in line with 2030 agenda established in 2015
Sub arguments = 0.7% given according to UN target - only 5 states following this + UK dripped from 0.7 to 0.5 in 2021 due to covid after having 0.7 enshrined in law
ODA to LDCs = 0.15-0.2 ldcs more in need of aid
Increased untied aid b/c allowing for increased efficiency and employment - grants not loans
Differing strategies for poverty alleviation - realist
Lack of economic capability - economic problem
Focus on integrating in2 global economy through globalisation
Washington Consensus
Differing strategies 4 poverty alleviation - cosmo
Poverty = ppl unable to meet their material and non-material needs through their own effort
Distinguish between economic poverty and human poverty
Aim to provide dignity, agency, opurtunity