Real 1820 week 8 Flashcards
Land Use planning
defined as managing our land and resources
Why is land use planning important?
Careful land use planning allows municipalities to manage their growth
while addressing social, economic and environmental concerns and
balancing the interest of property owners with the community’s needs.
Tools Used To Control Land Use Planning: The Planning Act
defines the approach, ground rules and assigns roles to key participants
Tools Used To Control Land Use Planning: Official Plan
a road map used by municipalities to achieve community goals (economic, social, enviornemnt)
Tools Used To Control Land use: Zoning by laws
Prevention of negative externalities that arise from conflicting land uses (garbage dumps)
Minor Variances
when there is a small variation from the zoning bylaw, you can request permission through an application for a minor variance
Minor Variance does not change the zone itself, only slight deviation from the zoning by laws
Zoning Bylaw amendments
If you want to develop or use a property in a way that is not currently allowed by the zoning bylaw, you can apply for a zoning change known as a zoning bylaw amendment
Building Codes
set of rules that set the minimum standard to which a new home or building can be constructed.
Building Permit:
a formal approval from your municipality to construct, add to, or renovate a building on your property
you must obtain a building permit before you:
- exterior work ( deck, sunroom, pool, garage)
- interior work
- plumbing
- heating
- demolition/removal
- electrical
Urban Sprawl characteristics:
- separation of uses
- low density
- automobile dependence
- residential developments built on greenfields
Urban Sprawl Defined
The disorganized and unattractive expansion of an urban or industrial area into the adjoining countryside”