what does an easement give the holder the right to do?
- use another’s tract of land for a special purpose (e.g. to access a road)
- but holder has no right to possess or enjoy the land
what is the presumed term of an easement?
it is presumed to be of perpetual duration unless grant specifically limits it.
What is easement appurtenant?
- easement that benefits holder in his physical use or enjoyment of another tract of land.
- there must be 2 tracts for easement appurtenant
- dominant tenement (estate benefitted by easement)
- servient tenement (estate subject to the easement)
when does easement appurtnenant trasnfer with the land?
- easement appurtenant automatically transfers with the benefited land
- does not have to be mentioned in the conveyance
- easement appurtenant automatically transfers with burdened land
- unless new owner is BFP with no notice (actual, constructive, inquiry) of the easement
can an easement appurtenant be conveyed apart from the dominant tenement?
No. Unless it is conveyed to the owner of the servient tenement to extinguish the easement.
what is easement in gross?
An easement that benefits the holder as opposed to another parcel.
Is an easement in gross transferable?
If easement in gross is for holder’s personal pleasure - not transferable.
if easement in gross serves economic or commercial interest - transferable.
How is an easement created?
- express grant
- express reservation
- implication
- easement implied from existing use
- easement implied without existing use
- easement by necessity
- prescription
how is easement created by express grant?
- grant must be:
- memorialized in writing
- signed by holder of servient tenement (unless easement to be less than 1 yr and not in SoF)
- grant must comply with requirements of formal deed
When is an easement created by express reservation?
- grantor conveys title to land but reserves right to continue using tract for a special purpose
- easement can be reserved ONLY FOR GRANTOR
- attempt to reserve easement for someone else = void
when is easement implied from existing use (i.e. implied by operation of law)?
- easement is implied from existing use if:
- prior to division of a single tract
- an apparent and continuous use exists on the servient part
- that is reasonably necessary for enjoyment of the dominant part; and
- parties intended the use to continue after division of the land
When is easement implied without prexisting use?
- subdivision rule
- when lots sold in subdivision
- with referense to recorded plat or map
- that shows streets leading to lots
- buyers have implied easement to use streets to access their lots
- profit a prendre
- when holder has right to take natural resources from the land
- they have implied easement to pass over the surface of the land
- easement by necessity
- when landowner sells a portion of his tract
- and the subdivision one lot of access to a public road or utility line
- owner of servient parcel has right to indicate where the easement will be located (e.g. choice between several roads)
when is easement acquired by prescription?
- use is open and notorious (discoverable upon inspection)
- adverse (without owner’s permission)
- continuous and uninterrupted
- for the statutory period
- in common law and VA = 20 yrs
- in VA if for water and sewer services = 10 yr
- cant be acquired in public land
what is the scope of an easement?
- absent specific indication in grant:
- courts assume easement intended to meet present and future needs of dominant tenement
- easement can widen to accomodate newer cars
- cant overburden servient estate
- courts assume easement intended to meet present and future needs of dominant tenement
What if there is overuse or misuse of an easement?
- does not terminate the easement
- remedy for servient owner = injunction against misuse
who has duty to make repairs on easement?
- easement holder if he is sole user
- if both parties using - court will apportion the costs
how can a easement be termination?
- stated conditions
- unity of ownership (merger)
- release
- abandonment
- estoppel
- prescription
- necessity
- condemnation and destruction
how is easement terminated by stated conditions
- easement grant may specify under what conditions easement will terminate
how is easement terminated by unity of ownership (merger)
- if same person acquires ownership of both easement and servient estate
- easement is destroyed
- even though there may be later separation
how is easement terminated by release?
- deed of release from owner of easement to owner of servient tenement