Real Property Flashcards


When property is held in joint tenancy or tenancy in common, which of the following is not a co-tenant’s right?

Mortgage her interest
Share in rents paid by third parties
Compel contribution for the cost of improvements
Possess the entire estate


Compel contribution for the cost of improvements

Although a joint tenant or tenant in common may have a right to compel contribution from other co-tenants for the cost of necessary repairs, taxes, and payments due on mortgages, she does not have a right to compel contribution for the cost of improvements.

Under the unity of possession, each co-tenant has a right to possess the entire estate subject to the equal right of her co-tenant. A co-tenant out of possession cannot bring a possessory action unless there has been an “ouster” (i.e., wrongful exclusion) by the co-tenant in possession.

Although a co-tenant generally is not entitled to share in the rental value of the land, she does have a right to share in rents paid by third parties .

A joint tenant or tenant in common may mortgage her interest. However, she may not encumber another co-tenant’s interest. Note that an individual spouse may not mortgage her interest in tenancy by the entirety property.

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How will the proceeds from a partition sale of property initially held by four joint tenants (A, B, C, and D) be divided if A sold her interest to E, and B died, leaving her property to F and G?

F and G get 1/8 each; C, D, and E get 1/4 each
C, D, and E get 1/3 each
C and D get 3/8 each; E gets 1/4
C and D get 1/2 each


The proceeds from a partition sale of property initially held by four joint tenants (A, B, C, and D), after A sold her interest to E, and B died, leaving her property to F and G, would be divided as follows: C and D get 3/8 each; E gets 1/4. The distinguishing feature of a joint tenancy is the right of survivorship. When property is held by three or more joint tenants, one joint tenant’s conveyance destroys the joint tenancy only as to that interest. The remaining joint tenants continue to hold in joint tenancy as between themselves, and the grantee holds his interest as a tenant in common with them. When A sold her interest to E, that 1/4 interest was severed and thus converted into a tenancy in common, which E continues to hold. Thus, E gets A’s 1/4 share. When one joint tenant dies, the property is freed from her interest, and the survivors retain an undivided right in the property. Since B’s interest was extinguished on her death, B’s devisees do not take B’s interest; the surviving joint tenants hold free of it. This leaves C and D as joint tenants with right of survivorship, together owning a 3/4 interest in the land. A joint tenancy is terminated by a suit for partition. When the partition sale was ordered, this joint tenancy was converted into a tenancy in common, and split equally between C and D. Thus, C and D each will receive 3/8 of the partition proceeds.

The proceeds would not be divided so that C and D get 1/2 each. A severed her interest in the joint tenancy when she sold her interest to E. However, as is explained above, E now holds that interest as a tenant in common. Thus, E is entitled to 1/4 of the partition proceeds.

The proceeds would not be divided so that C, D, and E get 1/3 each. This would be the case if E took A’s share as a joint tenant, but as is explained above, E took as a tenant in common. Thus, E’s share does not increase on B’s death, because he does not have the benefit of the right of survivorship.

The proceeds would not be divided so that F and G get 1/8 each, and C, D, and E get 1/4 each. F and G do not take B’s share on her death. When a joint tenant dies, her share is divided among the surviving joint tenants. This is the essence of the right of survivorship. Moreover, a devise, unlike an inter vivos conveyance, will not sever a joint tenant’s interest. Thus, B’s devisees take nothing, and C, D, and E take as discussed above.

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Two partners bought a commercial building from an owner. They paid cash for the building and took title as joint tenants with right of survivorship. Several years later, the first partner executed a mortgage on the building to secure a personal loan to a bank. The second partner had no knowledge of the mortgage to the bank. The state in which the commercial building is located recognizes the lien theory of mortgages. The first partner died before paying off his loan. He left all of his property by will to his daughter, his only heir.

Who has title to the commercial building?

The second partner has title free and clear of the mortgage.
An undivided one-half is held by the second partner free and clear of the mortgage, and the other one-half is held by the daughter, subject to the mortgage.
An undivided one-half is held by the second partner and the other one-half by the daughter, with both halves subject to the mortgage.An undivided one-half is held by the second partner and the other one-half by the daughter, with both halves subject to the mortgage.
The second partner has title to the entire property, with an undivided one-half being subject to the mortgage.


The second partner has title free and clear of the mortgage.

If the joint tenancy continued until the first partner’s death, then the property would pass immediately on death to the second partner. Because the second partner did not sign the mortgage, she would not be subject to it, regardless of whether she knew about it. The key to answering this question is to know whether execution of the mortgage by the first partner caused a severance of the joint tenancy. If it did cause a severance, then the first partner’s one-half would not pass to the second under right of survivorship but instead would pass to the first’s estate, and thus would go to the daughter by will. Whether a mortgage creates a severance or not depends on whether the state follows the lien theory or the title theory of mortgages. Lien theory means no severance; title theory means severance. Because this is a lien theory state (majority rule on the MBE), there was no severance; thus, the joint tenancy remained intact.

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A landowner conveyed her parcel of land to “my brother and my sister jointly, with right of survivorship.” Shortly thereafter, the brother was in an automobile accident. The driver of the other vehicle sued the brother on a theory of negligence, and obtained a judgment in the amount of $250,000. Because the brother did not have insurance or enough cash to satisfy the judgment, the driver levied on the brother’s interest in the land.

What interest will the driver most likely take?

None, because the brother’s interest in the land cannot be partitioned.
An undivided one-half interest, regardless of whether the brother and the sister’s title to the land is construed as a joint tenancy or a tenancy in common.
An undivided one-half interest, assuming the brother and the sister’s interest is construed as a tenancy in common and not a joint tenancy.
A contingent right of survivorship that will vest if the brother survives the sister.


The driver will get an undivided one-half interest in the land regardless of the status of the brother and the sister’s title. A joint tenancy is a concurrent estate with a right of survivorship, while a tenancy in common does not have a right of survivorship. At common law, the conveyance here would qualify as a joint tenancy because the unities of time, title, interest, and possession are present in the conveyance. Although under modern law a joint tenancy must be created with specific language or else it will be presumed to be a tenancy in common, the conveyance here still would probably qualify as a joint tenancy, even though it did not use the words “joint tenancy,” because it contained the “right of survivorship” language. However, regardless of whether the estate is characterized as a joint tenancy or a tenancy in common, one tenant’s interest may be transferred without the consent of the other tenant, and a creditor may levy on the interest.

In most jurisdictions, a lien against one joint tenant’s interest does not sever the joint tenancy until the lien holder proceeds to enforce it by foreclosure. At that point, the purchaser at the foreclosure sale will hold the property as a tenant in common with the other tenant, but will still have an undivided one-half interest in the property unless and until he brings an action to partition the estate. (A) is incorrect because both joint tenancies and tenancies in common may be subject to partition. (In contrast, tenancies by the entirety cannot be terminated by involuntary partition.) (C) is incorrect because, as discussed above, a joint tenant may validly convey or encumber his interest in the property. (D) is incorrect because the driver does not have a contingent interest; she has a present lien on the brother’s interest that can be enforced immediately by foreclosure, which would sever the joint tenancy.

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In which of the following situations must the tenant continue to pay a portion of the rent?

The landlord takes possession of an unused barn on the leased premises and stores farm equipment in it.
A paramount title holder obtains a judgment in an ejectment action against the tenant.
A paramount title holder takes possession of an unused barn on the leased premises and stores farm equipment in it.
The landlord obtains a judgment in an ejectment action against the tenant.


A paramount title holder takes possession of an unused barn on the leased premises and stores farm equipment in it.

If a paramount title holder takes possession of an unused barn on the leased premises and stores farm equipment in it, the tenant must continue to pay a portion of the rent. Every lease contains an implied covenant that neither the landlord nor someone with paramount title will interfere with the tenant’s quiet enjoyment and possession of the premises. This covenant is breached by the tenant’s total or partial actual eviction from the leased premises. Total actual eviction occurs when the landlord or a paramount title holder excludes the tenant from the entire leased premises. This terminates the tenant’s obligation to pay rent. Partial actual eviction occurs when the tenant is excluded from only part of the leased premises. Partial eviction by the landlord relieves the tenant of the obligation to pay rent for the entire premises, even though the tenant continues in possession of the remainder of the premises. Partial eviction by a paramount title holder results in an apportionment of rent; i.e., the tenant is liable for the reasonable rental value of the portion that he continues to possess. A paramount title holder’s taking possession of an unused barn constitutes partial actual eviction. Thus, rent will be apportioned.

If the landlord or a paramount title holder obtains a judgment in an ejectment action against the tenant, the total actual eviction terminates the tenant’s obligation to pay rent.

If the landlord takes possession of an unused barn on the leased premises and stores farm equipment in it, the partial actual eviction by the landlord terminates the tenant’s obligation to pay rent for the entire premises.

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If a landlord’s breach of duty renders the premises unsuitable for occupancy, under the doctrine of constructive eviction, the tenant may:

Sue for breach only if the lease contained an express covenant for quiet enjoyment

Remain in possession of the premises, continue to pay rent, and sue for damages

Vacate the premises, terminate the lease, and sue for damages

Remain in possession of the premises and refuse to pay rent until the interference ceases


Vacate the premises, terminate the lease, and sue for damages

If a landlord’s breach of duty renders the premises unsuitable for occupancy, the tenant may vacate the premises, terminate the lease, and sue for damages. Under the doctrine of constructive eviction, if the landlord’s breach (i.e., doing an act or failing to provide some service that he has a legal duty to provide) makes the premises untenantable, the tenant may terminate the lease and also may seek damages if the following conditions are met: 1. The breach must be by the landlord or by persons acting for him. 2. The breach must substantially and materially deprive the tenant of her use and enjoyment of the premises (e.g., flooding, absence of heat in winter). 3. The tenant must give the landlord notice and a reasonable time to repair. 4. The tenant must vacate the premises within a reasonable time.

Because a tenant cannot claim a constructive eviction unless and until she vacates the premises, her remedies do not include remaining in possession of the premises and refusing to pay rent until the interference ceases or continuing to pay rent and suing for damages.

The tenant is not limited to suing for breach only if the lease contained an express covenant for quiet enjoyment. Every lease contains an implied covenant that neither the landlord nor someone with paramount title will interfere with the tenant’s quiet enjoyment and possession of the premises. If a landlord does so, the tenant has the remedies discussed above.

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Which statement regarding partial actual eviction is correct?

Partial actual eviction by a paramount title holder does not relieve the tenant of any rent obligation

Partial actual eviction by a paramount title holder relieves the tenant of the obligation to pay rent for the entire premises

Partial actual eviction by the landlord relieves the tenant of the obligation to pay rent for the entire premises

Partial actual eviction by the landlord relieves the tenant of the obligation to pay rent for only the portion of the premises from which he was evicted


Partial actual eviction by the landlord relieves the tenant of the obligation to pay rent for the entire premises.

Every lease contains an implied covenant that neither the landlord nor someone with paramount title will interfere with the tenant’s quiet enjoyment and possession of the premises. This covenant is breached by the tenant’s total or partial actual eviction from the leased premises. Partial actual eviction occurs when the tenant is excluded from only part of the leased premises. Even though the tenant continues in possession of the remainder of the premises, partial eviction by the landlord relieves the tenant of the obligation to pay rent for the entire premises rather than for only the portion of the premises from which he was evicted.

In contrast, partial eviction by a paramount title holder results in an apportionment of rent; i.e., it relieves the tenant of the obligation to pay rent NOT for the entire premises, but only for the portion of the premises from which he was evicted. The tenant remains liable for the reasonable rental value of the portion that he continues to possess.

Key: Paramount title holder로 인한 eviction인지, landlord로 인한 eviction인지

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Which of the following transfers creates a sublease from T to T2?

One year into a five-year tenancy for years, T transfers his interest “to T2 for four years; however, if T2 breaches the original lease terms, T may reenter and retake the premises”

Six months into a seven-month tenancy for years, T transfers his interest “to A for the balance of the leasehold term”

Two years into a four-year tenancy for years, T “assigns my entire interest to T2 for one year”


Two years into a four-year tenancy for years, T “assigns my entire interest to T2 for one year”

If two years into a four-year tenancy for years, T “assigns my entire interest to T2 for one year,” the effect of the transfer is to create a sublease between T and T2. The label given by the parties does not determine whether a transfer is an assignment or a sublease. Rather, a complete transfer of a tenant’s entire remaining lease term is an assignment, and a transfer retaining any part thereof is a sublease. Here, although T “assigned” his interest to T2, he transferred only one of the remaining two years of the lease. Thus, the transfer is a sublease rather than an assignment.

If six months into a seven-month tenancy for years, T transfers his interest “to A for the balance of the leasehold term,” the effect of the transfer is an assignment of the lease from T to T2 because it includes T’s entire remaining lease term.

If one year into a five-year tenancy for years, T transfers his interest “to T2 for four years; however, if T2 breaches the original lease terms, T may reenter and retake the premises,” the effect of the transfer is an assignment of the lease from T to T2. T transferred the remaining four years of the lease to T2, and by the slight majority view, T’s reservation of a right of reentry does not result in a sublease, but rather is still an assignment.

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If L leases property to T, and L subsequently assigns L’s interest to L2, whom may T hold liable when X, a paramount title holder, ejects T?


L or L2

If L leases property to T, and L subsequently assigns L’s interest to L2, T may hold L or L2 liable when X, a paramount title holder, ejects T. A landlord may assign the rents and reversion interest that he owns. The assignee is liable to the tenants for performance of all covenants made by the original landlord in the lease, provided that those covenants run with the land. The original landlord also remains liable on all of the covenants he made in the lease. X’s evicting T from the entire leased premises breaches the covenant of quiet enjoyment, which runs with the land. Thus, L and L2 are personally liable to T.

L only is incorrect because L2, the assignee, is liable for all lease covenants that run with the land, and the covenant of quiet enjoyment runs with the land.

L2 only is incorrect because L, the original landlord, also remains liable on all covenants in the original lease after assignment.

Neither L nor L2 is incorrect because the original landlord (L) remains liable on all covenants in the original lease after assignment, and the assignee (L2) is liable for all lease covenants that run with the land, including the covenant of quiet enjoyment.

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If a landlord consents to one transfer that violates a covenant against assignment or sublease, he waives his right to avoid future transfers.

T or F?



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If a tenant transfers her interest in violation of a covenant against assignment or sublease, the transfer is void.

T or F?


F. If a tenant transfers her interest in violation of a covenant against assignment or sublease, the transfer is NOT void. However, the landlord usually may terminate the lease under the lease terms or sue for damages.

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A landlord leased a house to a tenant for five years. Under the terms of the lease, the tenant was to pay a fixed monthly rent plus all taxes and reasonable maintenance charges for the upkeep of the house. Three years into the lease, the tenant assigned her lease to a friend by written agreement. Although the tenant properly set forth the terms concerning the rent and maintenance charges, she failed to properly state that the friend was liable to pay the taxes on the residence during the period of the lease. A year later, the landlord received notice that a tax lien would be placed on the residence unless the taxes were immediately paid. The landlord paid the taxes and brought suit against the tenant’s friend for the amount. The suit extremely upset the friend, who abandoned the residence.

Can the landlord successfully bring a suit against the tenant for this breach of the lease?


Yes, because the tenant’s assignment to the friend did not terminate the tenant’s obligations.

The landlord can sue the tenant for breach because the tenant’s assignment to the friend did not terminate the tenant’s obligations. An assignee is in privity of estate with the landlord and is liable for all covenants that run with the land, including the covenant to pay rent. The original tenant (assignor) remains in privity of contract with the landlord and is liable for the rent reserved in the lease if the assignee abandons the property. Therefore, the tenant is liable to the landlord for the remaining rent.

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A covenant against assignment or sublease is an unreasonable restraint on alienation.

T or F?


F. A covenant against assignment or sublease is NOT an unreasonable restraint on alienation. All jurisdictions permit and enforce such covenants.

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Does a conditional consent to the term against transfers act as a waiver of the term requiring the landlord to give written permission for subletting?


A conditional consent is not a waiver where the condition is not agreed to. If no condition is met, it’s a breach if the tenant violated the transfer term of the lease.

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A landlord entered into a 10-year lease of a building with an auctioneer, who planned to use the building itself for a storage area and the covered porch at the front of the building for auctions. A term in the auctioneer’s lease stated, “Lessor agrees to maintain all structures on the property in good repair.” Four years into the lease, the landlord sold the property to a buyer. The buyer did not agree to perform any obligations under the lease. As instructed, the auctioneer began paying rent to the buyer. In the fifth year of the lease, the porch roof began to leak. Citing the lease terms, the auctioneer asked the buyer to repair the roof. He continually refused to do so. The auctioneer finally repaired the roof herself at a cost of $2,000. The auctioneer then brought an appropriate lawsuit to recover the money.

Absent any other facts, what is the auctioneer likely to recover?


$2,000 from either the buyer or the landlord, because they are both in privity with the auctioneer.

The auctioneer may recover the cost of repair from either the landlord or the buyer. A landlord’s promise in a lease to maintain the property does not terminate because the property is sold. Although no longer in privity of estate, the original landlord and tenant remain in privity of contract, and the original landlord remains liable on the covenant unless there is a novation. A novation substitutes a new party for an original party to the contract. It requires the assent of all parties and completely releases the original party. Because neither the auctioneer nor the buyer has agreed to a novation, the landlord remains liable for the covenant because he and the auctioneer remain in privity of contract even after the sale. Thus, the promise to repair can be enforced against the landlord. When leased property is sold, the purchaser may be liable for his predecessor’s promises if the promise runs with the land. A covenant in a lease runs with the land if the parties to the lease so intend and the covenant touches and concerns the land.

Generally, promises to do a physical act, such as maintain or repair the property, are considered to run with the land. Thus, the buyer is liable because he is in privity of estate with the auctioneer and the covenant to repair runs with the land. Consequently, both the landlord and the buyer are potentially liable to the auctioneer for the repairs. While it is true that the sale/assignment to the buyer did not sever the landlord’s obligation to the auctioneer, as explained above, the landlord is not the only person who is liable to the auctioneer.

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A man had rented a woman’s home from her for seven years. When the time came to sign a new lease, the woman decided that because the man had always been a quiet tenant, she would continue to charge him only $350 per month rent instead of the $500 to $550 she could probably get otherwise. The new lease was for a period of five years, and by its terms, the man was specifically prohibited from assigning the lease without the woman’s specific written consent. About a year later, the man got married and moved into his new wife’s home. Instead of giving up his lease, the man sublet the property to a friend for $500 a month. The man did not get the woman’s permission to sublease the property.

If the woman brings an action to either eject the friend from the premises or to recover damages from the man for subletting the premises without her consent, what is the most likely result?


The woman will have no cause of action for either ejectment or damages.

The woman will most likely have no cause of action for either ejectment or damages. There are two ways for a tenant to transfer the right to possession under a lease: assignment (transferring the entire period of time remaining under the lease) and sublease (transferring only a portion of the time remaining under the lease). Restraints on alienation are traditionally strictly construed. Thus, a covenant prohibiting assignment does not prohibit subleasing and vice versa. Hence, this prohibition against assignment would not be read to include a prohibition against subleasing. Therefore, the woman would have no cause of action against the man

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If an easement is said to be surcharged, this means:


The easement’s legal scope was exceeded. If the easement holder uses the easement in a way that exceeds its legal scope, the easement is surcharged.

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An easement may be implied if, prior to the time the tract is divided, a use exists on the “servient part” that is reasonably necessary for the enjoyment of the “dominant part,” and a court determines that the parties intended the use to continue after division of the property. To give rise to an easement, a use must be apparent(clearly visible and would be readily discoverable - e.g. overhead wires) and continuous at the time the tract is divided.

Plus, the use must also be reasonably necessary. Whether a use is reasonably necessary depends on many factors, including the cost and difficulty of the alternatives.

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To acquire easement by prescription


Continuous adverse use - does not mean constant use. Periodic acts that put the owner on notice of the claimed easement fulfill the requirement. Only using the easement area twice during two years period does not amount to continuous use.


Easement appurtenant


The benefit of an easement appurtenant passes with transfers of the benefited land, regardless of whether the easement is mentioned in the conveyance. All who possess or subsequently succeed to title to the dominant tenement are entitled to the benefit of the easement.

It is easement appurtenant when the right to use the private (ex) road across the neighbor’s parcel (servient tenement) benefited the dominant tenement owner by providing the dominant owner with (ex) the most convenient access to the public highway.


A developer owned a 240-acre parcel of land zoned for commercial and residential use. He prepared and recorded, after obtaining approval from all appropriate agencies, a subdivision plan that included a commercial center and a number of lots for single- and multi-family residences. The list of covenants, conditions, and restrictions recorded with the plan included provisions that required every building constructed in the subdivision to be of “simulated adobe style” architecture approved in advance by an association. A year later, the developer sold many of the lots in the commercial center, including several to a real estate firm. Each deed prepared by the developer contained a reference to the design restriction in the recorded plan. The developer also sold almost all of the residential lots, the deeds of which contained the same reference to the restriction. The following year, the real estate firm sold one of its lots to a burger franchise. The deed contained no reference to the design restriction. The franchise’s prefabricated restaurant, complete with a giant burger logo mounted on the roof, was constructed over the weekend.

A merchant, an original purchaser of one of the commercial lots, owned the lot next to the burger franchise. She did not learn of construction of the restaurant until she came in to work on Monday, and saw the giant burger logo. The merchant brings an action seeking a mandatory injunction compelling the burger franchise to demolish the restaurant. At trial, the merchant proves that the burger franchise did not seek or obtain approval of the association for its building.

Should the court issue the injunction?


The court should issue the injunction because the covenant runs with the land.

A covenant will be enforceable as an equitable servitude-allowing a covenantee, covenantor, or successor to enforce the covenant in equity by way of injunction-when there is (i) a covenant in a writing satisfying the Statute of Frauds, that (ii) touches and concerns the land (i.e., the effect of the covenant makes the land more useful or valuable to the benefited party) and that (iii) indicates an intention that the servitude exists, and (iv) notice is given to future owners of the burdened land. Here, the covenant was in writing in the subdivision plan and presumably it satisfied the Statute of Frauds. It touches and concerns the land-benefiting all of the lots and burdening all of the lots. The intention to create the servitude is established by the writing and can also be implied from the common scheme for development. There was sufficient record notice of the covenant because the plan was recorded and was noted in all of the original deeds prepared by the developer, including the one in the burger franchise’s chain of title. Thus, the covenant is enforceable. (A)-No, because destruction of the restaurant would be a tremendous waste of resources- is incorrect because although an injunction is equitable in nature-so equitable principles govern-it is not a defense in equity merely to claim that granting an injunction will result in a waste of assets. (D)-Yes, unless the burger franchise can establish to the court’s satisfaction that its restaurant design has at least as much aesthetic merit as any “simulated adobe style” design- is incorrect because a court will not modify the covenant-it will enforce it or not enforce it, but will not substitute its judgment of what is aesthetically pleasing for the requirements of the covenant.


If equitable relief is sought, the covenant must be enforced as an __________________ rather than a real covenant.


Equitable servitude


If an adverse possessor uses land in violation of a recorded real covenant for the limitations period, she:


Takes title free of the real covenant.

If an adverse possessor uses land in violation of a recorded real covenant for the limitations period, she takes title free of the real covenant. The nature of the title obtained through adverse possession depends on the occupier’s activities on the land. If an adverse possessor uses the land in violation of a real covenant (i.e., a written promise to do or refrain from doing something on the land), she takes title free of the covenant EVEN IF she had knowledge of it. However, if she complies with the covenant for the statutory period, she takes title subject to the real covenant. In either case, if an adverse possessor uses land for the limitations period, she DOES take title to the land.


Twenty-five years ago, a man purchased a vacant tract of land from a woman. Unbeknownst to the man, the woman did not own the land. Someone else owned the land in fee simple. Shortly after the purchase, the man built a house on the northwest quarter of the tract, leaving the rest of the tract vacant. Recently, the actual owner of the tract died, still without knowledge that the man had built a house on the northwest corner of the tract. The actual owner’s will left all of his property to his son. The relevant statutory period for adverse possession is 20 years.

If the man brings suit to quiet title to the tract he had purchased 25 years ago, how should the court decide?


The man is the owner of the entire tract.

The man would be declared the owner of the tract on the basis of constructive adverse possession. Actual possession of a portion of a unitary tract of land is sufficient adverse possession as to give title to the whole of the tract of land after the statutory period, as long as there is a reasonable proportion between the portion actually possessed and the whole of the unitary tract, and the possessor has color of title to the whole tract.


Color or title?


Color of title is a document that purports to give title, but /for reasons not apparent from its face/ does not. Usually, the proportion will be held reasonable if possession of the portion was sufficient to put the owner or community on notice of the fact of possession. Here, the man had color of title to the entire tract because he purportedly purchased it from the woman. His house took up a significant portion of the property, such that the owner or community would have been on notice of the man’s possession of the tract.


If the buyer of land determines that the seller’s title is unmarketable, the buyer:


Must notify the seller and give a reasonable time to cure the defects

If the buyer of land determines that the seller’s title is unmarketable, the buyer may NOT sue for damages for breach as soon as the defect is discovered. As stated above, he must notify the seller and give her reasonable time to cure, even if this requires extending the closing date, and even if time is of the essence. If the seller fails to cure the defects, then the buyer may rescind the contract, sue for damages for breach, get specific performance with abatement of the purchase price, or (in some jurisdictions) require the seller to quiet title. Thus, it is not required that the buyer take title to the land “as is.”


A buyer entered into a written contract with a seller to purchase his commercial property for $100,000. The contract did not specify the quality of title to be conveyed, and made no mention of easements or reservations. The closing was set for November 25, three months from the signing of the contract. Shortly thereafter, the buyer obtained a survey of the property, which revealed that the city had an easement for the public sidewalk that ran in front of the store. Because this actually enhanced the value of the property, the buyer did not mention it to the seller.

Subsequently, the buyer found a better location for her business. On November 1, the buyer notified the seller that she no longer intended to purchase the property. The seller told her that he intended to hold her to her contract. At closing, the buyer refused to tender the purchase price, claiming that the seller’s title is unmarketable and citing the sidewalk easement as proof of that fact.

In a suit for specific performance, will the seller likely prevail?


Yes, because the buyer was aware of the visible easement and it enhanced the value of the property.

Easements are generally considered encumbrances that render title unmarketable; so if an easement is not provided for in the contract, it usually renders the seller’s title unmarketable. There is an exception, however. A majority of courts have held that a beneficial easement that was visible or known to the buyer does not constitute an encumbrance.


Can mortgagee of the land be protected as a BFP of land?


Yes. Mortgagees for value (but not those who receive a mortgage only as security for a preexisting debt) are treated as purchasers, either expressly by recording acts or by judicial classification. Thus, mortgagees for value who take without notice can be protected as BFPs.


Can a donee from a BFP of the land be protected as a bona fide purchaser of land?


Yes. Under the Shelter Rule, anyone who takes from a BFP will be treated like a BFP. This rule exists to protect the BFP by preserving his ability to convey property.


Can a purchaser from an heir to the land be protected as a bona fide purchaser of land?


Yes. Donees, heirs, and devisees themselves are not purchasers and thus cannot be BFPs. However, one who buys land from such a party will be protected against a prior unrecorded conveyance from the record owner.


Can a devisee of the land be protected as a BFP of land?


No. Donees, heirs, and devisees are not BFPs because they do not give value for their interests; i.e., they are not purchasers.

A BFP is a purchaser who takes land without notice of a prior instrument and pays valuable consideration.


Does one’s grantor’s use of a quitclaim deed charge a purchaser of realty with inquiry notice?


No. Inquiry notice means that a subsequent grantee is held to have knowledge of any facts that a reasonable inquiry would have revealed, even if he made no inquiry. A quitclaim deed releases whatever interest a grantor might have in the property and contains no covenants for title. Nonetheless, in the majority of states, grantees are not charged with inquiry notice from the mere fact that a quitclaim deed was used.


A notice statute requires only that the subsequent purchaser have no ______ or _________ (i.e., record or inquiry) notice ___________________________.


Actual, Constructive, At the time of the conveyance


By recording, the grantee gives ________ to everyone.


Constructive (or “record”) notice


If a donee (meaning, not a BFP) records her deed, what’s the effect of her recording?

The fact that the friend is merely a donee rather than a BFP does not mean that her recording has no effect. It is only the subsequent taker who has to be a BFP rather than a donee to utilize the recording statute. The prior grantee, regardless of her status, protects her interest by recording because it prevents anyone from becoming a subsequent BFP.


Still effective!

The fact that a donee rather than a BFP recorded does not mean that her recording has no effect. It is only the subsequent taker who has to be a BFP rather than a donee to utilize the recording statute. The prior grantee, regardless of her status, protects her interest by recording because it prevents anyone from becoming a subsequent BFP.


To satisfy a debt owed to a creditor, a son executed and delivered to the creditor a warranty deed to a large tract of undeveloped land. The creditor promptly recorded the deed. Shortly thereafter, she built a house on the property and has lived there ever since. The son never actually owned the land. It belonged to his father, but the father had promised to leave the property to the son.

Later, the father died and his will devised the property to the son. Pressed for money, the son then sold the land to an investor by warranty deed, which the investor promptly recorded. Although the investor paid full value for the property, he purchased it strictly for investment and never visited the site. He therefore did not realize that the creditor was living there, and knew nothing of the son’s earlier deed to the creditor.

The jurisdiction in which the land is located has the following statute: “A conveyance of an estate in land (other than a lease for less than one year) shall not be valid against any subsequent purchaser for value without notice thereof unless the conveyance is recorded.”

Which of the following is the most likely outcome of a quiet title action brought by the creditor against the investor?

(A) The creditor prevails, because the son had no title to convey to the investor.
(B) The creditor prevails, because the investor was not a purchaser for value without notice of the creditor’s interest.
(C) The investor prevails, because under the doctrine of estoppel by deed, title inures to the benefit of the original grantee only as against the grantor.
(D) The investor prevails, because under the recording acts, the deed from the son to the creditor was not in the chain of title and hence did not constitute notice to the investor.


(B). The creditor will prevail in a suit to quiet title because the investor had notice of the creditor’s interest in the property and, thus, is not a bona fide purchaser for value. When a grantor purports to convey property that he does not own, his subsequent acquisition of title to that property vests in the grantee under the doctrine of estoppel by deed. Most courts, however, hold that this is personal estoppel, which means that title inures to the grantee’s benefit only as against the grantor, not a subsequent bona fide purchaser. If the grantor transfers his after-acquired title to an innocent purchaser for value, the bona fide purchaser gets good title. There is a split of authority as to whether the original grantee’s recordation of the deed imparts sufficient notice to prevent a subsequent purchaser from being a bona fide purchaser, but the majority view is that it does not because it is not in his chain of title. Thus, it is not the fact that the creditor recorded that prevents the investor from being a bona fide purchaser. The fact that the creditor built a home and was living on the property gave the investor constructive notice of her interest. A title search is not complete without an examination of possession. If the possession is unexplained by the record, the subsequent purchaser is charged with knowledge of whatever an inspection of the property would have disclosed and anything that would have been disclosed by inquiring of the possessor. Therefore, the investor is charged with knowledge of the creditor’s possession and with what the creditor would have told him about her possession; i.e., that the property was conveyed to her by the son prior to his conveyance to the investor. Consequently, the investor does not qualify as a bona fide purchaser, and (C) is an incorrect choice. (A) is incorrect because, although the son is estopped to deny that he acquired title for the benefit of the creditor, he could have conveyed valid title to a subsequent purchaser for value who had no notice of the creditor’s interest. Therefore, it is not exactly correct to say that the son had no title to convey. (D) is incorrect because the investor will not prevail. It is true that under the recording acts the creditor’s deed was not in the chain of title, but the investor still does not qualify as a bona fide purchaser. The investor is on inquiry notice arising from the creditor’s possession of the property.


On February 10, an owner took out a $10,000 mortgage on her land with a bank. On February 15, the owner conveyed the land for $50,000 to a buyer who was not aware of the mortgage. On February 17, the bank recorded its mortgage interest in the land. On February 21, the buyer recorded his deed to the land.

Does the buyer hold the land subject to the bank’s mortgage?


Yes, in a race-notice jurisdiction.

All recording acts apply to mortgages as well as deeds. Thus, a subsequent purchaser of the property will take subject to a prior mortgage unless the recording act changes the result


Must a junior mortgagee be named as a party to a senior mortgagee’s foreclosure action?


Yes, because it has the right to pay off the senior mortgage to avoid being wiped out by foreclosure.

Foreclosure destroys interests ( e.g., liens, mortgages, leases, easements) junior to the mortgage being foreclosed. Thus, if a senior mortgage is in default, a junior mortgagee has the right to pay it off (i.e., redeem it) to avoid being wiped out by its foreclosure.

Only those with interests subordinate to that of the foreclosing party must be named in the foreclosure action.


Statutory redemption is the right of a mortgagor to recover the land ____________, usually by paying __________.


After the foreclosure sale has occurred, The foreclosure sale price.

About half the states provide a statutory right to redeem for some fixed period after the foreclosure sale has occurred, usually six months or one year. The amount to be paid is generally the foreclosure sale price, rather than the amount of the original debt. This right extends to mortgagors and, in some states, to junior lienors.


What is Equitable Redemption?


Equitable redemption is the right of a mortgagor to recover the land by paying the amount overdue on the mortgage, plus interest, at any time before the foreclosure sale. If the mortgagor has defaulted and the mortgage or note contained an acceleration clause, then the full balance of the mortgage must be paid in order to redeem in equity.


Which correctly states the order of priority for allocating mortgage foreclosure sale proceeds, from first to last?


The foreclosing party, any junior lienors in the order of their priority, and then the mortgagor

The order of priority for allocating mortgage foreclosure sale proceeds is as follows, from first to last: 1. Expenses of the sale, including attorneys’ fees, and court costs; 2. The principal and accrued interest on the foreclosing party’s loan; 3. Any junior lienors in the order of their priority; and then 4. The mortgagor. In many cases, no surplus remains after the principal debt is paid off.

Senior lienors receive none of the proceeds. Because a senior lien remains on the property (i.e., may itself be foreclosed in the future), a senior lienor is not entitled to any of the money from the sale, even if there is a surplus.


A landowner in fee simple signed a promissory note for $10,000 to a bank, and secured the note by a mortgage of her land to the bank. The mortgage was duly recorded. The landowner then sold the property to an attorney, who assumed and agreed to pay the mortgage to the bank on the land. The attorney did not make payments on the mortgage note to the bank. The bank, following appropriate statutory procedures, foreclosed the mortgage and gave notice to both the landowner and the attorney that it intended to sue for any deficiency. At the foreclosure sale, the property sold for $6,000. The bank now sues both the landowner and the attorney for $5,000, which is the remaining amount of the unpaid principal and interest on the note plus costs of foreclosure.

Against which party will the bank be successful in obtaining a judgment?


Both the landowner and the attorney, although it may only collect once. When a grantee assumes the mortgage, the grantee expressly promises the grantor-mortgagor that he will pay the mortgage obligation as it becomes due. The mortgagee then becomes a third-party beneficiary of the grantee’s promise to pay and can sue the grantee directly if the grantee fails to pay. After the assumption, the grantor-mortgagor becomes a surety who is secondarily liable to the mortgagee on the note if the grantee fails to pay. The landowner and the attorney are jointly liable, even though the attorney is primarily liable and the landowner is secondarily liable as a surety.


If a foreclosure sale arises, how do the proceeds being used?


Proceeds from the sale are used to satisfy the loan that was foreclosed first.


What happens when a mortgage is foreclosed?


When a mortgage is foreclosed, the purchaser at the sale will take title as it existed when the mortgage was placed on the property. Thus, foreclosure will terminate interests junior to the mortgage being foreclosed but will not affect senior interests.

However, if a lien senior to that of a mortgagee is in default, the junior mortgagee has the right to pay it off (i.e., redeem it) to avoid being wiped out by its foreclosure. Thus, those persons with interests subordinate to those of the foreclosing party are necessary parties to the foreclosure action.

Failure to include a necessary party results in the preservation of that party’s interest despite foreclosure and sale. Hence, the seller’s failure to include the creditor as a party to the foreclosure action preserved the creditor’s mortgage on the property. To avoid the creditor’s foreclosing (because the buyer was in default of the creditor’s mortgage as well), the seller will need to pay off the creditor’s mortgage.

So,, is it the junior mortgagee that’s paying…? with their money..?


What rights do junior mortgagees have when there is a foreclosure of a lien senior to that of a mortgagee?


They have the right to pay it off (i.d., redeem it) to avoid being wiped out by its foreclosure. When those persons with interests subordinate to those of the foreclosing party (necessary parties) are NOT included to the foreclosure action, the senior mortgagee must pay off the subordinate mortgagees’ mortgage.
일종의 박탈이니까, redeem할 권리를 senior mortgagee가 박탈하는 거니까.


What is the general rule for the priority of a mortgage?


Generally, the priority of a mortgage is determined by the time it was placed on the property, and the proceeds of a foreclosure sale will be used to pay off the mortgages in the order of their priority.

However, if the landowner enters into a modification agreement with the senior mortgagee, raising its interest rate or otherwise making the agreement more burdensome, the junior mortgage will be given priority over the modification.

  • If a landowner orally gives his neighbor permission to share a private road
  • Fact silent about expending any money, property, or labor pursuant to the agmt.
  • Neighbor used the road on a daily basis for 3 years.
  • land conveyed & GE stopped neighbor from using the road.

Does the neighbor have the right to use the road?


No. GE terminated the license to use his land.