Readings Flashcards
What is ecological diversity?
Can be viewed as the ecological stage. Set by climate, topography geology, soil and physical disturbance factors.
What is forest ecology?
The study of forest ecosystems at both the stand and landscape scale, (ecosystems in which ecological processes are dominated by trees.)
What is temporal diversity?
Can be viewed as the ecological play, representing ecosystem disturbance and the ecosystem process of post disturbance recovery and development.
What is biological diversity?
The ecological actors, determined by the ecological stage (ecological diversity) and the ecological play (temporal diversity)
Whats the difference between a forest and a terrestrial ecosystem?
A forest is a terrestrial ecosystem in which the ecological processes and availability of habitat for plants animals and microorganisms are determined by the dominance of trees.
A terrestrial ecosystem is any land dominated system of biological and physical components that exhibit the 5 key attributes
-Change over time
Briefly describe forest structure
The most important aspect of forest structure is the spatial arrangement of live and dead plant biomass. This determines habitat for all varieties of organisms and affects soil and hydrologic processes.
Briefly describe forest function
Function-The creation of biomass by plants is the single most important aspect of forest function. It creates the energy supply that drives most animal and microbial populations and is the foundation of food webs.
What are the 4 stages of succession?
- Stand initiation- tree pop. Established after initial competition reduction of disturbance
- Stem exclusion- crown closure is enough to out compete and kill less competitive trees, reducing stand density
- Understory re-initiation- dying trees leave big enough gaps for increase light penetration and establishment of shade tolerant species
- Old Growth stage- original pop reaches max size and longevity. Understory is going through stem exclusion and preparing for replacement of Overstory