Readings Flashcards
There is impaired masticatory ability when a patient has less than _ teeth
How many pairs of occluding teeth are there in SDA
Adult patients have adequate functionality when the most posterior teeth are
2nd premolars
Important considerations when treatment planning are _ to establish a prognosis
- Chief complaint
- Functional and psychological needs
- Relevant medical and dental history
- Ability for patient to maintain the treatment
Differences in the elderly population we see today are
- Keeping teeth
- Living longer
- Living with chronic disease
Dental health risk factors seen in elderly populations are
- Restorative trauma to teeth
- Recession
- Medication induced xerostomia
- Diet= carb ingestions
- Decrease oral hygiene (dexterity)
Over a 8 year period what is the 1st most common complications of an FDP
Reasons for caries around FDPs are
- Marginal gaps
- Difficult cleaning access
RPD patients have a higher probability of caries on what teeth
- abutment teeth
- any teeth in contact with the RPD
- Teeth with gingival recession
Caries susceptibilit (increases/decreases) when the abutment tooth is crowned
What are the three main mechanisms of fluoride
- Inhibiting remineralization
- Promoting remineralization
- Inhibiting bacterial metabolism (at high conc.)
Inadequate salivary flow is defined as _ mL/min or less
In prosth patients with gingival recession a fluoride varnish is recommended how many times annually
3 times
Chlorhexidine due to staining and impact on taste should be limited to
7 consetutive days 1 x per month
Chlorhexidine recommended dose is .
10 mL of a 0.12% rinse for one minute 1 hr before brushing
How often should paitents chew xylitol gum at high caries risk
15 min with 7-10g/day
What is CPP-ACP
Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (MI paste)
Patients with Xerostomia can benefit from
- low sugar diet
- frequent water sipping (with 2 teaspoons of baking soda in 8 ox water)–> neutralizes acid in the mouth
Predictors for abutment tooth longevity are
- C:R ratio
- Mobility
- Alveolar bone support
- Root configuration
- Angulation
- Opposing occlusion
- Pulp condition
- Presence of endo treatment