Real Estate Course Chapter 10 Flashcards
An acre contains how many square feet?
43,560. (approximately 208.71 feet × 208.71 feet).
A mile is how many feet?
A line pointed in the direction opposite North 20 degrees East is
A)South 20 degrees West.
B)North 20 degrees West.
C)West 20 degrees South.
D)South 40 degrees East.
The answer is SOUTH 20 DEGREES WEST
What term is used to describe fractional pieces of land less than a full quarter section located along the banks of lakes and streams?
A)Government lot
B)Partial section
D)Government section
What is the original document used by the federal or state government to transfer land to a private individual?
D)Government note
The answer is B) PATENT
How many acres are in a parcel described as the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ and the SE ¼ of the S ½?
The answer is B) 120. 640 ÷ 4 ÷ 4 = 40 acres; 640 ÷ 4 ÷ 2 = 80 acres; 40 + 80 = 120 acres
Which partial description describes an area of land six miles wide that touches where the principal meridian and base line intersect?
A)Township 1 East
B)Range 2 West
C)Range 1 East
D)Township 1 West
The answer is C) RANGE 1 EAST.
Which range is furthest away from the intersection of the principal meridian and base line?
The answer is B) R22W.
Which section is located directly south of section 1?
D) 12
What are the dimensions of a parcel of land formed by sections 25, 26, 35, and 36 of a township?
A)One mile by four miles
B)Two miles by two miles
C)Two miles by four miles
D)Six miles by twenty-four miles
The answer is B) TWO MILES BY TWO MILES. Sections 25, 26, 35, and 36 form a square. Because each section is one mile square, the resulting square is two miles by two miles, or two miles square
Which method of legal description was NOT used in the original 13 colonies?
B)All of these methods were used in the original 13 colonies
C)Government survey method
Which method of legal description is used in subdivisions and is contained in recorded plat maps?
B)Government survey
C)Lot and block
The answer is C) LOT AND BLOCK
Which description BEST fits if one were to shade in sections 14, 15, 16, and 17 of a township?
A)Vertical line
C)Diagonal line
The answer is B) RECTANGLE
Which direction describes a range?
B) Vertical
How many acres are in a parcel described as the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼?
The answer is D) 10. 640 ÷ 4 ÷ 4 ÷ 4 = 10 acres
Which government office assigns Parcel ID numbers to land within a tax district?
A)Property appraiser
B)Tax collector
C)City commission
D)County clerk
A)Property appraiser
TRUE OR FALSE The metes-and-bounds description is the LEAST accurate of the three types of legal descriptions
FALSE. The metes-and-bounds description is the most accurate method of land description.
TRUE OR FALSE Under the survey system, township lines are drawn every 6 miles north and south of a base line.
Each 24-by-24-mile square created by intersecting guide meridians and corrections is called a _______
With respect to the federal government’s survey system Baseline run _____________?
East West latitudes
With respect to the federal government’s survey system Principal Meridians run _____________?
North South longitudes
TRUE OR FALSE The MOST common type of legal description used for single-family dwellings located in developed subdivisions is the LOT AND BLOCK method.
TRUE OR FALSE The parcel described as NE¼, SW¼, NW¼ contains 10 acres.
The statement is TRUE. 640 ÷ 4 ÷ 4 ÷ 4 =10.
TRUE OR FALSE Each section in a township contains 640 acres within its boundaries.
TRUE OR FALSE Each township contains 6 sections.
TRUE OR FALSE The township north of T2S, R3E is T1S, R2E.
The statement is FALSE. The township north of T2S, R3E is T1S, R3E. The row of townships due north of T2S is T1S. The range number does not change when moving north and south.
Name the 3 types of survey methods used today.
Metes and Bounds, Government survey system, Lot and block descriptions
What is the oldest survey method?
Metes and Bounds
Metes refers to _________ and Bounds refers to __________.
Metes refers to DISTANCE and Bounds refers to DIRECTION.
A Metes and Bounds description begins at an exact starting point called a ___
Point of Beginning (POB)
In the Metes and Bounds method, the surveyor identifies each corner of the parcel with a visible marker called a _______
The Government Survey system is also known as
The U.S. System of Rectangular Surveys and
The Public Domain System.
With respect to the Government Survey System the beginning reference is the intersection of a north/south line called ___ and a east/west line called ______
Principal Meridian (north/south) and Base line (east/west).
With respect to the Government Survey System how many Principal Meridians were established in the U.S.
With respect to the Government Survey System what is the name of the Principal Meridian and Base line that governs Florida?
The Tallahassee Principal Meridian and Base line.
In Metes and Bounds, the Point of beginning (POB) and ALL turning points(corners of the parcel) should be regarded as being the exact center of a _____.
In Metes and Bounds, degrees are divided into ____.The symbol used is _____
60 minutes ‘
In Metes and Bounds, minutes are divided into ______. The symbol used is ______.
60 seconds “
In Metes and Bounds, The symbol used for degrees is ______.
a small circle.
The primary purpose of a legal description is to
describe a particular piece of property in a way that uniquely identifies that parcel from any other parcel
a drawing of a parcel of land showing its boundary lines and includes the legal description of the property
a survey
a certificate issued by the federal or a state government that transfers land to a private individual
a patent (the original deed)
A metes-and-bounds description begins at an exact starting point called a
Point of beginning (POB)
In metes-and-bounds directions are given in
degrees (0), minutes (‘), seconds (“)
In metes-and-bounds the Point of beginning (POB) and ALL turning points (corners of the parcel) should be regarded as
being the exact center of a circle
The intent of the Government Survey system was
to create a large grid with every square of the grid uniquely identified.
The Government Survey system is based
on intersecting lines
On each side of the Principal Meridian lines there are ___________. They are spaced _____ miles apart. The space between each Range line is called a _____
Range lines; 6; Range
With respect to the GSS, the first vertical line to the EAST of a Principal Meridian line is named ____.
With respect to the GSS, the first vertical line to the WEST of a Principal Meridian line is named ____.
Principal Meridian lines and Range lines run
North and South (vertical)
Base lines and Township lines run
East and West (horizontal)
The range lines _______ by moving moving one farther from the Principal Meridian
increase ( Example:R1E, R2E, R3E)
The distance between Range lines is
6 miles
The distance between Township lines is
6 miles
With respect to the GSS, the first township line to the NORTH of a Base line is named ____.
With respect to the GSS, the first township line to the SOUTH of a Base line is named ____.
With respect to GSS, the resulting grid pattern formed by the corssing (or intersection) of range and township lines produces a series of squares, six miles square known as
Does the term TOWNSHIP have two meanings in GSS?
YES. In addition to the (east/west) strip of land north or south of a base line, the term also applies to the square created by the intersection of base and and range lines.
How many square miles are in a township square
Each township is divided into ___________
Each section is _____ SQUARE MILE or _______ acres
1; 640
TRUE OR FALSE: the LOT AND BLOCK method can only be used where plat maps have been recorded in the public record