Real 2850 Week 1 Flashcards
what are the different types of homelessness
1) Unsheltered
2) Emergency Sheltered
3)Provisionally Accommodated
What is Unsheltered Homelessness
This includes people who lack housing and are not accessing emergency shelters or accommodation, except during
extreme weather conditions. In most cases, people are staying in places that are not designed for or fit for human
What is Emergency Sheltered Homeless
This refers to people who, because they cannot secure permanent housing, are accessing emergency shelter and
system supports, generally provided at no cost or minimal cost to the user. Such accommodation represents a stop-gap institutional response to homelessness provided by government, non-profit, faith-based organizations and/or
What is provisionally accommodated homeless
This describes situations in which people, who are technically homeless and without permanent shelter, access
accommodation that offers no prospect of permanence. Those who are provisionally accommodated may be accessing temporary housing provided by government or the non-profit sector, or may have independently made
arrangements for short-term accommodation.
what are the different types of provisionally accommodated homeslessness
1) Interim Housing
2) Hidden Homelessness
3)Temp Rental
4) Institutional Care
5) Refugee Reception Houses
what is at-risk of homelessness
though not technically homeless, this includes individuals or families whose current housing situations are
dangerously lacking security or stability, and so are considered to be at risk of homelessness. They are living in housing that is intended for permanent human habitation, and could potentially be permanent (as opposed to those who are
provisionally accommodated)
what are the different types of at-risk homelessness
1) Imminent Risk
2) Precariously Housed
what are the causes of homelessness
1) Individual - relational factors
2) Structural Factors
3)System Failures
how many categories of homelessness does govt of Canada recognize
emergency sheltered
provisionally accommodated
at risk
What is Indigenous Homelessness
Indigenous homelessness is a human
condition that describes First Nations,
Métis and Inuit individuals, families or
communities lacking stable,
permanent, appropriate housing, or
the immediate prospect, means or
ability to acquire such housing
Causes of Indigenous Homelessness
- Historic displacement
- Contemporary geographic separation
- Spiritual disconnection
- Mental disruption and imbalances
- Cultural disintegration and loss
- Overcrowding
- Relocation and mobility
- Going home
- Nowhere to go
- Escaping or evading harm
- Emergency crisis
- Climatic refugee
What are the causes of homelessness:
1) Individual Relations
2) Structural Factors
3) System Failures
1) Trauma
adverse childhood experience (ACE)
Traumatic Brain Injury (Most common 50%)
Complex Trauma
developmental and Situational
Physical and mental health
addiction and substance abuse
2) Structural Factors
Lack of affordable housing
lack of health supports
poverty and decreasing value and availability of govt assistance
3) System Failures
Child welfare - Housing instability in care, difficult transition from care and youth failure
Newcomers and refugees - compounding factors and different needs.
Inadequate Discharge Planning
Addiction Facilities, Mental Health Facilities etc
The govt of Canada does not recognize what type of homelessness
Chronic Homelessness
what does congregate setting in a shelter mean
people living together in a building with shared access to washrooms
What is homelessness definition?
Homelessness describes the situation of an individual, family or community without stable, safe, permanent,
appropriate housing, or the immediate prospect, means and ability of acquiring it. It is the result of systemic or societal barriers, a lack of affordable and appropriate housing, the individual/household’s financial, mental, cognitive, behavioural or physical challenges, and/or racism and discrimination