Readings Useful from Other Modules Flashcards
Rickards (2015)
- role metaphor in Anthropocene and idea humans as geological force
- metaphors to aid scientists communication
- metaphor gives new meaning to an ordinary word by equating it another
- metaphors illuminate some parts world and shape actions eg. idea earth as sick = cure like geoengineering solutions
- gaia metaphor
Burgess (1990)
“The argument is advanced that the media are an integral part of a complex cultural process through which environmental meanings are produced and consumed. Applying theoretical perspectives developed in cultural studies, evidence from a range of case studies is presented to demonstrate the ways in which environmental meanings are encoded in different forms of media texts and decoded by the different groups who comprise the audiences. It is argued that physical and human geographers could usefully collaborate in research with both producers and consumers of media texts, so as to better understand contemporary discourses about human-environment relations.”
Aldred (2016)
- over 1,000 species relocated due CC - increase translation
- traditional conservation methods like protected areas no longer enough - human impact planet increasing
- 2013 IUCN report 6-9% of endangered bird species, 11-15% of amphibians and 6-9% of corals were considered highly vulnerable to climate change and would be threatened with a greater risk of extinction if current climate trends continued
Hance (2017)
- Impacts ecosystems occurring faster than predicted
- eg chipmunks Yellowstone National Park seen shape their skulls change due to climate pressure - genetic changes
- 2017 47% land mammals and 23% birds already suffered neg impacts CC - 700 species - underreporting of impact - IUCN Red List only considers 7% mammals and 4% birds threatened CC
Stephanie et al (2013)
- Rio+20 biodiversity marginalised, biodiversity conservation agenda subsumed into broader issues SD, green economy, CC - biodiversity put in line market trends
- PES = payments for ecosystem services
Hurricane Katrina Dickel and Kindinger (2015) / Paxson et al (2012) / Kamel (2012)
- New Orleans 2005 levees broke = 80% city flooded
- laid inequalities bare - race and class
- long-term impacts Katrina mental health - low income mothers experienced PTSD, anxiety disorder
- 5 years after Katrina 90% New Orleans metropolitan population returned but recovery patterns v uneven - lowest repopulation rates = areas highest damage and high concentrations minorities, low income households
Elliott (2020) - Jan World Economic Forum, Davos
- Greta Thunberg tells leaders at Davos to listen threat + science
- remaining budget will be gone in less than 8 years for staying within 1.5 degrees
- assumption future generations will somehow such billions tonnes CO2 out atmosphere when technology not yet exist
Lowry (2019) Conservative Attack greta
- Greta = pawn being used by adults for their own interests
- jet travel publicity stunt sail across Atlantic
- kids are powerful pawns - for the children has seductive political appeal
- same people say world must listen to 16 year old will say how dare criticise a 16 year old if pushback occurs
- children have nothing useful to offer - compare children’s demands climate action to a tantrum - not as simple as cc easily stopped if adults cared - more complex
- haven’t failed based on social/econ wellbeing
Chakrabortty (2019) left rebuttal - housing Greta is proof right run out ideas
- ugly personal attacks on greta
- grown men bullying a schoolgirl
- can’t dismantle her arguments as backed by science or use her background against her - try something else
- pick on her Aspergers, calling her weird - trying to deny opponent legitimacy to speak because of who they are
Unigwe (2019) it’s not just Greta, why are we ignoring developing world’s activists
- young people south tackling climate crisis years
- Ridhima Pandey age 9 in 2017 when filed lawsuit against Indian gov failing take CC action
- greta is a superstar but so are her peers - thunberg has privileges west - she is aware of this and mentions fellow activists
- teenager Aditya Makarji 2018 war against plastic straws
- frustrating as other activists in media shown as Greta of their country or following her even if they started before - own identities and work erased western media
- bangladesh first country ban plastic bags 2002, Rwanda banned non-biodegradable plastic 2008
TIME (2019)
Greta Thunberg Time’s person year 2019
Barnosky et al (2011)
Has Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived
- human induced
Fisher and Romm (2006)
Env Injustice - West Oakland, California air toxic - GIS and spatial analysis
- air toxics on low-income area
- West Oakland - majority African American (65% pop), income 20-25,000 and 14 schools within 600m TRI facility
- factories and truck routes problem
- GIS analysis / EPA led to pressure Red Star Yeast to restrict emissions or face sanctions an close - closed due to market conditions
Pellow (2000) Env Inequality - Env injustice
- case study recycling plant Chicago (African American workers) - hazards, overtime, failure pay employees, handling dangerous medical waste, health vs job - 1995 chicago blue bag recycling programme - came out of env movement calling end landfill
Cohen (2006) / Tait et al (2016) / Dodds et al (2014) / Klaiman et al (2016) / van Herpen et al (2014)
- consumer society consumers can demand changes - eg reduction plastic
tested willingness pay env products - env sustainability labelling food products change behaviour
/ - growing popularity local food consumption - farmers markets
/ - 31% env-friendly packaging as most important factor purchase in terms packaging - preferences env packaging
/ - new concepts supermarkets without packaging eg Biocoop in Paris - buy/bring bags and jars re-fill
- testing impact plastic - unpacked veg/fruit chosen over packed
Scott (1998)
Seeing like a state
Merchant - Fish First
- individual (fisher takes fish), society (caught good society) or intrinsic (value fish in own right) - diff approach to management/ policy, diff env ethic
- Fisheries Pacific NW 1820s-1880s laissez-faire market economy (individual) - egocentric ethic - fish as passive objects, assume fisheries inexhaustible, fished competitively - tragedy of commons, private property fish
- causes collapse = utilitarian/ homocentric ethic society first, fish second - 1930s dams built - 1940s salmon catch 1/10 1890
- 1950s ecocentric approach (leopold land ethic) - fish first - optimum sustainable yield
- proposes partnership ethic - people and nature equal importance
Hardin (1968)
tragedy of the commons