Real Property Flashcards
Interest in real property
Real Property
Land, sub-surface rights, air rights, fixtures
Attached to the land “by its roots”, ex kitchen cabinets
What type of property is a corporate building?
Real Property
What type of property is a farm field?
Real Property
What type of property is a house?
Real Property
What type of property is a well or septic system?
Real Property
What type of property are kitchen cabinets?
What type of property is a mobile home?
Depends, if it can be actively moved it’s personal property
What type of property are vehicles?
Personal property, not part of land
Freehold Property Rights
Own the land, legal title to it, can use, hold, or sell
Non-Freehold Property Rights
Mere possession not ownership (lease)
Future Interest Property Rights
Take possession in the future
Present Possessory Property Rights
Currently have the right to own/possess
Non-Possessory Property Rights
Right to use, not possess
Easements (cable company running cables through your land)
Fee Simple Absolute Ownership
Present possessory, holder has the possessory rights, present and future, can be given in inheritance (heirs), potentially infinite duration, assumed by court, can do whatever you want